Updated on 2024/04/02


Graduate School of Engineering Civil and Environmental Engineering 4 Professor
Graduate School
Graduate School of Engineering
Undergraduate School
School of Engineering Architecture
Contact information

Degree 2

  1. Doctor of Engineering ( 1994.6   Tokyo Institute of Technology ) 

  2. Master of Engineering

Research Interests 8

  1. Fracture mechanics

  2. Composite structures

  3. Image Analysis

  4. Low cycle fatigue

  5. High cycle fatigue

  6. Welding

  7. Maintenance

  8. Steel Structures

Research Areas 1

  1. Others / Others  / Structural Engineering, Earthquake Engineering, Maintenance Management Engineering

Current Research Project and SDGs 2

  1. Fatigue and fracture of steel bridges

  2. Mechanical behaviors of steel-concrete composite structures

Research History 14

  1. Japan Society for Promotion of Science   Researcher

    2018.4 - 2022.3

  2. Nagoya University   Professor


  3. Nagoya University   Professor

    2010.4 - 2017.3

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  4. Nagoya University   EcoTopia Science Institute   Professor

    2005.4 - 2010.3

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  5. Nagoya University   EcoTopia Science Institute   Professor

    2004.4 - 2005.3

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  6. Nagoya University   Center for Integrated Research in Science and Engineering   Professor

    2003.4 - 2004.3

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  7. スイス連邦工科大学ローザンヌ校   客員教授

    2002.5 - 2002.12

  8. Nagoya University   Graduate School of Environmental Studies   Associate Professor

    2001.4 - 2003.3

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  9. Nagoya University   Dept. of Civil Engineering   Associate Professor

    2000.4 - 2001.3

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  10. University of Tokyo   Institute of Industrial Science   Associate Professor

    1997.7 - 2000.3

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  11. Tokyo Institute of Technology   Dept, of Civl Eng.   Associate Professor

    1997.3 - 1997.6

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  12. Tokyo Institute of Technology   Dept, of Civl Eng.   Lecturer

    1995.2 - 1997.2

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  13. Tokyo Institute of Technology   Dept, of Civl Eng.   Assistant

    1990.4 - 1995.1

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  14. East Japan Railway Co., Ltd.

    1988.4 - 1990.3

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Education 2

  1. Tokyo Institute of Technology   Graduate School, Division of Integrated Science and Engineering   Department of Environmental Engineering

    - 1988

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    Country: Japan

  2. Tokyo Institute of Technology   Faculty of Engineering   Department of Civil Engineering

    - 1986

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    Country: Japan

Professional Memberships 7

  1. 日本溶接協会   学識会員


  2. 鋼橋技術研究会


  3. 東海構造研究グループ


  4. Japan Society of Civil Engineers


  5. Japanese Society of Steel Construction

  6. International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE)

  7. Japan Welding Society

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Committee Memberships 157

  1. 首都高速道路技術センター:首都高速道路の橋梁に関する調査研究委員会   委員  

    2023.12 - 2024.9   

  2. 名古屋ガイドウェイバスのバス専用事業化橋梁構造検討会   委員  

    2023.12 - 2024.3   

  3. 名古屋市:令和5年度ガイドウェイバス高架構造物のバス専用道化検討業務委託事業者評価   事業者評価委員  

    2023.8 - 2023.10   

  4. 国土交通省中部地方整備局:国道1号清水立体尾羽第2高架橋事故調査委員会   事故調査委員長  

    2023.7 - 2024.3   

  5. 日本鋼構造協会:疲労設計指針改訂小委員会   委員長  

    2023.5 - 2026.3   

  6. 日本鋼構造協会:技術・標準委員会   委員  

    2023.5 - 2024.3   

  7. 首都高速道路技術センター:首都高速道路の橋梁に関する調査研究委員会   委員  

    2023.5 - 2023.10   

  8. 名古屋高速道路の維持・管理に関する調査研究委員会鋼構造部会   部会長  

    2023.1 - 2023.3   

  9. 中日本ハイウェイエンジニアリング   構造物の長寿強化・維持管理に関する講演講師  

    2023.1 - 2023.2   

  10. 日本溶接協会:第38期学識会員   学識会員  

    2022.10 - 2024.9   

  11. 交通工学研究会 交通工学に関する研究・出版等   委員  

    2022.8 - 2023.3   

  12. 土木学会論文集編集委員会   委員  

    2022.6 - 2024.6   

  13. 都市鉄道施工技術研究会   委員  


  14. 阪神高速・国交省:大阪湾岸道路西伸部技術検討委員会   委員  

    2022.5 - 2025.3   

  15. 高速道路調査会:高速道路の橋梁技術史に関する調査研究委員会   委員  

    2022.5 - 2024.3   

  16. 首都高速道路技術センター:首都高速道路の橋梁に関する調査研究委員会   委員  

    2022.5 - 2022.10   

  17. 名古屋高速道路:総合評価審査委員会   委員長  

    2022.4 - 2024.3   

  18. 名古屋高速道路の維持・管理に関する調査研究委員会鋼構造部会   部会長  

    2021.12 - 2022.3   

  19. 公益信託NEXCO関係会社高速道路防災対策対等に関する支援基金   運営委員  

    2021 - 2024.3   

  20. 日本鋼構造協会:鋼橋の構造性能と耐久性能研究委員会   委員長  

    2020.11 - 2025.3   

  21. 中日本高速技術マーケティング:高速道路橋の耐震性能に関する検討会   委員  

    2020.11 - 2023.3   

  22. 東京大学宇宙線研究所:ハイパーカミオカンデ計画専門評価委員会   委員  

    2020.10 - 2026.3   

  23. 地震予知総合研究振興会:防波壁設計に関するフォローアップ検討会   委員  

    2020.10 - 2022.3   

  24. 溶接学会:溶接疲労強度研究委員会   幹事  

    2020.6 - 2024.2   

  25. 愛知県建設局・都市整備局・建築局総合評価審査委員会特別部会   委員  

    2020.6 - 2020.12   

  26. 愛知県溶接協会   理事(副会長)  

    2020.5 - 2024.5   

  27. 土木研究所:外部評価委員会   委員  

    2020.4 - 2022.6   

  28. 中日本高速技術マーケティング:鋼床版疲労き裂の対策指針作成検討会   座長  

    2020.4 - 2020.9   

  29. 中日本高速道路:東名高速道路 中吉田高架橋 塗装塗替え工事による火災事故再発防止委員会   委員  

    2020.2 - 2020.12   

  30. 名古屋高速道路:高速1号楠線橋梁修繕検討委員会   委員  

    2019.11 - 2020.3   

  31. 名古屋市上下水道局:有権者懇談会への参加等   専門委員  

    2019.9 - 2022.3   

  32. 高速道路調査会   フェロー会員  

    2019.8 - 2024.9   

  33. 土木学会:企画部門インフラメンテナンス(特別)委員会   委員  

    2019.8 - 2020.6   

  34. 災害科学研究所:鋼・合成鉄道橋維持管理・更新に関する検討委員会   委員  

    2019.7 - 2025.3   

  35. 日本技術者教育認定機構JABEE:日本技術者教育認定機構の認定審査にかかわる審査業務   主審査員(審査団長)  

    2019.7 - 2020.3   

  36. 土木学会:調査研究部門コンクリート委員会・231既設構造物の健全性評価法の高度化および体系化に関する研究小委員会   委員  

    2019.6 - 2020.3   

  37. 愛知県建設局・都市整備局・建築局総合評価審査委員会特別部会   委員  

    2019.6 - 2019.12   

  38. 阪神高速・国交省:大阪湾岸道路西伸部技術検討委員会   委員  

    2019.5 - 2022.4   

  39. 首都高速道路技術センター:首都高速道路の橋梁に関する調査研究委員会   委員  

    2019.5 - 2019.10   

  40. 大学改革支援・学位授与機構:学位審査会   委員  

    2019.4 - 2026.3   

  41. 中日本高速技術マーケティング:鋼床版疲労き裂の対策指針作成検討会   座長  

    2019.1 - 2019.11   

  42. 高速道路調査会:高速道路の橋梁技術史に関する調査研究委員会   委員  

    2018.11 - 2021.3   

  43. 土木学会:鋼構造委員会   委員  

    2018.6 - 2025.6   

  44. 土木学会:鋼構造委員会 鋼・合成構造標準示方書総括小委員会   委員  

    2018.6 - 2024.2   

  45. 日本道路協会:橋梁委員会   委員  

    2018.6 - 2022.5   

  46. 溶接学会:溶接疲労強度研究委員会   副委員長  

    2018.6 - 2020.2   

  47. 日本技術者教育認定機構JABEE:日本技術者教育認定機構の認定審査にかかわる審査業務   審査長  

    2018.6 - 2019.3   

  48. 土木学会:鋼構造委員会 鋼・合成構造標準示方書維持管理編小委員会   委員長  

    2018.6 - 2019.3   

  49. 名古屋高速道路:高速1号楠線橋梁修繕検討委員会   委員  

    2018.6 - 2019.3   

  50. 土木学会:鋼構造委員会 鋼・合成構造標準示方書耐震設計編小委員会   委員  

    2018.6 - 2018.9   

  51. 土木学会:中部支部   商議員  

    2018.5 - 2021   

  52. 溶接学会:東海支部 商議員   商議員  

    2018.5 - 2020.3   

  53. 首都高速道路技術センター:首都高速道路の橋梁に関する調査研究委員会   委員  

    2018.5 - 2018.8   

  54. 日本溶接協会:中部地区溶接技術検定委員会   副委員長  

    2018.4 - 2024.3   

  55. 日本学術振興会学術システム研究センター   専門研究員  

    2018.4 - 2022.3   

  56. 土木学会鋼構造委員会   委員長  

    2017.6 - 2019.6   

  57. JR東日本コンサルタンツ:テクニカルアドバイザー   テクニカルアドバイザー  

    2017.5 - 2018.3   

  58. 首都高速道路技術センター:首都高速道路の橋梁に関する調査研究委員会   委員  

    2017.5 - 2017.8   

  59. 阪神高速:構造技術委員会   委員  

    2017.4 - 2025.3   

  60. 阪神高速:構造技術委員会鋼構造分科会   委員  

    2017.4 - 2025.3   

  61. 大学評価・学位授与機構:学位審査会   委員  

    2017.4 - 2019.3   

  62. 災害科学研究所:鋼鉄道橋の長寿命化に関する調査・検討委員会   委員  

    2016.7 - 2019.3   

  63. 土木学会:総務部門論文賞選考委員会   委員  

    2016.7 - 2018.6   

  64. 土木学会:コミュニケーション部門土木学会誌編集委員会   委員長  

    2016.6 - 2018.5   

  65. 土木学会:コミュニケーション部門土木広報戦略会議   委員  

    2016.6 - 2018.5   

  66. 土木学会:企画部門論説委員会   委員  

    2016.6 - 2018.5   

  67. 日本規格協会:JIS原案作成委員会   委員  

    2016.5 - 2019.3   

  68. 首都高速道路技術センター:首都高速道路の橋梁に関する調査研究委員会   委員  

    2016.5 - 2016.6   

  69. 日本溶接協会:溶接技能者評価員および中部地区溶接技術検定委員会   委嘱委員  

    2016.4 - 2018.3   

  70. 土木研究所:外部評価委員会   委員  

    2016.1 - 2017.12   

  71. 中日本高速技術:斜張橋等の維持管理に関する検討会   委員  

    2015.8 - 2019.10   

  72. 日本鋼構造協会:鋼橋の強靭化・長寿命化研究委員会   委員長  

    2015.7 - 2020.3   

  73. 日本道路協会:鋼橋小委員会   委員  

    2015.4 - 2022.5   

  74. 東海構造研究グループ   会長  

    2015.4 - 2017.3   

  75. 日本鋼構造協会:巨大地震に対する鋼橋の耐震照査法の信頼性向上に関する研究小委員会   委員  

    2014.12 - 2017.3   

  76. 法政大学:博士論文審査賞委員会   副査  

    2014.12 - 2015.3   

  77. 中日本高速道路:鋼少数主桁橋の床版下面吹付コンクリートはく離・落下事象調査検討委員会   委員  

    2014.10 - 2015.3   

  78. 静岡県橋梁長寿命化計画改定委員会   委員  

    2014.9 - 2016.3   

  79. 日本鉄道施設協会:鉄道土木構造物アセットマネジメント検討委員会   委員  

    2014.8 - 2024.3   

  80. 鋼橋技術研究会:溶接割れ・変形研究部会   部会長  

    2014.7 - 2017.7   

  81. 愛知労働局:建設工事計画届出にかかる審査委員   委員  

    2014.4 - 2025.3   

  82. 中日本高速道路:発注工事の入札・契約に係る技術的審査   技術審査委員  

    2014.4 - 2020.3   

  83. 中日本高速道路:高速道路における橋梁の保全に関する検討委員会   委員  

    2014.4 - 2017.3   

  84. 日本鋼構造協会:鋼構造論文集編集小委員会   委員長  

    2014.4 - 2016.3   

  85. 土木学会:複合構造委員会鋼コンクリート合成床版設計・施工指針作成小委員会   委員  

    2014.4 - 2016.3   

  86. 技術基準調査研究会(鋼とコンクリートの複合構造物の設計関連)   委員  


  87. 阪神高速:構造技術委員会鋼橋疲労分科会   委員  

    2013.8 - 2017.3   

  88. JR西日本:鋼鉄道橋の維持管理に関する検討委員会   疲労損傷WG主査  

    2013.7 - 2016.3   

  89. 土木学会構造工学委員会   委員  


  90. 大学評価・学位授与機構:土木工学部会   委員  

    2013.5 - 2017.3   

  91. 土木学会:鋼構造委員会鋼・合成構造標準示方書小委員会   幹事  


  92. 土木学会:技術推進機構ISO対応特別委員会   委員兼幹事  

    2013.1 - 2015.1   

  93. 中部地方整備局道路部長寿命化検討委員会橋梁部会   委員  

    2012.10 - 2013.3   

  94. 土木学会:鋼構造委員会アルミニウム合金土木構造物設計・製作指針作成検討小委員会   委員  

    2012.9 - 2014.9   

  95. 日本鋼構造協会:鋼構造論文集編集小委員会   副委員長  

    2012.4 - 2014.3   

  96. 中日本高速道路:新名神高速道路朝明橋の設計・施工に関する技術検討委員会   委員  

    2011.12 - 2016.1   

  97. 土木学会:総務部門論文賞選考委員会   委員  

    2011.10 - 2013.5   

  98. 中日本高速道路:高速道路における橋梁の耐震性に関する検討委員会   委員  


  99. 土木学会:構造工学委員会構造工学論文集編集小委員会   委員長  

    2011.6 - 2013.5   

  100. 土木学会:鋼構造委員会東日本大震災鋼構造物調査特別委員会   委員  

    2011.5 - 2013.4   

  101. 日本鋼構造協会:土木鋼構造診断士専門委員会   委員  

    2011.4 - 2025.3   

  102. 中部電力:電力技術研究会電源専門部会   専門委員  

    2010.11 - 2018.3   

  103. 土木学会:鋼構造委員会鋼橋の疲労対策に関する新技術調査研究小委員会   委員長  

    2010.8 - 2013.5   

  104. 東日本高速道路:東京外環自動車道鋼床版疲労き裂補修・補強検討会   委員  

    2010.6 - 2011.5   

  105. 土木学会全国大会運営委員会   委員  

    2010.5 - 2012.2   

  106. 愛知県:建設部防災アドバイザー   委員  

    2010.4 - 2025.3   

  107. 鋼橋技術研究会施工部会   部会長  

    2010.4 - 2013.3   

  108. 中日本高速道路:発注工事の入札・契約に係る技術的審査   技術審査委員  

    2010.4 - 2011.3   

  109. 愛知労働局:建設工事計画届出にかかる審査委員   委員  

    2010.4 - 2011.3   

  110. 鉄道技術総合研究所:複合構造物設計標準改訂委員会   幹事長  

    2010.2 - 2012.3   

  111. 日本鋼構造協会:鋼橋の合理化構造・設計法研究委員会疲労強度研究部会   部会長  

    2009.10 - 2012.8   

  112. 日本鋼構造協会:疲労設計指針改訂小委員会   副委員長  

    2009.4 - 2012.1   

  113. 中日本ハイウェイエンジニアリング:特殊橋梁地震に関する検討委員会   委員  

    2009.3 - 2010.3   

  114. 未来工学研究所:第9回科学技術予測における№12分科会   委員  

    2009.1 - 2010.3   

  115. 高速道路技術センター:高速道路に関する研究開発・建設・管理に関する業務への支援、新技術の普及および高速道路関係技術者の養成等   委員  

    2008.11 - 2009.12   

  116. 日本技術者教育認定機構の認定審査にかかわる審査業務   審査長  

    2008.9 - 2009.4   

  117. 浜松市:浜松市公共施設長寿命化基本方針検討委員会   委員  

    2008.9 - 2009.3   

  118. 名古屋高速道路の維持・管理に関する調査研究委員会鋼構造部会   部会員  

    2008.7 - 2019.3   

  119. 溶接学会:疲労強度研究委員会   委嘱委員  

    2008.6 - 2018.2   

  120. 中部地方整備局総合評価審査委員会桟1号橋専門部会   委員  

    2008.6 - 2011.3   

  121. 土木学会:技術推進機構技術者資格委員会   幹事  

    2008.5 - 2010.1   

  122. 中部地方整備局:道路防災ドクター   委員  

    2008.4 - 2025.3   

  123. 静岡県橋梁長寿命化修繕計画策定検討委員会   委員  

    2008.1 - 2008.3   

  124. 高速道路技術センター:高速道路に関する研究開発・建設・管理に関する業務への支援、新技術の普及および高速道路関係技術者の養成等   委員  

    2007.10 - 2008.1   

  125. 日本技術者教育認定機構の認定審査にかかわる審査業務   審査長  

    2007.9 - 2008.4   

  126. 土木学会:鋼構造委員会   委員兼幹事  

    2007.6 - 2009.5   

  127. 中部地方整備局:構造物重点管理システム検討会   委員  

    2007.6 - 2008.3   

  128. 中部地方整備局:橋梁工事品質確保検討委員会   委員  

    2007.6 - 2008.3   

  129. 中部地方整備局総合評価審査委員会第一部会   委員  

    2007.4 - 2011.3   

  130. 土木学会:技術推進機構ISO対応特別委員会 国際認証・認定制度対応小委員会   委員  

    2007.4 - 2008.3   

  131. 高速道路技術センター:橋梁の鋼製フィンガージョイントに関する技術検討   委員  

    2007.3 - 2007.8   

  132. 高速道路技術センター:高速道路に関する研究開発・建設・管理に関する業務への支援、新技術の普及および高速道路関係技術者の養成等   委員  

    2007.3 - 2007.8   

  133. 日本鋼構造協会:鋼橋性能・信頼性向上研究委員会/疲労耐久性向上部会   部会主査  

    2006.12 - 2009.3   

  134. 海洋架橋・橋梁調査会:中部地方整備局橋梁工事品質確保検討委員会   委員  

    2006.12 - 2008.3   

  135. 首都高速道路技術センター:首都高速道路の鋼構造物の点検・補修・補強に関する調査研究委員会   委員  

    2006.10 - 2007.3   

  136. 道路保全技術センター:構造物重点管理システム検討会   委員  

    2006.9 - 2008.3   

  137. 海洋架橋・橋梁調査会:構造物重点管理システム検討会   委員  

    2006.9 - 2007.3   

  138. 土木学会論文集編集委員会   委員  

    2006.6 - 2008.5   

  139. 土木学会:研究企画委員会   委員  

    2006.6 - 2007.5   

  140. 首都高速道路技術センター:首都高速道路の橋梁に関する調査研究委員会   委員  

    2006.2 - 2015.6   

  141. 高速道路技術センター:鋼連続合成桁の合理化に関する技術検討   委員  

    2005.10 - 2008.1   

  142. 土木学会:構造工学委員会勝鬨橋の再跳開技術に関する調査研究委員会   幹事長  

    2005.8 - 2008.3   

  143. 土木学会:鋼構造委員会鋼構造物の点検・モニタリングに関する新技術調査研究小委員会   委員長  

    2004.6 - 2006.5   

  144. 土木学会:鋼構造委員会厚板溶接継手に関する調査研究小委員会   委員  

    2004.6 - 2006.5   

  145. 土木学会:鋼構造委員会鋼構造の残存耐荷性能評価と耐久性向上方策研究小委員会   委員  

    2004.6 - 2006.5   

  146. 土木学会:応用力学論文集編集小委員会   部門副主査  

    2004.6 - 2005.5   

  147. 日本鋼構造協会:鋼構造論文集編集小委員会   委員  

    2004.4 - 2006.3   

  148. 日本鋼構造協会:溶接開先標準改訂小委員会   委員  

    2004.4 - 2005.3   

  149. 日本鋼構造協会:鋼橋の性能照査型設計対応研究委員会   委員  

    2000.4 - 2002.3   

  150. 土木学会:土木教育委員会情報教育小委員会   幹事長  

    1999.6 - 2001.5   

  151. 鉄道技術総合研究所:CFT柱と軌道支持梁による鉄道ラーメン高架橋の設計施工指針委員会   委員  

    1999.4 - 2001.3   

  152. 日本鋼構造協会:土木鋼構造の性能設計に関する調査研究小委員会   委員  

    1998.4 - 2000.3   

  153. 日本圧接協会技術委員会   委員  

    1998.4 - 2000.3   

  154. 土木学会:大学土木教育委員会   幹事  

    1997.6 - 1999.5   

  155. 土木学会:構造工学論文集編集小委員会   幹事  

    1996.6 - 1999.5   

  156. 土木学会論文集編集委員会   幹事  

    1995.6 - 1997.5   

  157. 鉄道技術総合研究所:鉄骨鉄筋コンクリート構造物設計標準に関する委員会   委員兼幹事  

    1992.4 - 1997.3   

▼display all

Awards 15

  1. 構造工学論文集Vol.69A論文賞

    2023.6   土木学会構造工学委員会  

    Teuku Habil Putra, Takeshi Hanji, Kazuo Tateishi, Masaru Shimizu, Makoto Yamaguchi, Yuuichiro Niwa

     More details

    Award type:Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc. 

  2. 土木学会田中賞(論文部門)

    2022.6   土木学会   鋼床版Uリブ・デッキプレート溶接部のルートき裂に対する疲労評価


     More details

    Award type:Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.  Country:Japan

  3. 構造工学論文集Vol.66A論文賞

    2020.5   土木学会構造工学委員会   未溶着部を含む十字溶接継手の低サイクル疲労評価


     More details

    Award type:Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc. 

  4. 日本鋼構造協会論文賞

    2019.11   日本鋼構造協会   鋼管集成橋脚に設けられたせん断パネルダンパー溶接部の低サイクル疲労評価手法


     More details

    Award type:Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.  Country:Japan

  5. 文部科学大臣賞

    2019.11   文部科学省   大学研修施設(大規模実橋モデル)を活用した「臨床型」の橋梁維持管理技術者育成


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  6. 土木学会田中賞(論文部門)

    2019.6   土木学会   当て板によるストップホール部の応力集中低減効果


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    Award type:Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.  Country:Japan

  7. 第64回構造工学シンポジウム論文賞

    2018.5   土木学会構造工学委員会   当て板によるストップホール部の応力集中低減効果


     More details

    Award type:Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.  Country:Japan

  8. 日本鋼構造協会論文賞

    2017.11   日本鋼構造協会   繰返し大ひずみ下の鋼材の疲労き裂進展速度式と溶接継手のき裂進展予測への適用

    判治剛、寺尾名央、舘石和雄、 清水優

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    Award type:Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.  Country:Japan

  9. 土木学会田中賞(論文部門)

    2017.6   土木学会   すみ肉溶接継手のルートき裂に対する変位基準の疲労強度評価法


     More details

    Award type:Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.  Country:Japan

  10. 日本鋼構造協会論文賞

    2016.11   日本鋼構造協会   道路橋の鋼製フィンガージョイントの損傷メカニズム


     More details

    Award type:Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.  Country:Japan

  11. FS賞

    2016.5   一般社団法人 溶接学会 溶接疲労強度研究委員会  

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    Award type:Award from Japanese society, conference, symposium, etc.  Country:Japan

  12. FS賞

    2013.4   一般社団法人溶接学会 溶接疲労強度研究委員会  

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  13. 第51回構造工学シンポジウム論文賞

    2005.5   土木学会構造工学委員会  

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  14. 第45回構造工学シンポジウム論文賞

    1999.4   土木学会構造工学委員会  

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  15. 第20回コンクリート工学講演会優秀講演賞

    1998.7   日本コンクリート工学協会  

     More details


▼display all


Papers 252

  1. Evaluation of Thickness Effect on Fatigue Life Variation of Longitudinal Welded Gusset Joint Reviewed International coauthorship

    Cut Atika Putri, Kazuo Tateishi, Masaru Shimizu, Takeshi Hanji

    International Journal of Steel Structures   Vol. 24   2024.3

     More details

    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1007/s13296-024-00812-z

  2. 疲労き裂が発生した鉄塔部材の鋼管割込み継手に対する疲労損傷比の評価 Reviewed


    構造工学論文集   Vol. 70A   page: 521 - 534   2024.3

     More details


    DOI: 10.11532/structcivil.70A.521

  3. 疲労耐久性に優れた鋼床版垂直補剛材上端部の切欠き形状の検討 Reviewed


    構造工学論文集   Vol. 70A   page: 458 - 469   2024.3

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    DOI: 10.11532/structcivil.70A.458

  4. Structural hot-spot stress approach for toe cracking from plate edge of load-carrying welded attachment Reviewed International coauthorship

    Takeshi Hanji, Kazuo Tateishi, Nima Rabsel, Masaru Shimizu

    WELDING IN THE WORLD     2024.2

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    DOI: 10.1007/s40194-024-01724-6

  5. 新しいリベットにより取替え補修した継手の力学的挙動に関する研究 Reviewed


    鋼構造年次論文報告集   Vol. 31   page: 409 - 416   2023.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  6. Analytical study on local stress evaluation at welded joints of sole plates of steel bridges Reviewed

    Yuichiro Niwa, Kazuo Tateishi, Takeshi Hanji, Masaru Shimizu

    Proceedings of the ISSS 2023     page: 438 - 441   2023.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

  7. Retardation of fatigue crack growth by injection of corrosion accelerator Reviewed

    Masaru Shimizu, Kazuo Tateishi, Takeshi Hanji, Cut Atika Putri

    Proceedings of the ISSS 2023     page: 548 - 551   2023.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

  8. Fatigue strength improvement methods for front fillet welded joint of sole plate in steel bridge bearings Reviewed

    Yuichiro Niwa, Tetsuya Kowaki, Kazuo Tateishi, Takeshi Hanji, Masaru Shimizu

    Proceedings of the ISSS 2023     page: 552 - 555   2023.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

  9. Fatigue strength of HFMI-treated welded joints under variable amplitude block loading Reviewed

    Takeshi Hanji, Shunsuke Masui, Taisei Tomita, Kazuo Tateishi, Masaru Shimizu

    Proceedings of the ISSS 2023     page: 556 - 559   2023.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

  10. Simplified estimation of elasto-plastic strain amplitude at weld toe by elastic analysis Reviewed

    Chie Nishijima, Takeshi Hanji, Kazuo Tateishi, Masaru Shimizu

    Proceedings of the ISSS 2023     page: 564 - 567   2023.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

  11. Fatigue crack propagation characteristic of out-of-plane gusset welded joints with developed anti-fatigue damage steel Reviewed

    Terazawa Takuya, Kazuo Tateishi, Takeshi Hanji, Masaru Shimizu, Thihuyen Doan

    Proceedings of the ISSS 2023     page: 189 - 192   2023.11

     More details

    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

  12. Study on mechanical behavior of riveted joints repaired by re-driving new rivets Reviewed

    Miki Shibata, Takeshi Hanji, Kazuo Tateishi, Masaru Shimizu, Yasushi Nagasaka, Toshio Takebuchi

    Proceedings of the ISSS 2023     page: 678 - 681   2023.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

  13. Flexural behavior of rational joints between precast steel-concrete composite slabs Reviewed

    Yushin Hori, Kazuo Tateishi, Takeshi Hanji, Masaru Shimizu, Koichi Asano, Takaaki Ishii

    Proceedings of the ISSS 2023     page: 273 - 276   2023.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

  14. Fatigue damage evaluation for root cracks in U-rib to deck welded joints of orthotropic steel decks based on field measurements Reviewed

    Masafumi Hattori, Kazuo Tateishi, Takeshi Hanji, Masaru Shimizu

    Proceedings of the ISSS 2023     page: 189 - 192   2023.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

  15. 未溶着部を有する鋼製橋脚角溶接部の低サイクル疲労による破壊形態の推定 Reviewed


    鋼構造年次論文報告集   Vol. 31   page: 160 - 170   2023.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  16. Metal Fatigue in Highway Bridges Invited

    Kazuo Tateishi

    Expressway and Automobiles   Vol. 66 ( 8 ) page: 5 - 8   2023.8

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    Authorship:Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Part of collection (book)  

  17. Fatigue strength evaluation by measurable stresses for root cracks in U-rib to deck welded joints of orthotropic steel decks Reviewed

    Masafumi Hattori, Kazuo Tateishi, Takeshi Hanji, Masaru Shimizu

    Welding in the World   Vol. 67 ( 9 ) page: 2273 - 2282   2023.7

     More details

    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40194-023-01568-6

  18. Structural hot-spot stress approach for toe cracking from plate edge of load-carrying welded attachment Reviewed International coauthorship

    The 76th Annual Assembly of International Institute of Welding   Vol. XIII-2996-2023   2023.7

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  19. 鋼橋ソールプレート溶接部の発生応力推定に関する解析的検討 Reviewed


    構造工学論文集   Vol. 69A   page: 568 - 578   2023.4

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    DOI: 10.11532/structcivil.69A.568

  20. Numerical investigation of fatigue crack propagation behavior in trough-girder bridges Reviewed

      Vol. 69A   2023.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  21. 既設鋼床版のUリブ・デッキプレート溶接部に対する床版下面からの疲労対策 Reviewed


    土木学会論文集   Vol. 79 ( 1 ) page: 22-00231   2023.1

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    DOI: 10.2208/jscejj.22-00231

  22. デッキプレートとUリブの溶接継手の疲労強度評価と実物大鋼床版との相関 Reviewed


    鋼構造年次論文報告集   Vol. 30   page: 297 - 305   2022.11

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  23. 高力ボルトにより当て板を添接したストップホールの疲労強度 Reviewed


    土木学会論文集A1   Vol. 78 ( 3 ) page: 417 - 431   2022.11

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    DOI: 10.2208/jscejseee.78.3_417

  24. Fatigue Crack Growth Characteristics of Several Kinds of Structural Steels Under Low-Cycle Fatigue Loading Reviewed

    Chao Jiang, Takeshi Hanji, Kazuo Tateishi, Masaru Shimizu

    International Journal of Steel Structures     2022.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13296-022-00677-0

  25. Effect of UHPFRC Overlay on Fatigue Cracks Propagating from U-rib Welds of Orthotropic Steel Decks Reviewed

    Masafumi Hattori, Kazuo Tateishi, Takeshi Hanji, Masaru Shimizu

    International Journal of Steel Structures     2022.9

     More details

    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13296-022-00660-9

  26. 実橋計測に基づいた鋼床版Uリブ・デッキプレート溶接部のルートき裂に対する疲労評価 Reviewed


    土木学会論文集A1   Vol. 78 ( 2 ) page: 287 - 300   2022.8

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.2208/jscejseee.78.2_287

  27. Quantifying the Intensity of High Frequency Mechanical Impact treatment Reviewed International coauthorship

    The 75th Annual Assembly of International Institute of Welding   Vol. XIII-2930-22   2022.7

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  28. Fatigue Strength Evaluation by Reference Stresses for Root Cracks ㏌ U-RIB to Deck Welded Joints of Orthotropic Steel Decks Reviewed

    The 75th Annual Assembly of International Institute of Welding   Vol. XIII- 2950-2022   2022.7

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  29. Simple Estimation of Strain Amplitude at Weld Toe for Low Cycle Fatigue Assessment Reviewed

    The 75th Annual Assembly of International Institute of Welding   Vol. XIII-2951-2022   2022.7

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  30. Fatigue evaluation for root cracks in U-rib to deck welded joints of orthotropic steel decks Reviewed

    Masafumi Hattori , Kazuo Tateishi, Takeshi Hanji, Masaru Shimizu

    Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management (IABMAS 2022)     2022.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

  31. Fatigue strength enhancement of welded joints in existing steel bridges using high-frequency mechanical impact treatment Reviewed

    Takeshi Hanji, Kazuo Tateishi, Suguru Kano, Masaru Shimizu

    Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management (IABMAS 2022)     2022.7

     More details

    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

  32. コーナープレート切欠き部の疲労耐久性とICR処理による延命効果 Reviewed

    清水優,舘石和雄,Shinta Ayuningtyas,判治剛,高田佳彦,熊澤美早,山口樹,岡本亮二,西芝貴光

    構造工学論文集   Vol. 68A   page: 580 - 590   2022.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.11532/structcivil.68A.580

  33. 静的荷重作用下でHFMI処理された面外ガセット溶接継手の残留応力と疲労強度 Reviewed


    構造工学論文集   Vol. 68A   page: 591 - 602   2022.4

     More details

    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.11532/structcivil.68A.591

  34. Failure Probability for Fatigue Crack in Web Plate of Bridge Girder Reviewed

    International Journal of Steel Structures   Vol. 22 ( 1 ) page: 42 - 55   2022.2

     More details

    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1007/s13296-021-00559-x

    Web of Science

  35. Prediction of residual stress induced by high-frequency mechanical impact treatment

    Hanji Takeshi, Tateishi Kazuo, Kano Suguru, Shimizu Masaru

    WELDING IN THE WORLD     2022.1

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  36. 腐食促進剤注入による疲労き裂進展の遅延 Reviewed

    Cut Atika PUTRI,舘石和雄, 清水優,判治剛

    鋼構造論文集   Vol. 28 ( 112 ) page: 111   2021.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  37. Effect of static load during HFMI treatment on fatigue strength and residual stress field of longitudinal atachment welded joints

    Hanji Takeshi, Tateishi Kazuo, Kano Suguru, Shimizu Masaru

    WELDING IN THE WORLD     2021.11

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  38. リベットと高力ボルトを併用した接手の力学的挙動と耐力評価 Reviewed

    判治剛,鷲見俊哉,舘石和雄,清水優 ,長坂康史,竹渕敏郎

    土木学会論文集A1   Vol. 77 ( 3 ) page: 489 - 508   2021.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  39. Fatigue evaluation of cut-out at the edge of corner plate and improvement effevct by peening

    Masaru Shimizu,Kazuo Tateishi,Takeshi Hanji,Shinta Ayuningtyas,Misa Fujibayashi

    Proceedings of the ISSS 2021     2021.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  40. Influence of weld toe radius on low cycle fatigue life of weld joint in shear panel damper

    Kai Hiroyama,Kazuo Tateishi,Takeshi Hanji,Masaru Shimizu,Yasumoto Aoki

    Proceedings of the ISSS 2021     2021.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  41. Fatigue Improvement for Weld Joint between Deck Plate and Vertical Stiffener by Slit-Shaped Notch

    Daisuke Kaneko,Kazuo Tateishi,Takeshi Hanji,Masaru Shimizu,Hiroki Suetsugu

    Proceedings of the ISSS 2021     2021.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  42. Effect of UHPFRC Overlay on Effect of UHPFRC Overlay on Fatigue Cracks Propagating from U-rib welds of Orthotropic Steel Decks

    Masafumi Hattori,Kazuo Tateishi,Takeshi Hanji,Masaru Shimizu

    Proceedings of the ISSS 2021     2021.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  43. Mechanical Behavior and Limit States of Combination Joints using Rivets and High-Strength Bolts

    Shunya Sumi,Takeshi Hanji,Kazuo Tateishi,Masaru Shimizu,Yasushi Nagasaka,Toshio Takebuchi

    Proceedings of the ISSS 2021     2021.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  44. Low cycle fatigue crack growth rate testing with compliance method and its application to different structural steels

    Chao Jiang,Takeshi Hanji,Kazuo Tateishi,Masaru Shimizu

    Proceedings of the ISSS 2021     2021.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  45. 局部変形を有する埋設パイプラインの軸圧縮変形特性と耐震安全性 Reviewed

    菅沼淳, 伊奈孝, 小沢裕治, 舘石和雄

    土木学会論文集A1   Vol. 77 ( 3 ) page: 369 - 383   2021.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.2208/jscejseee.77.3_369

  46. 鋼橋の強靭化・長寿命化委員会(II期)委員会の活動と3研究部会の概要


    JSSC   ( 46 ) page: 40 - 40   2021.8

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese  

  47. 繰返し荷重下の溶接割れとルートギャップ開閉挙動 Reviewed


    土木学会論文集A1   Vol. 77 ( 2 ) page: 287 - 303   2021.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.2208/jscejseee.77.2_287

  48. 鋼床版Uリブ・デッキプレート溶接部のルートき裂に対する疲労評価 Reviewed


    土木学会論文集A1   Vol. 77 ( 2 ) page: 255 - 270   2021.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.2208/jscejseee.77.2_255

  49. Prediction of residual stress induced by high-frequency mechanical impact treatment Reviewed

    Takeshi Hanji, Kazuo Tateishi, Suguru Kano, Masaru Shimizu

    The 74th Annual Assembly of International Institute of Welding     page: XIII-2904-2021   2021.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

  50. Fatigue strength and residual stress of longitudinal attachment joints improved by HFMI treatment under static load Reviewed

    Takeshi Hanji, Kazuo Tateishi, Suguru Kano, Masaru Shimizu

    The 74th Annual Assembly of International Institute of Welding     page: XIII-2903 - 2021   2021.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

  51. Local stress based fatigue assessment of welded joints in steel-concrete composite slab using angle-shape shear connectors Reviewed

    Takeshi Hanji, Kazuo Tateishi, Masaru Shimizu, Koichi Asano, Takaaki Ishii, Kiyoshi Kobayashi, Daisuke Uchida

    Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management (IABMAS 2020)     page: 2673 - 2681   2021.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

  52. Investigation on low cycle fatigue crack propagation in steel under fully random variable amplitude loading Reviewed International coauthorship

    Arief Panjaitan, Kazuo Tateishi, Masaru Shimizu, Takeshi Hanji

      Vol. 67A   page: 174 - 182   2021.4

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    DOI: 10.11532/structcivil.67A.174

  53. Fatigue behavior of bearing type bolted joint with pultruded CFRP composites Reviewed

    Shogo Kiyokawa, Kazuo Tateishi, Takeshi Hanji, Masaru Shimizu

    Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management (IABMAS 2020)     page: 3657 - 3663   2021.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

  54. Crack sizing accuracy of a phased array ultrasonic scanner developed for inspection of rib-to-deck welded joints in orthotropic steel bridge decks Reviewed

    Masafumi Hattori, Tohru Makita, Kazuo Tateishi, Takeshi Hanji, Masaru Shimizu, Naoto Yagi

    Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management (IABMAS 2020)     page: 3946 - 3954   2021.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

  55. Reduction of stress concentration at drilled hole due to adding splice plates Reviewed

    Shogo Kiyokawa, Kazuo Tateishi, Takeshi Hanji, Masaru Shimizu

    Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management (IABMAS 2020)     page: 3531 - 3539   2021.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (international conference proceedings)  

  56. 熱サイクルおよび予ひずみを受けた低降伏点鋼のシャルピー衝撃試験 Reviewed

    清水優, 舘石和雄, 判治剛, 青木康素

    鋼構造論文集   Vol. 28 ( 109 ) page: 183 - 190   2021.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  57. 鋼橋の強靭化・長寿命化に向けた研究の取組み Invited


    橋梁と基礎   Vol. 55 ( 02 ) page: 16-22   2021.2

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese  

  58. Study on low cycle fatigue crack propagation under two-steps variable amplitude Reviewed

    Arief Panjaitan,Kazuo Tateishi,Masaru Shimizu,Takeshi Hanji

    Journal of Japanese Society of Steel Construction   Vol. 27 ( 108 ) page: 93-103   2020.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  59. 鋼床版のUリブ溶接部からデッキプレートに進展した疲労き裂に対するUHPFRC敷設による対策効果 Reviewed


    土木学会論文集A1   Vol. 76 ( 3 ) page: 542-559   2020.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.2208/jscejseee.76.3_542

  60. Local Strain-Based Low-Cycle Fatigue Assessment of Joint Structure in Steel Truss Bridges During Eartequakes Reviewed

    Chao Jiang,Hanji Takeshi,Tateishi Kazuo, Shimizu Masaru

    International Journal of Steel Structures   Vol. 20 ( 5 ) page: 1651 - 1662   2020.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1007/s13296-020-00399-1

    Web of Science

  61. Fatigue strength of transverse attachment steel joints with single-sided arc weld using low transformation temperature welding consumable Reviewed

    Hanji Takeshi, Tateishi Kazuo, Kano Suguru, Shimizu Masaru, Tsuyama Tadahisa, Takebuchi Toshio

    WELDING IN THE WORLD   Vol. 64 ( 7 ) page: 1293 - 1301   2020.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1007/s40194-020-00915-1

    Web of Science

  62. Low cycle fatigue crack propagation of steel under constant amplitude displacement histories Reviewed

      Vol. 106 ( 27 ) page: 75   2020.6

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  63. ハイブリッドFRP引抜成形材と鋼材の支圧ボルト接合部に関する耐力実験 Reviewed

    寺口 大輝, 北根 安雄, 松井 孝洋, 舘石 和雄

    土木学会論文集A1   Vol. 76 ( 5 ) page: 95-104   2020.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.2208/jscejseee.76.5_II_95

  64. 鋼コンクリート合成床版のL形鋼ジベル溶接部の疲労強度 Reviewed

    判治 剛, 舘石 和雄,清水 優,浅野 浩一,石井 孝明,小林 潔,内田 大介

    土木学会論文集A1   Vol. 76 ( 5 ) page: 50-61   2020.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.2208/jscejseee.76.5_II_50

  65. 狭いボルト間隔と縁端距離を有する高力ボルト摩擦接合継手の疲労強度 Reviewed


    土木学会論文集A1   Vol. 76 ( 2 ) page: 212-222   2020.5

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.2208/jscejseee.76.2_2122

  66. 未溶着部を含む十字溶接接手の低サイクル疲労評価 Reviewed


    構造工学論文集   Vol. 66A   page: 253-263   2020.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  67. 低変態温度溶接材料を用いた片面すみ肉溶接ルート部の疲労強度 Reviewed


    構造工学論文集   Vol. 66A   page: 607-616   2020.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  68. Effect of weld penetration on low-cycle fatigue strength of load-carrying cruciform joints Reviewed

    Hanji Takeshi, Tateishi Kazuo, Ohashi Yuko, Shimizu Masaru

    WELDING IN THE WORLD   Vol. 64 ( 2 ) page: 327 - 334   2020.2

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1007/s40194-019-00834-w

    Web of Science

  69. せん断パネルダンパー溶接部から発生する低サイクル疲労の照査法 Reviewed


    鋼構造年次論文報告集   Vol. 27   page: 661-666   2019.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  70. A practical stress intensity factor formula for CFRP-repaired steel plates with a central crack Reviewed International coauthorship

    Liu Ruoyu, Chen Tao, Li Lingzhen, Tateishi Kazuo

    Journal of Constructional Steel Research   Vol. 162   2019.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1016/j.jcsr.2019.105755

    Web of Science

  71. Fatigue strength of cruciform joints and longitudinal joints with laser-arc hybrid welding Reviewed

    Hanji Takeshi, Tateishi Kazuo, Shimizu Masaru, Uchida Daisuke, Asano Koichi, Kimura Ryosuke

    WELDING IN THE WORLD   Vol. 63 ( 5 ) page: 1379 - 1390   2019.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1007/s40194-019-00745-w

    Web of Science

  72. Slip Coefficient and Ultimate Strength of High-Strength Bolted Friction Joints with Compact Bolt Spacing and Edge Distance Reviewed

    Kiyokawa Shogo, Tateishi Kazuo, Hanji Takeshi, Shimizu Masaru

    International Journal of Steel Structures   Vol. 19 ( 4 ) page: 1191 - 1201   2019.8

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1007/s13296-018-0199-3

    Web of Science

  73. Fatigue strength of transverse attachment joints with single-sided weld using low transformation temperature welding consumable Reviewed

    Takeshi Hanji, Kazuo Tateishi, Suguru Kano, Masaru Shimizu, Tadahisa Tsuyama, Toshio Takebuchi

    The 72nd Annual Assembly of International Institute of Welding     page: XIII-2809-19   2019.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  74. タック溶接を含むレーザ・アークハイブリッド溶接継手の疲労強度 Reviewed


    溶接学会論文集   Vol. 37 ( 3 ) page: 99-107   2019

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  75. 腐食した鋼桁端部に対する引抜成形FRPアングル部材による補修方法の検討 Reviewed

    北根 安雄, 上山 裕太, 寺口 大輝, 松井 孝洋, 舘石 和雄, 後藤 基浩

    土木学会論文集A1   Vol. 75 ( 5 ) page: II_27 - II_35   2019

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: https://doi.org/10.2208/jscejseee.75.II_27

  76. Fundamental Study on Fatigue of Connection between Track Girder and Cross Beam in Straddle-Type Monorail Reviewed

    Eiki Yamaguchi, Masayoshi Kibe, Kazuo Tateishi, Hiroshi Noda, Syuichi Tsunematsu

      ( 34 ) page: 31-37   2018.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  77. レーザークリーニングを施した溶接継手の疲労強度 Reviewed

    Cut Atika Putri,舘石和雄,判治剛

    鋼構造論文集   Vol. 25 ( 100 ) page: 73-76   2018.12

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  78. 腐食した鉄筋の疲労寿命予測 Reviewed

    判治剛,アフマドザイ ニアマチュラ,舘石和雄,清水優

    鋼構造年次論文報告集   Vol. 26   page: 804-810   2018.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  79. 疲労き裂部に対する高力ボルト当て板補強におけるすべり耐力 Reviewed


    鋼構造年次論文報告集   Vol. 26   page: 277-283   2018.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  80. 当て板によるストップホール部の応力集中低減効果 Reviewed


    構造工学論文集   Vol. 64A   page: 435-444   2018.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  81. 当て板補強が施されたストップホールのひずみ推定法 Reviewed


    構造工学論文集   Vol. 64A   page: 445-454   2018.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  82. 溶接止端部に生じる局部ひずみ範囲の簡易推定法 Reviewed


    鋼構造論文集   Vol. 25 ( 97 ) page: 61-66   2018

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  83. レーザ・アークハイブリッド溶接を用いた十字継手の疲労強度 Reviewed


    溶接学会論文集   Vol. 36 ( 4 ) page: 219-229   2018

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  84. 鉄道橋Iビーム桁支点部の疲労き裂とその補修対策による延命効果 Reviewed


    土木学会論文集A1   Vol. 74 ( 2 ) page: 290-305   2018

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  85. Effect of weld penetration on low cycle fatigue strength of load-carrying cruciform joints Reviewed

    Takeshi Hanji, Kazuo Tateishi, Yuko Ohashi, Masaru Shimizu

    The 71st Annual Assembly of International Institute of Welding     page: XIII-2749-18   2018

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  86. 鋼床版Uリブ・デッキプレート溶接部の内在き裂に対するフェーズドアレイ超音波探傷の測定精度 Reviewed


    土木学会論文集A1   Vol. 74 ( 3 ) page: 516-530   2018

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  87. 鋼管集成橋脚に設けられたせん断パネルダンパー溶接部の低サイクル疲労評価手法 Reviewed


    鋼構造論文集   Vol. 24 ( 96 ) page: 17-29   2017.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  88. Influence of shear panel shape in multiple steel columns on low cycle fatigue

    Masaru Shimizu, Kazuo Tateishi, Takeshi Hanji, Hiroshi Noda, Hiroki Sugiyama, Yasumasa Soga

    Proceedings of the ISSS 2017     page: 466-469   2017.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  89. Evaluation of repair effect for cracked I-beam end in railway steel bridges

    Haruya Shirai, Takeshi Hanji, Kazuo Tateishi, Masaru Shimizu, Masaki Iwai, Ken Ikegashira, Yuichiro Niwa

    Proceedings of the ISSS 2017     page: 404-407   2017.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  90. A simple low cycle fatigue assessment method for steel members and its application to bridge piers under earthquake

    Tomohiro Furusaki, Kazuo Tateishi, Takeshi Hanji, Masaru Shimizu, Naoya Honda

    Proceedings of the ISSS 2017     page: 269-272   2017.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  91. Fatigue life prediction of corroded reinforcing steel bars

    Takeshi Hanji, Niamatullah Ahmadzai, Kazuo Tateishi, Masaru Shimizu

    Proceedings of the ISSS 2017     page: 478-481   2017.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  92. Slip coefficient and fracture strength of high strength bolted friction joints with compact bolt spacing and edge distance

    Shogo Kiyokawa, Kazuo Tateishi, Takeshi Hanji, Masaru Shimizu

    Proceedings of the ISSS 2017     page: 223-226   2017.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  93. 鉄道橋Iビーム桁支点首部における疲労き裂対策の効果検証 Reviewed


    鋼構造年次論文報告集   Vol. 25   page: 661-666   2017.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  94. Static and vibration characteristics of thin-walled box beams: An experimental investigation Reviewed International coauthorship

    Kashefi Kiana, Sheikh Abdul Hamid, Griffith Michael C., Ali M. S. Mohamed, Tateishi Kazuo

    ADVANCES IN STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING   Vol. 20 ( 10 ) page: 1540-1559   2017.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1177/1369433216687565

    Web of Science

  95. Fatigue crack growth prediction of welded joints in low-cycle fatigue region Reviewed

    Hanji Takeshi, Tateishi Kazuo, Terao Nao, Shimizu Masaru

    WELDING IN THE WORLD   Vol. 61 ( 6 ) page: 1189-1197   2017.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    DOI: 10.1007/s40194-017-0504-3

    Web of Science

  96. ボルト間隔および縁端距離が小さい高力ボルト摩擦接合継手のすべり係数とすべり後耐力に関する検討 Reviewed


    鋼構造論文集   Vol. 24 ( 95 ) page: 25-40   2017.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  97. Fatigue strength of cruciform joints and longitudinal joints with laser-arc hybrid welding Reviewed

    Takeshi Hanji, Kazuo Tateishi, Masaru Shimizu, Daisuke Uchida, Koichi Asano, Ryosuke Kimura

    The 70th Annual Assembly of International Institute of Welding     page: XIII-2698-17   2017.6

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  98. ハイブリッドFRP積層体の支圧強度評価法に関する実験的研究 Reviewed


    土木学会論文集A1   Vol. 73 ( 5 ) page: II_74-II_83   2017

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  99. 角形鋼管を用いた溶接継手に対する低サイクル疲労き裂進展評価 Reviewed


    鋼構造年次論文報告集   Vol. 24   page: 628-632   2016.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  100. 鋼床版横リブスリット溶接部の疲労強度向上法に関する基礎的研究 Reviewed


    鋼構造年次論文報告集   Vol. 24   page: 657-662   2016.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  101. Fatigue crack growth prediction of welded joints in low cycle fatigue region Reviewed

    Takeshi Hanji, Kazuo Tateishi, Nao Terao, Masaru Shimizu

    The 69th Annual Assembly of International Institute of Welding     page: XIII-2651-16   2016.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  102. 付加板が近接する溶接継手の疲労強度とICR処理による延命効果 Reviewed


    構造工学論文集   Vol. 62A   page: 667-674   2016.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  103. 繰返し大ひずみ下の鋼材の疲労き裂進展速度式と溶接継手のき裂進展予測への適用 Reviewed


    鋼構造論文集   Vol. 23 ( 89 ) page: 85-95   2016.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  104. Displacement Based Fatigue Strngth Evaluation for Root Failure in Fillet Weld Joints

    Kazuo Tateishi,Naohiro Soda,Takeshi Hanji,Masaru Shimizu

    Proc. of the 8th International Symposium on Steel Structures     page: 169-170   2015.11

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  105. グラインダー処理による溶接残留応力の再分配挙動に関する研究 Reviewed


    鋼構造年次論文報告集   Vol. 23   page: 630 - 636   2015.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  106. A prediction method for extremely low cycle fatigue crack propagation of structural steels

    Nao Terao,Takeshi Hanji, Kazuo Tateishi,Masaru Shimizu

    Proceedings of the ISSS 2015     page: 387-388   2015.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  107. Fatigue strength of welded joint with adjacent attachments

    Shunsuke Kase,Kazuo Tateishi,Takeshi Hanji, Masaru Shimizu

    Proceedings of the ISSS 2015     page: 171-172   2015.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  108. Analytical study on low cycle fatigue of shear panel in multiple steel columns

    Masaru Shimizu,Kazuo Tateishi,Takeshi Hanji,Riku Adachi

    Proceedings of the ISSS 2015     page: 253-254   2015.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  109. Fatigue life prediction for cracked steel plates repaired with CFRP

    Mamiko Hattori,Takeshi Hanji, Kazuo Tateishi,Masaru Shimizu

    Proceedings of the ISSS 2015     page: 377-378   2015.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  110. Redistribution behavior of residual stress due to weld toe grinding

    Satoshi Maeda,Kazuo Tateishi,Takeshi Hanji, Masaru Shimizu

    Proceedings of the ISSS 2015     page: 383-384   2015.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  111. An estimation method for weld crack initiation in weld repair under cyclic loading

    Takeshi Hanji, Yoshio Hasegawa,Kazuo Tateishi,Masaru Shimizu

    Proceedings of the ISSS 2015     page: 397-398   2015.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  112. すみ肉溶接継手のルートき裂に対する変位基準の疲労強度評価法 Reviewed


    土木学会論文集A1   Vol. 71 ( 3 ) page: 315-326   2015.9

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  113. Simple repair method for fatigue cracks in welded joints by resin injection Reviewed

    Mamiko Hattori,Takeshi Hanji,Kazuo Tateishi

    Proceedings of the IABSE Conference Nara     page: CD-ROM   2015.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  114. Crack propagation behavior of structural steel in extremely low cycle fatigue region Reviewed

    Nao Terao,Takeshi Hanji,Kazuo Tateishi

    Proceedings of the IABSE Conference Nara     page: CD-ROM   2015.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  115. Fatigue strength evaluation method of connection between longitudinal closed ribs and cross-beam web cutouts in orthotropic steel bridge decks Reviewed

    Takeshi Hanji,Kazuo Tateishi,Keito Kato

    Proceedings of the IABSE Conference Nara     page: CD-ROM   2015.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  116. 引張または曲げ荷重を受ける溶接継手に対するICR処理の効果 Reviewed


    構造工学論文集   Vol. 61A   page: 627-637   2015.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  117. 局部ひずみを基準とした異形鉄筋の低サイクル疲労強度評価法 Reviewed

    判治剛,舘石和雄,永松 直樹

    構造工学論文集   Vol. 61A   page: 767-776   2015.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  118. Extremely low cycle fatigue assessment of corner crack in concrete-filled steel piers based on effective notch strain approach Reviewed

    Jin-Eun Park, Takeshi Hanji, Kazuo Tateishi

      Vol. 61A   page: 662-671   2015.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  119. 溶接継手の残留応力低減による疲労寿命改善効果に関する一考察 Reviewed


    鋼構造年次論文報告集   Vol. 22   page: 795-800   2014.11

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  120. Low cycle fatigue assessments of corner welded joints based on local strain approach Reviewed

    Takeshi Hanji, Jin-Eun Park, Kazuo Tateishi

    International Journal of Steel Structures   Vol. 14 ( 3 ) page: 579-587   2014.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  121. Low cycle fatigue assessment for corner joints based on effective notch strain approach Reviewed

    Takeshi Hanji, Jin-Eun Park, Kazuo Tateishi

    The 67th Annual Assembly of International Institute of Welding     page: ⅩⅢ-2550-14   2014.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  122. 橋梁用高降伏点鋼板(SBHS)を用いた溶接継手の疲労特性 Reviewed


    構造工学論文集   Vol. 60A   page: 587-595   2014.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  123. 前面すみ肉溶接で接合された重ね継手の面外曲げ荷重下での疲労強度 Reviewed


    鋼構造論文集   Vol. 21 ( 81 ) page: 47-53   2014.1

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  124. 道路橋の鋼製フィンガージョイントの損傷メカニズム Reviewed


    鋼構造論文集   Vol. 21 ( 84 ) page: 9-21   2014

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  125. Fatigue strength improvement of weld joints with cope hole Reviewed

    Sung-Min Choi, Kazuo Tateishi, Takeshi Hanji

    International Journal of Steel Structures   Vol. 13 ( 4 ) page: 683-690   2013.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  126. コンクリートを充填した矩形断面鋼製橋脚の低サイクル疲労挙動 Reviewed


    鋼構造年次論文報告集   Vol. 21   page: 802-808   2013.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  127. Low cycle fatigue characteristics of steel deformed bars Reviewed

    Takeshi Hanji, Kazuo Tateishi, Kenyuu Ushida, Naoki Nagamatsu, Sung-Min Choi

    Proc. of the 10th Pacific Structural Steel Conference     page: 505-510   2013.10

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  128. Fatigue life extension of cracked welded joints by ICR treatment under tensile loading Reviewed

    Kazuo Tateishi, Takeshi Hanji, Yoshitaka Tsuruta, Sho Sasada, Sung-Min Choi

    Proc. of the 10th Pacific Structural Steel Conference     page: 493-498   2013.10

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  129. Low cycle fatigue assessment of steel bridge piers subjected to long duration ground motions Reviewed

    Takeshi Hanji, Kazuo Tateishi, Shun Ukai, Sung-Min Choi

    Proc. of the 10th Pacific Structural Steel Conference     page: 499-504   2013.10

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  130. Estimation of Scatter ㏌ Fatigue Life of Welded Joints Reviewed

    Kazuo Tateishi, Moritaka Yoshida

    J. of Structural Mechanics and Earthquake Engineering, JSCE   Vol. 69 ( 3 ) page: 481-490   2013.10

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  131. Fatigue strength of welded joints using steels for bridge high performance structures (SBHS) Reviewed

    Takeshi Hanji, Kazuo Tateishi, Shuichi Ono, Yoshinori Danshita, Sung-Min Choi

    Proc. of the 13th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction   Vol. C-4-5   page: CD-ROM   2013.9

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  132. Local stress behavior at closed rib to crossbeam connections in orthotropic steel bridge decks Reviewed

    Keito Kato, Takeshi Hanji, Kazuo Tateishi, Sung-Min Choi, Shigeyuki Hirayama

    Proc. of the 13th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction   Vol. B-4-4   page: CD-ROM   2013.9

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  133. Fatigue strength of base joint with partial penetration weld in steel bridge brackets Reviewed

    Kazuo Tateishi, Takeshi Hanji, Sung-Min Choi, Kenshi Yoshimine, Tatsuya Takase

    Steel Construction Engineering, JSSC   Vol. 20 ( 77 ) page: 15-24   2013.3

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  134. Local stress characteristics at cross-beam web cutout in closed rib orthotropic deck Reviewed

    Takeshi Hanji, Keito Kato, Kazuo Tateishi, Sung-Min Choi, Shigeyuki Hirayama

    Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE   Vol. 59A   page: 781-789   2013.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  135. Low cycle fatigue design curves for base joints of steel bridge piers Reviewed

    Takeshi Hanji, Kazuo Tateishi

    Proc. of the International Workshop on Advances in Seismic Experiments and Computations     page: 223-228   2012.3

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  136. Analytical Study on Crack Propagation at Rib-to-Deck Welded Joints in Orthotropic Steel Decks Reviewed

    Xiaochen Ju, Sung-Min Choi, Kazuo Tateishi

      Vol. 19 ( 73 ) page: 85-94   2012.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  137. Study on fatigue crack propagation of a through-thickness crack subjected to out-of-plane bending Reviewed

    Xiaochen Ju, Kazuo Tateishi

    International Journal of Steel Structures     page: 85-92   2012.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  138. Fatigue strength evaluation for welded joints by newly developed local stress estimation method Reviewed

    Kazuo Tateishi, Takeshi Hanji, Wataru Naruse,Isao Ito,Sung-Min Choi

    Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE   Vol. 58A   page: 647-654   2012.3

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    This study proposed a simple method for estimating local stresses in as-welded
    joints and established a fatigue assessment method by using the estimated local stress.
    In this method, the local stress at the as-welded toe is estimated from the stress at the
    weld toe finished by grinding, where the stress can be measured by strain gauges.
    Fatigue tests and finite element analyses were conducted with out-of-plane gusset
    welded joints in as-welded and finished conditions. Based on the results, the local
    stress at the as-welded toe was correlated with the stress at the finished groove. It
    was concluded that the fatigue strength of the as-welded joints can be evaluated by
    using the local stress estimated by the proposed method.

  139. Evaluation of scatter in fatigue life of welded joints by fracture mechanics Reviewed

    Kazuo Tateishi, Moritaka Yoshida, Takeshi Hanji

    Journal of Constructional Steel   Vol. 19   page: 351-354   2011.11

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  140. Improvement methods in extremely low cycle fatigue strength of base joints in steel bridge bents by weld toe treatment Reviewed

    Kazuo Tateishi, Takeshi Hanji, Naoki Nagamatsu

    Journal of Constructional Steel, JSSC   Vol. 19   page: 355-360   2011.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    This study investigated the effect of extremely low cycle fatigue strength
    improvements on steel bridge piers by weld toe grinding. Low cycle fatigue tests on
    steel pier specimen of which base joints were finished by grinding were performed.Test
    results revealed that the fatigue strength of the pier was improved by the toe grinding in comparison to those in as-welded condition. Local strains around flnished weld toe were analyzed by finite element analysis. It was confirmed that it is possible to estimate the extremely low cycle fatigue life by using local strain and suggested fatigue strength curves.

  141. Retardation of fatigue crack propagation in welded joints under plate bending by hardening material injection Reviewed

    Kazuo Tateishi,Ryuichi Tsuboi,Takeshi Hanji

    Proc. of the 6th International Symposium on Steel Structures     page: 352-357   2011.11

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English  

    The number of fatigue cracks at in steel bridges is increasing, while it is difficult
    to repair all cracks just after detecting them. In this study, a simple repair method for
    cracks in steel bridges was proposed.This method can retard or arrest the crack
    growth by injecting hardening material into the crack to restrain its closure. To verify
    the applicability of the proposed method, fatigue tests under plate bending were
    conducted on out-of-plane gusset welded joints repaired by the hardening material
    injection. lt was indicated that effect of the crack growth retardation depends on
    when injecting the hardening material into the crack, and that the proposed method can
    extend the fatigue life regardless of the stress ratio.

  142. Crack behavior at Rib-to-Deck Welded Joints in Orthotropic Steel Decks Reviewed

    Xiaochen Ju, Sung-Min Choi, Kazuo Tateishi

      Vol. 59   page: CDROM   2011.11

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  143. Fatigue strength evaluation method for welded joints by new local stress concept

    Kazuo Tateishi, Wataru Naruse, Takeshi Hanji, Isao Ito

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Technology in Experimental Mechanics' 11     page: CD-ROM   2011.9

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  144. 面外曲げとせん断力を受ける溶接継手に生じる疲労き裂の進展挙動に関する研究 Reviewed


    土木学会論文集A1   Vol. 67 ( 2 ) page: 386-395   2011.8

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  145. Evaluation of scatter in fatigue life of welded joints by fracture mechanics

    Kazuo Tateishi, Moritaka Yoshida, Takeshi Hanji

    Proc. of the 11th Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Steel Bridges     page: CD-ROM   2011.8

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  146. Improvement in extremely low cycle fatigue strength of steel bridge piers by weld toe grinding

    Naoki Nagamatsu, Takeshi Hanji, Kazuo Tateishi

    Proc. of the 11th Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Steel Bridges     page: CD-ROM   2011.8

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  147. Fatigue strength of base joints of outrigger bracket in steel bridges

    Shun Ukai, Kazuo Tateishi, Takeshi Hanji, Kenshi Yoshimine

    Proc. of the 11th Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Steel Bridges     page: CD-ROM   2011.8

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  148. Local stress based fatigue assessment for out-of-plane gusset welded joints

    Sho Sasada, Kazuo Tateishi, Takeshi Hanji

    Proc. of the 11th Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Steel Bridges     page: CD-ROM   2011.8

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  149. 止端処理を施した溶接継手の極低サイクル疲労強度とその簡易推定法 Reviewed


    土木学会論文集A1   Vol. 67 ( 2 ) page: 294-306   2011.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  150. Effect of plate thickness on extremely low cycle fatigue strength of welded joints

    Kazuo Tateishi, Shuji Hanibuchi

    Proc. of the 63th annual meeting, International Institute of Welding     page: XIII-2335-10   2010.6

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  151. A Proposal on Low Cycle Fatigue Strength Curve for Base Joints of Steel Bridge Pier Reviewed

    Takeshi Hanji , Kazuo Tateishi

    Steel Construction Engineering, JSSC   Vol. 16 ( 64 ) page: 21-30   2009.12

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  152. Slip Resistance of friction-type Connections fastened with High-strength Bolts used to exposed Weathering Steel Reviewed

    Junij Sasajima,Yoshihiro Nitta,Kinya Miyagawa, Kazuo Tateishi,Takao Harada

    Jounal of Constructional Steel   Vol. 17   page: 399-404   2009.11

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    This paper reports a detailed investigation on slip resistance of friction-type connections fasten with high-strength bolts used to exposed weathering steel. In case of normal steel, it is already reported about the influence that rusted friction surfaces gives to a slip coefficient. However, in the case of weathering steel, there are many reports about progress speed of rust and thickness decrease by corrosion, but there are few reports to about the influence of a state of friction surface.

  153. Improvement of extremely low cycle fatigue strength of welded joints by toe finishing Reviewed

    Kazuo Tateishi, Takeshi Hanji, Shuji Hanibuchi

    Welding in the World, IIW   Vol. 53   page: 238-245   2009.10

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  154. A simulation on fatigue crack propagation in welded joints

    Takeshi Hanji, Kazuo Tateishi, Keisuke Tsuchiya

    Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability     page: 3377-3381   2009.9

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  155. Local Stress Behavior around Welded Joint of Angle Shape Shear Connector used in Steel-Concrete Composite Slab Reviewed

    Kazuo Tateishi,Sung-Min Choi,Daisuke Uchida, Koichi Asano,Kiyoshi Kobayashi

    Steel Construction Engineering, JSSC   Vol. 16 ( 63 ) page: 57-66   2009.9

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Local stress behavior around welded joint between angle-shape shear connector and bottom plate in steel-concrete composite slab was investigated by 3D FEA. From the analytical result, local bending deformation was observed when the bond between concrete and steel plate was lost. Also, it was confirmed that local stress around welded joint due to local bending deformation was strongly correlated with shear stress of shear connector. After these analytical investigations, correlation equation between stress concentration factor of welded joint and shear stress of angle shape shear connector was established in order to carry out fatigue design. Moreover, in this paper calculating methods of bending moment and shear stress for steel-concrete composite slab using angle shape shear connector were recommended.

  156. Improvement of Fatigue Strength in Steel Bridges Invited

    Kazuo Tateishi

    Steel Construction Today & Tomorrow, JSSC   ( 27 ) page: 6-9   2009.7

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  157. A Case Study of Performance Based Design on Low Cycle Fatigue Improvement

    Kazuo Tateishi, Takeshi Hanji and Shuji Hanibuchi

    Proc. of the 5th International Symposium on Steel Structures     page: 201-205   2009.3

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    In this study, we analyzed the local strain around the cracking point of the finished joint and the as-welded joint by FEA, and demonstrated that the local strain could be affected by the toe geometry parameters, such as radius, depth of the groove, and the main plate thickness. Then, we presented an example way to determine the desirable shape of the finished zone for satisfying the fatigue performance requirement of the welded joint.

  158. A Simulation of Fatigue Crack Propagation in Steel Girder Bridges Reviewed

    Kazuo Tateishi, Akira Tanikaga, Takeshi Hanji

    Journal of Constractional Steel   Vol. 16   page: 453-458   2008.11

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  159. Extremely low cycle fatigue assessment method for un-stiffend steel pier with box section Reviewed

    Kazuo Tateishi,T Chen,Takeshi Hanji

    Proc. of the 11th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Stuctural Engineerring & Construction(EASEC-11)     page: 184-185   2008.11

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    In the Great Hanshin Awaji Earthquake(1995),steel bridge piers were damaged by extremely low cycle fatigue, which has raised concerns about the seismic performance of the piers. However, researches on extremely low cycle fatigue strength of structural steel members have been limited and no design guidelines have been established for bridge structures. The authors have already conducted a series of researches on extremely low cycle fatigue strength of structural steel members and proposed a simple assessment method for extremely low cycle fatigue strength of the steel bridge piers. In this study, steel pier specimens were fabricated and tested under large cyclic deformation, and the proposed assessment method was verified by the test results.

  160. Improvement of extremely low cycle fatigue strength of welded joints Reviewed

    Shuji Hanibuchi,Kazuo Tateishi,Takeshi Hanji

    Proc. of the 11th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Stuctural Engineerring & Construction(EASEC-11)     page: 538-539   2008.11

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    In this study, the improvement of extremely low cycle fatigue strength by toe finishing was investigated. T-shape welded joints, which are in as-welded, TIG dressed or burr ground condition, were tested under displacement control conditions. The test results indicated that crack initiation lives of finished specimens were much longer than those of as-welded specimens. Between TIG dressing and burr grinding no clear difference on improvement was observed. We also performed elasto-plastic finite element analyses to calculate local strain around the cracking point, and assessed the fatigue strength of the finished specimen based on the local strain. The results demonstrated that the fatigue strength of TIG dressed and burr ground joints can be reasonably assessed using the local strain at the cracking point and the extremely low cycle fatigue strength curves.

  161. A study on fatigue crack propagation path in T-Shape welded joints Reviewed

    Keisuke Tsuchiya,Kazuo Tateishi,Takeshi Hanji

    Proc. of the 11th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Stuctural Engineerring & Construction(EASEC-11)     page: 530-531   2008.11

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    In this study, fatigue crack propagation analyses on T-shape welded joints subjected to plate bending were carried out. We picked up five kinds of stresses as parameters ,i.e. nominal bending stress, membrane stress and average shear stress in the main plate, nominal bending stress and membrane in the attached rib. We analyzed the crack propagation path with changing these parameters. Analysis results results indicated that the crack angle at the beginning was influenced by these parameters, especially the average shear stress in the main plate. These results were supported by fatigue test results conducted on T-shape welded joints with the same conditions used in the analysis .Finally, we presented the relationship of the average shear stress and the crack angle at the beginning.

  162. Fatigue Strength of Angle Shape Shear Connector used in Steel-Concrete Composite Slab Reviewed

    Kazuo Tateishi,Sung-Min Choi,Daisuke Uchida, Kouichi Asano,Kiyoshi Kobayashi

    International Journal of Steel Structures   Vol. 8 ( 3 ) page: 199-204   2008.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Fatigue strength of welded joint between angle shape shear connector and bottom plate in stress-concrete composite slab was investigated by fatigue tests. Fatigue tests were performed on push-out shear specimen and beam specimen. Local stress around the welded joint was also investigated by FEA. In fatigue tests, fatigue cracks initiated and propagated at the welded toe. The fatigue cracks were caused by stress concentration at the welded joints due to the local bending deformation of bottom plate. The fatigue strength of the welded joints can be reasonably assessed by using the hot spot stress and the design curve of FAT100 recommended in IIW.

  163. Fatigue Strength Improvement of U-type Trough Rib at Field Welded Joint in steel Bridge Deck Reviewed

    Sung-Min Choi,In-Tae Kim,Won-Chan Seo,Dong-Uk Lee, Kazuo Tateishi

    International Journal of Steel Structures   Vol. Vol 8 ( 3 ) page: 215-223   2008.9

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    The influence of misalignment is investigated to improve the fatigue strength of U-type trough ribs at field welded joints in steel bridge decks. A 3-point bending fatigue test and examined with a fatigue test and FEA to estimate the influence of misalignment. The result of the static loading test for the full-scale specimens showed that the position of maximum stress is in the bottom corners of the U-rib. It is known that fatigue cracks initiate from the inner surface of the U-rib and propagated to the outer surface, and larger misalignments contributed to a shorter fatigue life for the U-rib, based on the result of the fatigue test. The fatigue life is drastically reduced when the magnitude of misalignment is increased, as shown in the results of the fatigue test on small-scale specimens with a backing strip, and fatigue cracks usually occurred at the root of base metal. The result of stress analysis on small-scale specimens showed that the stress concentration at the root of base metal increases in proportion to larger misalignment, and the semicircular shape of the root is less subject to stress concentration than the right angle root type.

  164. Improvement of extremely low cycle fatigue strength of welded joints by toe finishing

    Kazuo Tateishi, Shuji Hanibuchi, Takeshi Hanji

    The 61st Annual Assembly of International Institute of Welding     page: XIII-2232-08   2008.7

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  165. Extremely low cycle fatigue assessment method for un-stiffened cantilever steel columns Reviewed

    Kazuo Tateishi, Tao Chen, Takeshi Hanji

    J. of Structural Mechanics and Earthquake Engineering, JSCE   Vol. 64 ( 2 ) page: 288-296   2008.4

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  166. Review of recent bridge asset management systems

    Takeshi Hanji, Kazuo Tateishi

    Proceedings of International Symposium on EcoTopia Science 2007     page: 1322-1326   2007.11

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  167. Analytical Investigation on Fatigue Crack Propagation in Welded Joints Reviewed

    Kazuo Tateishi,Takeshi Hanji

    Journal of Constractional Steel   Vol. 15   page: 321-326   2007.11

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Recently, a lot of fatigue cracks have occurred at some members in steel bridges. Besides, steel bridge have a possibility that the cracks would be initiated in future resulting the increase of their ages. In order to repair and retrofit the cracks properly, it is important to predict how they will propagate and to specify why they were initiated. In this paper, fatigue crack propagation analysis of welded joint was carried out with ZENCRACK software, and some factors which can be influence on the crack propagation process were investigated.

  168. Fatigue Strength of Steel-Concrete Composite Slab using Angle Shape Shear Connector Reviewed

    Kazuo Tateishi,Sung-Min Choi,Daisuke Uchida,Koichi Asano,Kiyoshi Kobayashi

    Steel Construction Engineering, JSSC   Vol. 14 ( 55 ) page: 123-132   2007.9

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Fatigue strength of welded joint between angle-shape shear connector and bottom plate in steel-concrete composite slab was investigated by fatigue testes. Local stress around the welded joint was also investigated by FEA. In fatigue tests, fatigue cracks initiated and propagated at the welded toe. The fatigue cracks were caused by stress concentration at the welded joints due to the local bending deformation of bottom plate. This local bending deformation was observed when the bond between concrete and steel palate was lost, and analytically simulated by FEA carried out on slab members in practice. After these investigations, it was confirmed the stress level at the welded joint was small and much less than the fatigue limit even when the design truck loads were applied.

  169. Low cycle fatigue assessment for welded joints based on local strain approach

    Kazuo Tateishi, Takeshi Hanji, Tao Chen

    The 60th Annual Assembly of International Institute of Welding     page: XIII-2160-07   2007.6

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  170. A study on strain behavior of thick walled steel pier under seismic action for low cycle fatigue assessment

    Kazuo Tateishi,Tao Chen

      Vol. VOL.6   page: CD-ROM   2007.6

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    For low cycle fatigue assessment, strain behavior in steel member should be sccurately estimated. An investigation on local strain behavior of steel pier excited by strong ground motion due to earthquake is presented here. Average strains in effective failure length of the pier are obtained by nonlinear dynamic analysis, and then they can be converted to local strain range by a relationship proposed for thick walled steel piers. Parametric studies with various accelerograms and geometry configurations of the member are conducted. Based on local strain range estimated by the method, fatigue damage index is finally calculated and discussed.

  171. A Prediction Model for Extremely Low Cycle Fatigue Strength of Structural Steel Reviewed

    Kazuo Tateishi,Takeshi Hanji,Kuniaki Minami

    International Journal of Fatigue   Vol. 29 ( 5 ) page: 887-896   2007.5

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Miner's rule has been accepted as a simple and effective method for predicting the low cycle fatigue life under variable strain amplitude. However, in an extremely large strain field, corresponding to the fatigue life of less than 10 cycles, the accuracy of Miner's rule has not been verified. In this study, low cycle fatigue tests under variable strain amplitude in an extremely large strain field were conducted with a newly developed testing system. Miner's rule always predicted a longer fatigue life than the observed life. A simple model introducing the damage mechanics concept was proposed and its validity was examined as another method for predicting low cycle fatigue

  172. Low Cycle Fatigue Assessment of T Shaped Welded Joint by Local Strain Based Approach Reviewed

    Tao Chen,Kazuo Tateishi

    Proc. of 8th Pacific Structural Steel Conference     page: 159-164   2007.3

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    Several T-shaped welded joint models are analyzed by finite element (FE) method for low cycle fatigue assessment in this paper. Joint is subjected to random loading blocks and strain history is counted by rainflow counting method. Endeavor is exerted to correlate local strain range of coarse FE model that ignores weld toe profile with strain range obtained by fine FE model that simulates the weld toe profile. Other parameters such as main geometrical dimensions and material properties are also taken into account. After that, strain range relationship is established. Numerical results show that weld toe radius is the most influential factor while others' effects are insignificant. At last, proposed approach is introduced to the analysis of T shaped welded joint test. It turns out simple and convenient in low cycle fatigue assessment since cumbersome modeling of weld local profile becomes not necessary.

  173. Extremely Low Cycle Fatigue Assessment of Thick Walled Steel Pier Using Local Strain Approach Reviewed

    Tao Chen,Kazuo Tateishi

    Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE   Vol. 53A   page: 485-492   2007.3

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    In this paper, several un-stiffened thick walled steel piers were analyzed to investigate high local strain in welded joints that triggered extremely low cycle fatigue failure. The local strain range at weld toe was correlated with the nominal strain range in effective failure length obtained by beam model analysis. Based on the local strain estimated by the nominal strain with the correlation, extremely low cycle fatigue assessment was carried out. It was shown that the local strain approach based on beam model analysis gave a safe side fatigue assessment result.

  174. A New Local Strain Based Approach to Low Cycle Fatigue Assessment of Welded Joint Reviewed

    Kazuo Tateishi,Tao Chen,Takeshi Hanji

    Steel Construction Engineering, JSSC   Vol. 13 ( 52 ) page: 73-81   2006.12

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Several T-shaped welded joint models are analyzed by finite element5 method for history is counted by range pair-range counting method. Endeavor is exerted to correlate local strain range of coarse FE model that ignores the weld toe profile with strain range obtained by fine material properties and loading pattern are also taken into account. After that, strain range factor while others' effects are insignificant. At last, proposed approach is introduced to the analysis of T shaped welded joint test. It turns out simple and convenient in low cycle fatigue assessment since cumbersome modeling of weld local profile becomes not necessary.

  175. 疲労設計の方向


    橋梁と基礎   Vol. 40 ( 8 ) page: 33-35   2006.8

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese  

  176. Improvement of extremely low cycle fatigue strength of welded joints by TIG dressing Reviewed

    Takeshi Hanji, Kazuo Tateishi, Kazuya Kitoh, Kuniaki Minami

    Steel Construction Engineering, JSSC   Vol. 13 ( 50 ) page: 27-34   2006.6

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  177. 鋼構造物におけるき裂検査の現状と課題


    安全工学シンポジウム2006     page: 41-52   2006.6

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  178. 局部加熱を併用した硬化剤注入手法による鋼材の疲労き裂進展抑制 Reviewed


    土木学会論文集A   Vol. 62 ( 1 ) page: 126-131   2006.1

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  179. Extremely low Cycle Fatigue Assessment for Welded Joints Based on Peak Strain Approach Reviewed

    Kazuo Tateishi,Takeshi Hanji,Kuniaki Minami,Kazuya Kitoh

      Vol. 62 ( 1 ) page: 101-109   2006.1

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    As an estimation method of low cycle fatigue strength of welded joint in extremely large strain field, fatigue assessment method based on peak strain approach was verified. T-shape welded joints were employed for the low cycle fatigue test. The local strain field around welded portion and the peak strain at the cracked point was analyzed by elasto-plastic finite element method. The relationship between the peak strain and the fatigue life was consistent with the fatigue strength curve proposed by the authors. Consequently, it was demonstrated the fatigue assessment method based on peak strain approach was available even in extremely large strain region.

  180. A prediction model for extremely low cycle fatigue life under variable strain amplitude

    Kazuo Tateishi, Takeshi Hanji

    Proc. of the 8th Japan-Korea Joint Seminar on Steel Bridges     page: 251-257   2005.8

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  181. Extremely low cycle fatigue assessment method for welded joint by peak strain approach

    Takeshi Hanji, Kazuo Tateishi, Kazuya Kitoh

    Proc. of the 6th Japanese-German Bridge Symposium     page: CD-ROM   2005.8

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  182. Improvement of extremely low cycle fatigue strength of welded joints by TIG dressing

    Kazuo Tateishi, Takeshi Hanji, Kazuya Kitoh

    Proc. of the 6th Japanese-German Bridge Symposium     page: CD-ROM   2005.8

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  183. Low cycle fatigue testing system by means of image technique and its application to steel welded joints

    Takeshi Hanji, Kazuo Tateishi

    Proc. of the 1st International Conference on Advances in Experimental Structural Engineering     page: 603-609   2005.7

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  184. Surface Measurement of Corroded Steel Plate by Digita Stereo-Graphy Reviewed

    Kazuo Tateishi,Kengo Shibata,Takeshi Hanji

    Steel Construction Engineering, JSSC   Vol. 12 ( 46 ) page: 27-34   2005.6

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Surface profile of structural members sometimes gives valuable information to estimate mechanical behavior of existing structures. In this study, based on stereography technique, a simple method to measure the surface profile was developed, and apllied to a corroded steel plate surface. The method gave good results even for corroded steel plate surface which has few image patters and characteristics. The accuracy of the method was also discussed on the results for a variety of system conditions, such as camera position and camera resolution.

  185. A Prediction Model for Extremely Low Cycle Fatigue Strength of Welded Joints Reviewed

    Kazuo Tateishi,Takeshi Hanji, Kazuya Kitoh,Kuniaki Minami

    Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE   Vol. 51A   page: 1275-1282   2005.3

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    We investigated the low cycle fatigue strength of welded materials under constant and variable strain amplitude in extremely large strain region. The test results indicated that fatigue strength of welded materials, particularly heat-affected zone(HAZ),was much lower than that of plain material. We then developed a model to predict the extremely low cycle fatigue strength of welded materials Fatigue life estimated by this model was well agreed with test results.

  186. Low cycle fatigue strength of butt- welded steel joint by means of new testing system with image technique Reviewed

    Kazuo Tateishi,Takeshi Hanji

    International Journal of Fatigue   Vol. 26 ( 12 ) page: 1349-1356   2004.12

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    In this study, we investigated the low cycle fatigue strength of welded joints using a new fatigue testing system in which the image analysis technique was used to measure the strains in specimens. After checking the validity of the testing system, we used this new system to conduct fatigue tests on welded joint specimens. The test results indicate that the fatigue strength of welded material (weld deposit and heat affected zone) is much lower than that of the plain material.

  187. A Prediction Model for Extremely Low Cycle Fatigue Life under Variable Strain Amplitude Reviewed

    Kazuo Tateishi,Takeshi Hanji,Kuniaki Minami

    J. of Structural Mechanics and Earthquake Engineering, JSCE   Vol. I-69 ( 773 ) page: 149-158   2004.10

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    For predicting the low cycle fatigue life under variable strain amplitude,Miner's rule has been accepted as a simple and effective idea.
    In extreme large strain field corresponding to the fatigue life of less than ten cycles,however,the accuracy of Miner's rule has not been verified yet.In this study,by means of a newly developed testing system,low cycle fatigue tests under variable strain amplitude in extreme large strain fierd was conducted.The test results showed Miner's rule always predicted longer fatigue life than actual life.As another idea for predicting low cycle fatigue life,we proposed model introducing the damage mechanics concept and examined its validity.

  188. Low Cycle Fatigue Strength of Steel in Extreme Large Strain Field

    Kazuo Tateishi,Takeshi Hanji

    Proc.of The 3rd International Conference on Earthquake Engineering     page: 561-565   2004.10

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    Extensive experiments on the low cycle fatigue for plain steel material have been conducted and obtained some important results. There are few studies, however, on the low cycle fatigue the extreme large strain field, corresponding to the fatigue life less than ten cycles. In this study, we developed a new low cycle fatigue testing system, in which a specimen was subjected to bending deformation and the strain in the specimen was measured by image analysis technique. Low cycle fatigue test results, an estimation method for low cycle fatigue strength in the extreme large strain field was proposed.

  189. Low Cycle Fatigue Strength of Welded Joints in Extreme Large Strain Field

    Kazuo Tateishi,Takeshi Hanji

    Proc.of The 2nd International Conference on Bridge Maintenance,Safety,Management and Cost     page: 853-854   2004.10

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  190. A Study on Low Cycle Fatigue Strength of Butt Welded Joints by Means of Testing System with Image Analysis Reviewed

    Kazuo Tateishi,Takeshi Hanji

    J. of Structural Mechanics and Earthquake Engineering, JSCE   Vol. I-66 ( 752 ) page: 277-287   2004.1

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Low cycle fatigue strength of welded joints was investigated by means of newly developed fatigue testing system in which image analysis technique was applied to measure the strain of specimens. It was validated that the strain measured by the image analysis was almost equal to measured value by strain gauge, and the low cycle fatigue strength of steel plate without welding was in good agreement with the results reported in former researches. After verifying the testing system, fatigue tests were carried out on welded joint specimens. The test results indicated that the low cycle fatigue strength of welded joints was mach lower than that of plain material, and fatigue life was reduced by half.

  191. Application of Image Analysis to Steel Structural Engineering

    Kazuo Tateishi, Takeshi Hanji

    North American Euro-Pacific Worlshop,Sensing Issues in Civil StructuralHealth Monitoring     page: 47-56   2004

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    We introduce three applications of the image analysis technique into steel structural engineering. The first is the surface shape measurement of corroded steel plates using digital stereography. The second and third are strain measurements by digital image analysis. In all cases, the image analysis technique work well and provides us with innovative information on mechanical behaviors of steel structures.

  192. 3-D shape measurement of corroded surface by using digital stereography

    Takeshi Hanji, Kazuo Tateishi, Kazuki Kitagawa

    Proc. of the 1st International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring and Intelligent Infrastructure     page: 699-704   2003.11

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  193. A study on low cycle fatigue strength of butt welded joint by means of image analysis technique

    Kazuo Tateishi, Takeshi Hanji

    Proc. of the 5th Japanese-German Joint Symposium on Steel and Composite Bridges     page: 405-409   2003.9

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  194. Low cycle fatigue testing system by means of image analysis technique

    Takeshi Hanji, Kazuo Tateishi

    Proc. of the 7th Korea-Japan Joint Seminar on Steel Bridges     page: 441-449   2003.8

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  195. Delay Effect on Fatigue Crack Propagation in Steel Members by Resin Injection

    Kazuo Tateishi,Kazuki Kitagawa

    Proc. of the 7th Korea-Japan Joint seminar on Steel Bridges     page: 425-430   2003.8

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    Resin injection is possible method to arrest the growth of fatigue crack in steel structures tentatively, because the resin injected into the fatigue crack is expected to act as a filling and inhibit crack opening/closing behavior, which result in the decrease of effective stress intensity factor range and crack propagation rate. In this study, the possibility and the limitation of the method are investigated on the basis of fatigue results conducted on steel plate specimens.

  196. A study on the quality of studs welded in horizontal position and the possibility of post-welding repair Reviewed

    Kosuke Tsuji,Masaki Shimamoto,Kazuo Tateishi

    Steel Construction Engineering, JSSC   Vol. 9 ( 35 ) page: 17-24   2002.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    As studs come to be applied to complicated structures, the demand to make the stud joints in horizontal welding position arises recently, though such welding position often leads to the occurrence of flaws. In this study, imperfect studs were made by the welding in horizontal position, and their quality in terms of shapes, flaws and material properties were investigated. After that, repair work by post-welding was carried out on the imperfect studs in order to find their possibility and limitation.

  197. Fatigue Strength of Welded Steel Wire Mesh made with Spot Welding Reviewed

    Kazuo Tateishi,Kenshi Yoshimine,Koji Ota,Takayoshi Matsui

      Vol. 13 ( 2 ) page: 25-32   2002.5

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Fatigue tests were carried out on welded steel wire mesh and RC beam in order to investigate the fatigue strength of welded steel wire mesh made with spot welding. Besides, welding residual stress and stress concentration at the crossing portion of the bars, which influenced fatigue performance of the mesh very much, were investigated by experiment and FEM analysis respectively. Fatigue strength of the mesh was mush higher than the specified design strength for welded steel reinforcing bar, because welding residual stress was small, and stress concentration is relatively mild. Finally, fatigue crack propagation analysis was applied to estimate the fatigue strength and propose a design curve for the steel wire mesh made with spot welding.

  198. Re-analysis of fatigue test date of attachments based on stress at fillet weld toe Reviewed

    Kentaro Yamada,Zhi-Gang Xiao,In-tae Kim,Kazuo Tateishi

    Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE   Vol. 48A   page: 1047-1054   2002.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Fillet weld causes stress concentration, Kt, at weld toe. Its effect is rather local, for example within 1 mm deep for non-load-carrying fillet-welded joints of 10 mm thick with fillet welds of 6 mm leg length. Such a fillet-welded joint is taken as a reference detail. Then, Kt of other fillet- welded details can be defined as local Kt multiplied by global( geometric )Kt. In this study Kt at 1 mm away from weld toe of fillet welded attachment is analyzed to find the global Kt. Fatigue test date of attachments is re-plotted with nominal stress range multiplied by global Kt. It is in good agreement with the test date of the reference detail. This new approach may open a way to investigate fatigue strength of more complicated fillet-welded attachments by FEM analysis.

  199. 鋼構造の疲労予測技術とメンテナンス


    土木学会誌   Vol. 86 ( 12 ) page: 44-47   2001.12

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  200. Strain Measurement System by Digital Stereo Vision Reviewed

    Kazuo Tateishi

    J. of Structural Mechanics and Earthquake Engineering, JSCE   Vol. VIー53 ( 693 ) page: 87-94   2001.12

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    Authorship:Lead author, Corresponding author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    A system for measuring large strain in strain in structural members is developed by using digital stereo vision. The system consists of the following processes, 1) target points provided on the specimen surface, 2) identify the coordinates of each target point by digital stereo vision, 3) calculate displacement vector of each target point, and
    4) calculate the strain field. All preprocesses are performed automatically, and the strain results can be obtained in some seconds. This system makes it possible to carry out semi-realtime strain measurements, even if object includes three-dimensional deformation like local buckling.

  201. Method for Estimating Fatigue Crack Propagation Rate for a Crack in Welded Joints Reviewed

    Kazuo Tateishi,Takeshi Hanji,Satoshi Yamada,Makoto Abe

    Steel Construction Engineering, JSSC   Vol. 8 ( 31 ) page: 11-16   2001.9

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Recently, a lot of fatigue cracks have been found in steel bridges to the increase of the large-scale vehicles in number as well as weight. In order to consider a repairing this study, a method to estimate the fatigue crack propagation rate is proposed, which is based on the crack opening width measured by image analysis on a digital image recorded with a portable digital microscope. The accuracy and limitation of the method were investigated through a fatigue test carried out on a fatigue crack in welded joint specimen.

  202. Estimation method for crack propagation behavior in welded joint Reviewed

    Kazuo Tateishi,Takeshi Hanji,Makoto Abe

    Proceedings of the 6th Korea-Japan Joint Seminar on Steel bridges     page: 369-373   2001.8

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  203. 第2東名高速道路・山間部の橋梁群


    土木学会誌   Vol. 86 ( 1 ) page: 59-62   2001.1

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  204. Monitoring system for fatigue crack propagation by image analysis

    Kazuo Tateishi, Takeshi Hanji, Makoto Abe

    Current and Future Trends in Bridge Design, Construction and Maintenance   Vol. 2   page: 256-260   2001

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  205. 溶接継手部に生じた疲労き裂の応力拡大係数の推定手法 Reviewed


    鋼構造年次論文報告集   Vol. 8   page: 617-620   2000.11

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  206. Fatigue strength of the joint between steel plate and steel reinforcement in composite decks Reviewed

    kazuo Tateishi, Koji Ota,Kiyoshi Suzuki

    Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE   Vol. 46A   page: 1555-1560   2000.3

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    In steel-concrete composite bridge decks, steel beams and steel reinforcement are placed longitudinally or transversally. At the intersection between steel beam and steel reinforcement, welding is sometimes provided in order to fix the position of reinforcement during construction period. In this study, fatigue strength of the welded joint between steel plate and steel reinforcement was investigated experimentally. The test results showed that this type of welded joint had relatively high fatigue strength and could be categorized into D class in JSSC codes, because welding residual stress around the welded part and geometrical stress concentration was small.

  207. Low Cycle Fatigue of concrete Filled Steel Tube Members Reviewed

    Kazuo Tateishi,Tomoya Saito,Kiyomitu Murata

    Proc.of the 7th International Symposium on Stuctural Failure and Plasticity     page: 679-684   2000

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    Low cycle fatigue, Which is one of the final failure modes of Concrete Filled steel Tube (CFT) members, was investigated experimentally. In Order to estimate the low cycle fatigue strength, strain behaviors in the steel tube must be investigated in detail. In this study, a new strain measuring system based on the photogrammetry technique was applied. This method made it possible to measure the large strains around the buckling portion and reveal the unique characteristics of the strain field. Based on the measured strain date, low cycle fatigue assessment was performed. As result, it was shown that this assessment was effective to deal with the crack problem in CFT members.

  208. CFT部材の鋼管のひずみ挙動に関する研究 Reviewed


    コンクリート工学年次論文報告集   Vol. 22 ( 3 ) page: 1045-1050   2000

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  209. Simple method for estimating stress intensity factor by image analysis

    kazuo Tateishi, Hiroto Oyamada, Taketo Uomoto

    Proc. of the 5th Korea-Japan Joint Seminar on Steel Bridges     page: 185-191   1999.10

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  210. Simple method to estimate stress intensity factor by image analysis Reviewed

    Kazuo Tateishi,Hiroto Oyamada,Taketo Uomoto,Ichiro Adachi

    Steel Construction Engineering   Vol. 6 ( 23 ) page: 99-104   1999.9

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    A simple method to estimate the stress intensity factor was proposed. In this method, the displacement of the crack surface which could be directly related the stress intensity factor was measured by image analysis on a digital photograph recorded with a portable digital microscope. As a result of the accuracy verification by the fatigue test a CT specimen, it was shown that this method was available to estimate the stress intensity factor with good accuracy.

  211. Strain Measurements on Concrete FIlled Steel Tube Members By Image Analsis Reviewed

    Kazuo Tateishi,Kiyomitu Murata

    Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE   Vol. 45A   page: 1537-1544   1999.3

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    One of the main failure modes of Concrete Filled steel Tube( CFT )members is low cycle fatigue failure of the steel tube. In this study, as a fundamental study to estimate the low cycle fatigue strength of CFT members, strain measurements for the steel tube were carried out by using newly developed image analysis system which is three-dimensionaly deformed, so that the strain field around the buckling portion in the steel tube where a crack may be formed can be measured by the system. The
    Results of strain measurements by the system were used to calculate the fatigue damage around the buckling portion and investigate effectiveness of the low cycle fatigue assessment for CFT members.

  212. 欠陥を有する異形鉄筋ガス圧接継手の強度特性 Reviewed


    コンクリート工学年次論文報告集   Vol. 21 ( 3 ) page: 319-324   1999

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  213. Strain Behavior of Concretes Filled Steel Members under Cyclic Loading Reviewed

    Kazuo Tateishi,Kiyomitu Murata

    Proc.of the 7th EASEC     page: 949-954   1999

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    In this study, strain behavior of steel tube in concrete Filled steel Tube(CFT) member was investigated by a newly developed strain measuring system which was based on the photogrammetry technique and could be applied to an object even if local buckling deformation occurred in it. After the accuracy verification of the system by comparing with the strain date given from strain gauge, the system was applied to the loading test on CFT specimen, and unique characteristics of the strain field around the buckling portion of steel tube were clarified. The measured strain date were also used to assess the low cycle fatigue strength of the tube, and it was shown that the low cycle fatigue assessment was available for considering the fatigue criteria of CFT member

  214. Failure Mechanisms of RC Piers with Termination of Reinforcement at Mid-height and Retrofitting by Alamid Sheet Reviewed

    Masayuki Yamada,Chitoshi Miki,Kazuo Tateishi,Kenji Gondo

    Journal of Structural Engineering   Vol. 44A   page: 1317-1324   1998.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    In this paper, ductility of RC bridge pier with termination of reinforcement at mid-height was studied. To discuss the structural details to prevent shearing failure, reversed cyclic horizontal tests were carried out with some types of specimens. The specimens have different details, lateral tie`s interval, shape of cross-section, thickens of cover concrete and retrofitting by alamid sheet. As results, each specimens had distinctive failure processes. Especially the crack generated at the termination of reinforcement become diagonal shearing cracks. RC pier confined by alamid sheet increases its ductility and round cross-section is possible to much confinement than square cross-section.

  215. Cope Hole Details for Improving Fatigue Strength Reviewed

    Kazuo Tateishi,Chitoshi Miki,Katsuya Kajimoto

    J. of Structural Mechanics and Earthquake Engineering, JSCE   Vol. I-42 ( 584 ) page: 307-310   1998.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Altered cope hole details for improving fatigue strength proposed and their effects were examined by fatigue tests. It was shown that the detail in which the weld was quitted near the corner of cope hole and the end welded bead was finished by grindings, and the detail in which cope hope was filled up with welded bead, had higher fatigue strength than conventional cope hole details.

  216. 骨材界面組織が物質拡散に与える影響についての解析的研究 Reviewed


    コンクリート工学年次論文報告書   Vol. 20 ( 2 ) page: 763-768   1998

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  217. 鉄筋コンクリート柱における鉄筋の地震時ひずみ履歴に関する研究 Reviewed


    コンクリート工学年次論文報告集   Vol. 20 ( 3 ) page: 277-282   1998

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  218. スカラップを有する厚板I型断面桁 現場溶接継手部の疲労強度 Reviewed


    土木学会論文集   Vol. I-41 ( 577 ) page: 121-130   1997.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  219. Fatigue strength of cope hole details in steel bridges Reviewed

    Chitoshi Miki,Kazuo Tateishi

    International Journal of Fatigue   Vol. 19 ( 6 ) page: 445-455   1997.7

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Cope holes found at the intersections of steel structural members to access crossing welds may cause high stress concentration and decrease the fatigue strength of the detail. In this study, fatigue strength and local stresses for cope hole details existing in I-section beams bent in- planes were investigated by fatigue tests, stress measurements and stress analyses. The experimental results showed the fatigue strength of cope hole details was extremely low due to the local stress around the cope holes. In particular, when shear deformation was induced in a gap of flange plate inside a cope hole, the local stress was greatly increased. Using an analytical approach, the relationship between the magnitude of local stress and some influential parameters was investigated and a simple method to estimate the local stress for cope hole details is propose

  220. Fatigue Strength of the Joint between Diaphragms and Longitudinal Ribs in Box Section Girders Reviewed

    Chitoshi Miki,Masakatu Shiozaki,Kazuo Tateishi,Harukazu Ohashi

    J. of Structural Mechanics and Earthquake Engineering, JSCE   Vol. I-39 ( 563 ) page: 35-40   1997.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Fatigue strength of the joint between diaphragms and longitudinal ribs on lower in box girder of suspension bridge was investigated by means of fatigue tests and stress analyses. Fatigue tests were carried of cope holes at the crossing joints. It was found that smaller cope hope was appropriate for reducing the local stress and increasing fatigue strength. However, when no cope hope existed, high stress concentration occurred at the flange plate inside of through rib fatigue strength became low.

  221. Fatigue Design for Cope Hole Details in I-section Members of Steel Bridges Reviewed

    Chitoshi Miki,Kazuo Tateishi

    J. of Structural Mechanics and Earthquake Engineering, JSCE   Vol. I-39 ( 563 ) page: 41-47   1997.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Local stresses around the cope hope in I-section members of steel bridges were investigated by finite element analysis in order to propose a simple method to estimate the stress concentration factor for the detail from geometrical parameters and loading conditions. Based on the results, fatigue design method for this detail including the influences of shear deformation of the flange plate inside of cope hole was proposed

  222. 鉄筋コンクリート橋脚の耐力・変形のエネルギー的評価

    舘石和雄、山田真幸、三木千寿、瀬間 優、玉置一清

    阪神・淡路大震災に関する学術講演論文集     page: 353-360   1997

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese  

  223. 境界要素法による高速移動荷重列に対する橋桁の動的応答解析の試み Reviewed


    土木学会論文集   Vol. I-37 ( 549 ) page: 107-114   1996.10

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  224. Influence of Welding Materials on Fatigue Strength of Fillet Welded Joints Made from High Strength Steel Reviewed

    Kazuo Tateishi, Kyung.K.S,Fumitaka Machida,Chitoshi Miki

    J. of Structural Mechanics and Earthquake Engineering, JSCE   Vol. I-36 ( 543 ) page: 133-140   1996.7

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    In order develop a method to improve fatigue strength of fillet welded joints made from high strength steel, specimens with special considerations in electrode materials or post welding treatments were made and tested. Fatigue test results showed that weld toe re-melting method or TIG dressing could obviously improved fatigue strength, while applying under matching welds or special electrode with high fluidity had little advantage. These results were discussed in relation to welded toe profile, residual stress and hardness.

  225. 断面変化部のある鋼管柱の繰り返し水平載荷実験


    阪神・淡路大震災に関する学術講演会論文集     page: 355-358   1996

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  226. Local Stress and Fatigue Strength of the Joint between Longitudinal and Transverse Ribs in Orthotropic Steel Deck Plate Reviewed

    Chitosi Miki,Kazuo Tateishi, Atsushi Okugawa, Yuji Fujii

    J. of Structural Mechanics and Earthquake Engineering, JSCE   Vol. I-32 ( 519 ) page: 127-137   1995.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Local stress properties and fatigue strength of the joint between longitudinal and transverse ribs in orthotropic steel deck plate were investigated experimentally. In order to induce the out-of plane deformation to the web of transverse rib, loading system which can simulate the passing load was built using three loading jacks. The results of stress measurements and fatigue tests showed that the crossing detail without scallops on the deck plate side had lower local stress and fatigue life than that with scallops.

  227. A Study on the Improvement of Resolution of Ultrasonic Inspection by Aperture Synthesis System Reviewed

    Jiro Iwatate,Masato Tanaka,Kazuo Tateishi,Chitoshi Miki

    J. of Structural Mechanics and Earthquake Engineering, JSCE   Vol. I-30 ( 507 ) page: 121-127   1995.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    An ultrasonic inspection system that can manipulate the angle of probe was applied to perform aperture synthesis by ultrasonic waves. It was demonstrated that aperture synthesis method gave better resolution for imaging the inner flaw than B-Scope method.

  228. Mechanism for Developing Local Stress at the Connection Details in Steel Bridge Structures Reviewed

    Kazuo Tateishi,Hiroyuki Takenouchi,Chitoshi Miki

    J. of Structural Mechanics and Earthquake Engineering, JSCE   Vol. I-30 ( 507 ) page: 109-119   1995.1

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    A method to find the relationship between local stresses caused fatigue damage at the connection details in steel bridge structures and displacements of bridge members were proposed. By applying this method to three typical damaged crossing details, the arising mechanism of local stresses were investigated.

  229. Probabilistic Study on Fatigue Strength of Longitudinal Welded Joints Reviewed

    Kazuo Tateishi,Chitoshi Miki, Kyung K.S

    Proc.of the 5th EASEC     page: 1641-1646   1995

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  230. Fatigue Damage of Shoes in Plate Girder Bridges and Improvement of Their Details Reviewed

    Kazuo Tateishi,Toru Natori,Chitoshi Miki

    J. of Structural Mechanics and Earthquake Engineering, JSCE   Vol. I-27 ( 489 ) page: 167-176   1994.4

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    Authorship:Lead author   Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Fatigue damages around shoe of plate girder bridges were investigated focusing on the two causes, the deterioration of movability of she and the gap between sole plate and lower flange of main girder. The results of fatigue test and FEM analysis showed that these two causes raised high stress concentration around she leading to fatigue crackings. Five types of improved details in order to prevent fatigue around shoe were tested and their effectiveness were discussed.

  231. Fatigue Strength of Scallop Details in Steel Bridges Reviewed

    Chitoshi Miki,Kazuo Tateishi,Kenji Ishihara,Katsuya Kajimoto

    J. of Structural Mechanics and Earthquake Engineering, JSCE   Vol. I-27 ( 483 ) page: 79-86   1994.1

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Fatigue strengths of scallop details in welded structural members were investigated by experiment and FEM analysis. Fatigue strength of this detail based on nominal stress was extremely low because high stress concentration occurred in the gap of scallop. Fatigue strength based on hot spot stress are potted on narrow band above the JSSC`s E class design curve ( 80MPa for 2×106 Cycles), which shows that fatigue assessment method based on the hot spot stress is valid for estimating fatigue strength of scallop details.

  232. Probabilistic Study on Influence of Blowholes on Fatigue Strength of Longitudinal Welded Joint Reviewed

    Chitoshi Miki,Kazuo Tateishi,Kyung K.S

      Vol. 43 ( 487 ) page: 421-426   1994

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    The influence of blowholes on the fatigue strength of members with longitudinal welded
    Joints was investigated by probabilistic approach. Random variables and parameters used were blowhole size, member length, probability of fatigue crack occurrence from blowholes, distribution of stress range and parameter C in paris`s law. Probabilistic functions of these variables were given from the results of previous fatigue tests or field measurements. By parametrical analysis, the influences of the above random valiables on the fatigue strength of longitudinal welded joints were evaluated quantitatively.

  233. A Study on Fastigue Strength of Scallop Details under Out‐of‐Plane Displacement Reviewed

    Chitoshi Miki,Kazuo Tateishi,J.F.Ricci,Katsuya Kajimoto

    Jourhal of Structural Engineering, JSCE   Vol. 39A   page: 989-998   1993.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Most fatigue cracks in bridges are observer at the welded joints between longitudinal members and perpendicular members. At their crossing connections, scallops are set up to avoid the crossing-over of some welded lines. In this type of structural detail, the forces transmitted through secondary members in duce the out-of-plane bending deformation to the gap in scallop. To investigate the fatigue strength of scallop detail with out-of-plane bending stresses, experimental study was carried out. The stress distribution around scallop changed due to the scallop size, and some different types of fatigue cracks occurred in each type of specimen. Fatigue strength arranged by the `hot spot stress'was over 60 MPa FOR 2x106 cycles.

  234. Numerical Simulation of Ultrasonic Pulse-Echo Inspection Reviewed

    Chitoshi Miki,Kiyohiro Ikeda,Kazuo Tateishi,Masanori Takahashi

    J. of Structural Mechanics and Earthquake Engineering, JSCE   Vol. I-22 ( 459 ) page: 39-48   1993.1

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  235. Fatigue strength of fillet-welded joints containing root discontinuities Reviewed

    Chitoshi Miki,Kazuo Tateishi ,Heng-da Fan, Masato Tanaka

    International Journal of Fatigue   Vol. 15 ( 2 ) page: 133-140   1993

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    Language:English   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    In order to examine the fatigue performance of fillet-welded joints containing root crack or root-gap defects, fatigue tests are carried out. The specimens consist of two series; the first series are non-load-carrying cruciform, load- carrying cruciform and longitudinally welded joints. The second series are all load-carrying cruciform joints and have four kinds of details with various root- gap sizes and leg length. The test results indicate that the fatigue strength of joints which contain defects is equal to or higher than that of joints with no defects.

  236. ブローホールからの疲労き裂発生確率が縦方向溶接部材の疲労強度に及ぼす影響 Reviewed


    第12回材料・構造信頼性シンポジウム講演論文集     page: 108-112   1993

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  237. Material Dependence of Fatigue Strength of Longitudinal Welded Joints Reviewed

    Kazuo Tateishi, Kyung K.S,Chitoshi Miki, Masato Tanaka

    Proc.of the 4th EASEC     page: 1321-1326   1993

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  238. Fatigue Strength of Cross Connection Details Reviewed

    Chitoshi Miki,Kazuo Tateishi, J.F.Ricci, Katsuya Kajimoto

    Proc.of the 4th EASEC     page: 1279-1284   1993

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  239. A Study on the Local Stress Approach to the Fatigue Assessment Reviewed

    Chitoshi Miki,Kazuo Tateishi,Yoshihiro Yamamoto,Masanobu Miyauchi

    Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE   Vol. 38A   page: 1055-1062   1992.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    For the fatigue assessment based on the local stress, it is important how to define the stress to assess the fatigue strength. In this study, the measurements and the analysis of the stress distributions near the welded toe are carried out on three different type of specimens. Through these results and the fatigue test date which has been obtained on these specimens, the method to define the local stress to assess the fatigue strength is investigated.

  240. A Liveload Model for Fatigue Design on Steel Highway Bridges Reviewed

    Chitoshi Miki, Kazuo Tateishi,Ichiro Sugimoto

    J of Structural Mechanics and Earthquake Engineering, JSCE   Vol. I-16 ( 432 ) page: 63-68   1991.7

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Fatigue design load of highway bridges is studied by means of the simulation of variable amplitude section forces in bridge components. As the standard load for fatigue design, we propose the T-20 load ( a single truck load ) which is prescribed in Japanese Specification for highway bridges. The effects of multiple presence of truck vehicles in same lane, or in different double lanes are estimated in the form of a load factor γ1 and
    γ2 respectively. And to estimate the effect of over-loading of truck vehicles, we propose a load factor γ3 .Using the T-20 load modified by load factor γ1,γ2
    and γ3, fatigue design of steel highway can be simply be preformed.

  241. Field Stress Measurements at the Connection Between Longitudinal and Transverse Ribs of Steel Deck Plates Reviewed

    Chitoshi Miki,Kazuo Tateishi,Sentaro Takagi

    Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE   Vol. 37A   page: 1163-1168   1991.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    In order to investigate the behavior at the longitudinal and transverse ribs connections of steel deck plates, stress measurements were carried out on two bridges in TOKYO. From the measured stresses, the influence lines of the longitudinal and the transverse ribs were calculated by using inversed problem concepts. F. E. M. analysis was applied to make clear the relationship between various distortion modes and fluctuations of local stress.

  242. Remaining Fatigue Life Evaluation and Life Extension of Steel Bridges Reviewed

    Chitoshi Miki,Kazuo Tateishi

    Proc.of the 3rd EASEC     page: 1017-1022   1991

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  243. Fatigue Crack Experiences in Steel Bridges Reviewed

    Chitoshi Miki,Kazuo Tateishi,Masahiro Sakano

    Proc.of the 3rd EASEC     page: 821-828   1991

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  244. 超音波の数値シュミュレーションと非破壊検査への応用


    土木工学における非破壊評価シンポジュウム講演論文集     page: 43-50   1991

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  245. 散乱超音波法による欠陥形状識別の試み


    土木工学における非破壊評価シンポジュウム講演論文集     page: 81-86   1991

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  246. 青森大橋(仮称)上部工の施工計画


    橋梁と基礎   Vol. 24 ( 6 ) page: 9-16   1990.6

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  247. The Effects of Drying Shrinkage on the Design of PRC Structure Reviewed

    Kazuo Tateishi,Mitsuaki Ohba,Kenichi Takeuchi,Takeshi Tsuyoshi

    Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE   Vol. 36A   page: 1185-1190   1990.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Prestressed Reinforced Concrete ( PRC ) structure is applied for more than 50 spans of railway bridges. On the design of the PRC structure, the effects of drying shrinkage and creep strain are very important. But even now, the design method to estimate their effects precisely is not established. This paper reports the effects of drying shrinkage and creep strain in some test designs. And through the experimental results and the measurements of an actual PRC bridge, the method to estimate the relation between drying shrinkage and the stress of concrete or reinforcement is investigated.

  248. PRC桁のひびわれ幅に関する一考察 Reviewed


    コンクリート工学年次論文報告書   Vol. 12 ( 2 ) page: 167-172   1990

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  


  249. 鋼橋の疲労損傷事例の分析とメンテナンス計画への応用


    第10回設計における信頼性工学シンポジュウム講演論文集     page: 213-218   1990

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  250. PC斜張橋斜材定着部の振動対策(ダンパー)について Reviewed


    コンクリート工学年次論文報告集   Vol. 11 ( 1 ) page: 667-672   1989

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

  251. Data Base for Fatigue Crackings in Steel Bridges Reviewed

    CHitoshi Miki,Kazuo Tateishi,Masahiro Sakano,Yoshinori Fukuoka

    J. of Structural Mechanics and Earthquake Engineering, JSCE   Vol. I-9 ( 392 ) page: 403-410   1988.4

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    Fatigue crackings in 180 steel bridges are summarized and presented as a date base in personal computers. This date base includes the histories of bridge, of structure, types of cracking, causes of cracking and retrofitting methods. By using the reference function of data base, the service life and occurrence of crack of bridges, typical cracks and their causes in various bridge details, and the fatigue strengths of connections are discussed.

  252. Computer Simulation Studies on the Fatigue Load of Highway Bridges Reviewed

    Chitoshi Miki,Kazuo Tateishi,Yuji Goto,Jun Murakoshi

    Journal of Structural Engineering, JSCE   Vol. 32A   page: 597-608   1986.3

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    Language:Japanese   Publishing type:Research paper (scientific journal)  

    The live loads for fatigue design and maintenance of highway bridges are studied by means of computer simulations. Simulations of traffic live loads are carried out under various traffic volumes and constitutions of vehicle types. The type of vehicle, the vehicle weight and the array and headway of vehicles are considered as random variables. Simulated traffic flows are compared with measured traffic flows at eight places on five highways. Bending moment responses of simply supported one lane girders of various lengths are calculated under usual traffic conditions. Moment ranges are obtained by using the rain flow method. For the evaluation fatigue damage, the equivalent moment range and the reduced number of L-20 or T-20 live load are presented.

▼display all

Books 17

  1. 鋼構造学(改訂版)

    舘石和雄( Role: Sole author)

    コロナ社  2020.9  ( ISBN:978-4-339-05618-1

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    Total pages:225   Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book

  2. 構造解析のための材料力学

    舘石和雄( Role: Sole author)

    コロナ社  2020.2  ( ISBN:978-4-339-05270-1

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    Total pages:158   Language:Japanese Book type:Scholarly book

  3. 鋼・合成構造標準示方書維持管理編

    土木学会鋼構造委員会( Role: Supervisor (editorial))

    丸善  2019 

  4. 鋼・合成構造標準示方書耐震設計編

    土木学会鋼構造委員会( Role: Joint author)

    丸善  2018 

  5. 溶接構造の疲労

    森猛,仁瓶寛太,南邦明,中村聖三,毛利雅志,福岡哲二,中村寛,大沢直樹,宇佐美三郎,小林佑規,舘石和雄( Role: Joint author)

    産報出版  2015.12  ( ISBN:978-4-88318-046-2

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  6. 鋼橋の維持管理

    山田健太郎.舘石和雄( Role: Joint author)

    コロナ社  2015.6  ( ISBN:978-4-339-05244-2

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  7. 鋼橋の疲労対策技術-鋼構造シリーズ22-

    土木学会鋼構造委員会( Role: Joint author)

    丸善  2013.12  ( ISBN:978-4-8106-0823-6

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  8. JSSCテクニカルレポートNo.99 溶接継手の新たな疲労強度等級分類のための技術資料

    社団法人日本鋼構造協会( Role: Joint author)

    社団法人日本鋼構造協会  2013.3 

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  9. 鋼構造の疲労設計指針・同解説 2012年改定版

    社団法人 日本鋼構造協会( Role: Joint author)

    技報堂出版  2012.6  ( ISBN:978-4-7655-1794-2

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  10. 鋼構造学

    舘石和雄( Role: Sole author)

    コロナ社  2011.9  ( ISBN:978-4-339-05614-3

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  11. 文部科学省第9回デルファイ調査 2040年の科学技術

    文部科学省科学技術政策研究所,(財)未来工学研究所( Role: Joint author)

    (財)未来工学研究所  2010.10  ( ISBN:978-4-944008-07-0

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  12. JSSCテクニカルレポートNo.84 疲労損傷を受けた鋼橋の耐久性評価および耐久性向上技術

    社団法人日本鋼構造協会( Role: Joint author)

    社団法人日本鋼構造協会  2009.9 

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  13. 鋼・合成構造標準示方書 施工編

    土木学会( Role: Joint author)

    丸善  2009.7  ( ISBN:978-4-8106-0696-6

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  14. 鋼構造シリーズ18 腐食した鋼構造物の耐久性照査マニュアル

    土木学会( Role: Joint author)

    丸善  2009.3  ( ISBN:978-4-8106-0662-1

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  15. JSSCテクニカルレポートNo.71 鋼橋の疲労耐久性向上・長寿命化技術

    社団法人日本鋼構造協会( Role: Joint author)

    社団法人日本鋼構造協会  2006.10 

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  16. 溶接開先標準 JSS I 03-2005

    社団法人日本鋼構造協会( Role: Joint author)

    社団法人日本鋼構造協会  2005.12 

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  17. JSSCテクニカルレポートNo.49 土木鋼構造物の性能設計ガイドライン

    社団法人日本鋼構造協会( Role: Joint author)

    社団法人日本鋼構造協会  2001.10 

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▼display all

Presentations 318

  1. 溶接継手のルートき裂に対する疲労強度評価法の開発



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    Event date: 2023.12

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  2. Fatigue Strength Improvement Methods for Front Fillet Welded Joint of Sole Plate in Steel Bridge Bearings International conference

    Yuichiro Niwa, Tetsuya Kowaki , Kazuo Tateishi,Takeshi Hanji ,Masaru Shimizu


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    Event date: 2023.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  3. Study on Mechanical Behavior of Riveted Joints Repaired by Re‐ Driving New Rivets International conference

    Miki Shibata, Takeshi Hanji, Kazuo Tateishi, Masaru Shimizu, Yasushi Nagasaka, Toshio Takebuchi


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    Event date: 2023.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  4. Flexural Bchavior of Rational Joints between Precast Steel-Cncrete Composite Slabs International conference

    Yushin Hori,Kazuo Tateishi,Takeshi Hanji, Masaru Shimizu, Koichi Asano,Takaaki Ishii


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    Event date: 2023.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  5. Retardation of Fatigue Crack Growth by Injection of Corrosion Accelerator International conference

    Masaru Shimizu, Kazuo Tateishi, Takeshi Hanji, Cut Atika Putri


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    Event date: 2023.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  6. Fatigue Strength of HFMI‐ Treated Welded Joints under Variable Amplitude Block Loading International conference

    Takeshi Hanji , Shunsuke Masui,Taisei Tomita, Kazuo Tateishi,Masaru Shimizu


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    Event date: 2023.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  7. Fatigue Crack Propagation Characteristic of Out‐ of‐ Plane Gusset Welded Joints with Developed Anti-Fatigue Damage Steel International conference

    Takuya Terazawa, Kazuo Tateishi,Takeshi Hanji ,Masaru Shimizu,Thihuyon Doan


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    Event date: 2023.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  8. Simplified Estimation of Elasto-plastic Strain Ampiitude at Weld Toe by Elastic Analysis International conference

    Chie Nishijima,Takeshi Hanji ,Kazuo Tateishi,Masaru Shimizu


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    Event date: 2023.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  9. 新しいリベットにより取替え補修した継手の力学的挙動に関する研究


    鋼構造シンポジウム2023  2023.11  日本鋼構造協会

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    Event date: 2023.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:東京   Country:Japan  

  10. 未溶着部を有する鋼製橋脚角溶接部の低サイクル疲労による破壊形態の推定


    鋼構造シンポジウム2023  2023.11  日本鋼構造協会

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    Event date: 2023.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:東京   Country:Japan  

  11. 未溶着部を有する鋼製橋脚角溶接部の低サイクル疲労に関する研究


    第78回土木学会年次学術講演会  2023.9  土木学会

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    Event date: 2023.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  12. プレキャスト鋼・コンクリート合成床版の合理化継手構造に関する実験的検討


    第78回土木学会年次学術講演会  2023.9  土木学会

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    Event date: 2023.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  13. 誘導加熱処理の溶接ルートき裂に対する疲労強度向上効果


    第78回土木学会年次学術講演会  2023.9  土木学会

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    Event date: 2023.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  14. 鋼床版Uリブ・デッキプレート溶接部のルートき裂に対する横リブ交差部での探傷方法の検討


    第78回土木学会年次学術講演会  2023.9  土木学会

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    Event date: 2023.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  15. ルートの局所応力によるUリブ・デッキプレート溶接継手の疲労強度評価


    第78回土木学会年次学術講演会  2023.9  土木学会

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    Event date: 2023.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  16. リベット継手の新しいリベットへの取替え補修に関する研究


    第78回土木学会年次学術講演会  2023.9  土木学会

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    Event date: 2023.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  17. 耐疲労性を改善した鋼材を用いた面外ガセット溶接継手の疲労き裂進展特性

    寺沢拓哉,舘石和雄,判治剛,清水優,栗原康行,ドアン ティーフィン

    第78回土木学会年次学術講演会  2023.9  土木学会

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    Event date: 2023.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  18. 弾性解析による溶接止端部の弾塑性ひずみ振幅の簡易推定


    第78回土木学会年次学術講演会  2023.9  土木学会

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    Event date: 2023.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  19. HFMI処理により導入される圧縮残留応力の予測



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    Event date: 2023.4 - 2023.5

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  20. Fatigue Damage Evaluation for Root Cracks in U-Rib to Deck Welded Joints of Orthotropic Steel Decks Based on Field Measurements International conference

    Masafumi Hattori, Kazuo Tateishi, Takeshi Hanji, Masaru Shimizu


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    Event date: 2022.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  21. Study on Mechanical Behavior of Riveted Joints Repaired by Re-Driving New Rivets International conference

    Miki Shibata, Takeshi Hanji, Kazuo Tateishi, Masaru Shimizu, Yasushi Nagasaka, Toshio Takebuchi


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    Event date: 2022.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  22. Fatigue Crack Propagation Characteristic of Out-of-Plane Gusset Welded Joints with Developed Anti-Fatigue Damage Steel International conference

    Takuya Terazawa, Kazuo Tateishi, Takeshi Hanji, Masaru Shimizu, Thihuyen Doan


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    Event date: 2022.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  23. Simplified Estimation of Elasto-Plastic Strain Amplitude at Weld Toe by Elastic Analysis International conference

    Chie Nishijima, Takeshi Hanji, Kazuo Tateishi, Masaru Shimizu


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    Event date: 2022.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  24. Fatigue Strength of HFMI-Treated Welded Joints under Variable Amplitude Block Loading International conference

    Takeshi Hanji, Shunsuke Masui, Taisei Tomita, Kazuo Tateishi, Masaru Shimizu


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    Event date: 2022.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  25. Fatigue Strength Improvement Methods for Front Fillet Welded Joint of Sole Plate in Steel Bridge Bearings International conference

    Yuichiro Niwa, Tetsuya Kowaki, Kazuo Tateishi, Takeshi Hanji, Masaru Shimizu


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    Event date: 2022.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  26. Retardation of Fatigue Crack Growth by Injection of Corrosion Accelerator International conference

    Masaru Shimizu, Kazuo Tateishi, Takeshi Hanji, Cut Atika Putri


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    Event date: 2022.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  27. Analytical Study on Local Stress Evaluation at Welded Joints of Sole Plates of Steel Bridges International conference

    Yuuichirou Niwa, Kazuo Tateishi, Takeshi Hanji, Masaru Shimizu


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    Event date: 2022.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  28. Flexural Behavior of Rational Joints between Precast Steel-Concrete Composite Slabs International conference

    Yushin Hori, Kazuo Tateishi, Takeshi Hanji, Masaru Shimizu, Koichi Asano, Takaaki Ishii


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    Event date: 2022.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  29. デッキプレートとUリブの溶接継手の疲労強度評価と実物大鋼床版との相関


    鋼構造シンポジウム2022  2022.11  日本鋼構造協会

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    Event date: 2022.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:東京   Country:Japan  

  30. 既設Uリブ鋼床版の下面対策におけるデッキプレートへの追加溶接の熱影響に関する検討


    第77回土木学会年次学術講演会  2022.9  土木学会

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    Event date: 2022.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  31. 高周波誘導加熱による垂直補剛材上端の疲労強度改善


    第77回土木学会年次学術講演会  2022.9  土木学会

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    Event date: 2022.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  32. 腐食促進剤の注入による疲労き裂の進展遅延効果に関する検討


    第77回土木学会年次学術講演会  2022.9  土木学会

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    Event date: 2022.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  33. 溶接止端部における弾塑性ひずみ振幅の簡易推定法の提案


    第77回土木学会年次学術講演会  2022.9  土木学会

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    Event date: 2022.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  34. Fatigue evaluation for root cracks in U-rib to deck welded joints of orthotropic steel deck International conference

    Masafumi Hattori, Kazuo Tateishi, Takeshi Hanji, Masaru Shimizu

    11th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management (IABMAS 2022)   2022.7 

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    Event date: 2022.7

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  35. Fatigue strength enhancement of welded joints in existing steel bridges using high-frequency mechanical impact treatment International conference

    Takeshi Hanji, Kazuo Tateishi, Shunya Sumi, Masaru Shimizu

    11th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management (IABMAS 2022)   2022.7 

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    Event date: 2022.7

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  36. コーナープレート切欠き部の疲労耐久性とICR処理による延命効果

    清水優,舘石和雄,Shinta Ayuningtyas,判治剛,高田佳彦,熊澤美早,山口樹,岡本亮二,西芝貴光

    第68回構造工学シンポジウム  2022.3  土木学会構造工学委員会

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    Event date: 2022.4

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:東京   Country:Japan  

  37. 静的荷重作用下でHFMI処理された面外ガセット溶接継手の残留応力と疲労強度


    第68回構造工学シンポジウム  2022.3  土木学会構造工学委員会

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    Event date: 2022.4

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:東京   Country:Japan  

  38. Influence of weld toe radius on low cycle fatigue life of weld joint in shear panel damper International conference

    Kai Hiroyama,Kazuo Tateishi,Takeshi Hanji,Masaru Shimizu,Yasumoto Aoki


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    Event date: 2021.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  39. Fatigue Improvement for Weld Joint between Deck Plate and Vertical Stiffener by Slit-Shaped Notch International conference

    Daisuke Kaneko,Kazuo Tateishi,Takeshi Hanji,Masaru Shimizu,Hiroki Suetsugu


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    Event date: 2021.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  40. Effect of UHPFRC Overlay on Fatigue Cracks Propagating from U-rib welds of Orthotropic Steel Decks International conference

    Masafumi Hattori,Kazuo Tateishi,Takeshi Hanji,Masaru Shimizu


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    Event date: 2021.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  41. Mechanical Behavior and Limit States of Combination Joints using Rivets and High-Strength Bolts International conference

    Shunya Sumi,Takeshi Hanji,Kazuo Tateishi,Masaru Shimizu,Yasushi Nagasaka,Toshio Takebuchi


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    Event date: 2021.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  42. Low cycle fatigue crack growth rate testing with compliance method and its application to different structural steels International conference

    Chao Jiang,Takeshi Hanji,Kazuo Tateishi,Masaru Shimizu,


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    Event date: 2021.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  43. Fatigue evaluation of cut-out at the edge of corner plate and improvement effevct by peening International conference

    Masaru Shimizu,Kazuo Tateishi,Takeshi Hanji,Shinta Ayuningtyas,Misa Fujibayashi


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    Event date: 2021.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  44. L形鋼ジベルを用いた鋼コンクリート合成床版溶接部の疲労評価法


    鋼構造シンポジウム2021  2021.11  日本鋼構造協会

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    Event date: 2021.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:東京   Country:Japan  

  45. リベットと高力ボルトと併用した継手の限界状態に関する解析的検討


    第76回土木学会年次学術講演会  2021.9  土木学会

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    Event date: 2021.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:オンライン   Country:Japan  

  46. 既設鋼床版のUリブ・デッキプレート溶接部の疲労損傷に対する下面からの対策検討


    第76回土木学会年次学術講演会  2021.9  土木学会

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    Event date: 2021.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:オンライン   Country:Japan  

  47. 静的荷重下でピーニング処理された面外ガセット溶接継手の板曲げ疲労強度と残留応力


    第76回土木学会年次学術講演会  2021.9  土木学会

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    Event date: 2021.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:オンライン   Country:Japan  

  48. コーナープレート端部切欠き部の疲労耐久性とピーニングによる延命効果


    第76回土木学会年次学術講演会  2021.9  土木学会

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    Event date: 2021.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:オンライン   Country:Japan  

  49. ピンの振動エネルギーに基づくピーニング処理の品質管理の試み


    第76回土木学会年次学術講演会  2021.9  土木学会

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    Event date: 2021.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:オンライン   Country:Japan  

  50. 低変態温度溶接材料を用いて製作した溶接継手の疲労強度


    第76回土木学会年次学術講演会  2021.9  土木学会

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    Event date: 2021.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:オンライン   Country:Japan  

  51. 低サイクル疲労き裂を起点とするぜい性破壊の発生可能性に関する基礎的研究


    第76回土木学会年次学術講演会  2021.9  土木学会

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    Event date: 2021.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Venue:オンライン   Country:Japan  

  52. Investigation on low cycle fatigue crack propagation in steel under fully random variable amplitude loading

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    Event date: 2021.4

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  53. Local stress based fatigue assessment of welded joints in steel-concrete composite slab using angle-shape shear connectors International conference

    Takeshi Hanji, Kazuo Tateishi, Masaru Shimizu, Koichi Asano, Takaaki Ishii, Kiyoshi Kobayashi, Daisuke Uchida

    10th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management (IABMAS 2020) 

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    Event date: 2021.4

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  54. Stress reduction at drilled crack-arrest holes due to adding splice plates International conference

    Shogo Kiyokawa, Kazuo Tateishi, Takeshi Hanji, Masaru Shimizu

    10th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management (IABMAS 2020) 

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    Event date: 2021.4

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  55. Fatigue behavior of bearing type bolted joint with pultruded CFRP composites International conference

    Masaru Shimizu, Kazuo Tateishi, Takeshi Hanji, Yasuo Kitane

    10th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management (IABMAS 2020) 

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    Event date: 2021.4

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  56. Crack sizing accuracy of a phased array ultrasonic scanner developed for inspection of rib-to-deck welded joints in orthotropic steel bridge decks International conference

    Masafumi Hattori, Tohru Makita, Kazuo Tateishi, Takeshi Hanji, Masaru Shimizu, Naoto Yagi

    10th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management (IABMAS 2020) 

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    Event date: 2021.4

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  57. FRP引抜成形部材ボルト継手部の疲労強度



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    Event date: 2020.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  58. リベットと高力ボルトを併用した接手の力学性状に関する基礎的研究



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    Event date: 2020.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  59. UHPFRCにより補強したUリブ鋼床版の自然環境状態での輪荷重走行試験



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    Event date: 2020.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  60. 疲労き裂の進展に伴う面外ガセット溶接継手の残留応力再配分に関する解析的検討



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    Event date: 2020.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  61. 変動振幅下における低サイクル疲労き裂の進展挙動予測

    清水優,舘石和雄,判治剛,Panjaitan A.


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    Event date: 2020.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  62. Low cycle fatigue assessment of joint structure in steel truss bridges under earthquake

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    Event date: 2020.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  63. せん断パネルダンパー溶接部から発生する低サイクル疲労の照査法



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    Event date: 2019.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  64. 鋼・コンクリート合成床版のL形鋼ジベル溶接部の疲労強度



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    Event date: 2019.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  65. CFRP引抜成形部材支圧接合部の疲労強度評価



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    Event date: 2019.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  66. Local Strain Based Low Cycle Fatigue Assessment of Gusset Plates in Steel Truss Bridges Under Earthquake International conference

    Chao Jiang,Takeshi Hanji,Kazuo Tateishi,Masaru Shimizu


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    Event date: 2019.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Country:Korea, Republic of  

  67. Fatigue crack propagation Analysis of Longitudinal Welded Joint Containing Blowholes International conference

    Cut Atika Putri,Kazuo Tateishi,Takeshi Hanji,Masaru Shimizu


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    Event date: 2019.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Country:Korea, Republic of  

  68. Fatigue crack Initiation Assessment of Load-Carrying Cruciform Welded Joijnt Under Low Cycle Actions International conference

    Yuko Ohashi,Takeshi Hanji,Kazuo Tateishi,Masaru Shimizu


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    Event date: 2019.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Country:Korea, Republic of  

  69. Estimation of Fatigue crack propagation Behavior in Steel Plate Subjected to Out of Plane Bending International conference

    Kentaro Horio,Kazuo Tateishi,Takeshi Hanji,Masaru Shimizu


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    Event date: 2019.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Country:Korea, Republic of  

  70. Low cycle fatigue behavior of load‐carrying cruciform welded joints with incomplete peneration International conference

    Yuko Ohashi,Takeshi Hanji ,Kazuo Tateishi,Masaru Shimizu

    12th Pacific Structural Steel Conference 

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    Event date: 2019.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  71. A proposal on reduction of welding residual stress in rib-to-deck welded joint in orthotropic steel deck International conference

    Cut Atika Putri,Kazuo Tateishi,Takeshi Hanji,Masaru Shimizu

    12th Pacific Structural Steel Conference 

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    Event date: 2019.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  72. Fatigue strength of single-sided fillet welded joints with low transformation temperature welding material International conference

    Suguru Kano,Takeshi Hanji,Kazuo Tateishi,Masaru Shimizu,Tadahisa Tsuyama,Toshio Takebuchi

    12th Pacific Structural Steel Conference 

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    Event date: 2019.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  73. Evaluation of low cycle fatigue crack propagation under various controlled cyclic loading histories International conference

    Arief Panjaitan, Kazuo Tateishi, Masaru Shimizu,Takeshi Hanji

    12th Pacific Structural Steel Conference 

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    Event date: 2019.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  74. A study on fatigue crack propagation behavior on steel plate subjected to out of plane bendinng International conference

    Kentaro Horio, Kazuo Tateishi, Masaru Shimizu,Takeshi Hanji

    12th Pacific Structural Steel Conference 

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    Event date: 2019.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  75. A prediction method for fatigue enhancement of drilled crack‐arrest holes accompanied by splice plates International conference

    Takeshi Hanji,Shogo Kiyokawa,Masaru Shimizu ,Kazuo Tateishi

    12th Pacific Structural Steel Conference 

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    Event date: 2019.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  76. 低変態温度溶接材料を用いた片面すみ肉溶接接手の板曲げ疲労強度



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    Event date: 2019.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  77. 疲労き裂の進展に伴う溶接継手の残留応力再配分に関する実験的検討



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    Event date: 2019.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  78. 当て板補修された疲労き裂ストップホールにおけるボルト締めの効果



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    Event date: 2019.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  79. 腐食した鉄筋の疲労寿命予測

    判治剛,アフマドザイ ニアマチュラ,舘石和雄,清水優


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    Event date: 2018.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  80. 疲労き裂部への高力ボルト当て板補強におけるすべり耐力に関する検討



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    Event date: 2018.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  81. 面外曲げを受ける鋼板の疲労き裂進展挙動に関する研究

    堀尾 健太郎,舘石和雄,判治剛,清水優


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    Event date: 2018.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  82. 鋼製橋脚基部に対する簡易な低サイクル疲労照査のための疲労強度等級分類の提案



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    Event date: 2018.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  83. L字型をずれ止めに用いた鋼・コンクリート合成床版に生じる局部応力



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    Event date: 2018.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  84. 未溶着を含む荷重伝達型十字溶接継手の低サイクル疲労強度と破壊起点



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    Event date: 2018.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  85. 高力ボルト摩擦接合継手の構造諸元が応力集中に与える影響



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    Event date: 2018.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  86. 当て板によるストップホール部の応力集中低減効果



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    Event date: 2018.4

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  87. 当て板補強が施されたストップホールのひずみ推定法



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    Event date: 2018.4

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  88. 鉄道橋Iビーム桁支点首部における疲労き裂対策の効果検証



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    Event date: 2017.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  89. Slip coefficient and fracture strength of high strength bolted friction joints with compact bolt spacing and edge distance International conference

    Shogo Kiyokawa, Kazuo Tateishi, Takeshi Hanji, Masaru Shimizu


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    Event date: 2017.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  90. A simple low cycle fatigue assessment method for steel members and its application to bridge piers under earthquake International conference

    Tomohiro Furusaki, Kazuo Tateishi, Takeshi Hanji, Masaru Shimizu, Naoya Honda


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    Event date: 2017.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  91. Evaluation of repair effect for cracked I-beam end in railway steel bridges International conference

    Haruya Shirai, Takeshi Hanji, Kazuo Tateishi, Masaru Shimizu, Masaki Iwai, Ken Ikegashira, Yuichiro Niwa


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    Event date: 2017.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  92. Influence of shear panel shape in multiple steel columns on low cycle fatigue International conference

    Masaru Shimizu, Kazuo Tateishi, Takeshi Hanji, Hiroshi Noda, Hiroki Sugiyama, Yasumasa Soga


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    Event date: 2017.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  93. Fatigue life prediction of corroded reinforcing steel bars International conference

    Takeshi Hanji, Niamatullah Ahmadzai, Kazuo Tateishi, Masaru Shimizu


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    Event date: 2017.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  94. 鉄道橋Iビーム桁支点首部に発生した疲労き裂調査



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    Event date: 2017.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  95. 高力ボルト当て板補修された疲労き裂の応力集中に与える影響



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    Event date: 2017.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  96. 鋼製橋脚基部の簡易な低サイクル疲労照査法と地震時の損傷度評価への適用



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    Event date: 2017.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  97. せん断パネル溶接部に対する低サイクル疲労き裂発生寿命の簡易照査法



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    Event date: 2017.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  98. レーザ・アークハイブリッド溶接を用いた十字および縦方向継手の疲労強度



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    Event date: 2017.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  99. ボルト間隔および縁端距離が小さい高力ボルト摩擦接合継手の静的引張試験



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    Event date: 2017.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  100. 鉄道橋Iビーム桁支点首部の疲労き裂に対するストップホールの補修効果の評価



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    Event date: 2017.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  101. 角形鋼管を用いた溶接継手に対する低サイクル疲労き裂進展評価



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    Event date: 2016.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  102. 鋼床版横リブスリット溶接部の疲労強度向上法に関する基礎的研究



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    Event date: 2016.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  103. Crack propagation life prediction for welded joints in low cycle fatigue region International conference

    Takeshi Hanji, Nao Terao, Kazuo Tateishi, Masaru Shimizu

    11th Pacific Structural Steel Conference 

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    Event date: 2016.10

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  104. 鋼管集成橋脚せん断パネル接合部の低サイクル疲労照査



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    Event date: 2016.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  105. 溶接継手に生じた疲労き裂に対するCFRP接着補修の効果に関する研究



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    Event date: 2016.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  106. 疲労強度の信頼性向上に向けた疲労試験データベースの活用と今後の課題



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    Event date: 2016.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  107. 繰返し曲げ負荷を受ける鋼板の背面き裂発生条件に関する研究



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    Event date: 2016.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  108. 荷重伝達型十字継手におけるのど断面応力の推定に関する研究



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    Event date: 2016.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  109. 角形鋼管を平板に溶接した継手の低サイクル疲労寿命予測



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    Event date: 2016.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  110. 鉄道橋Iビーム桁支点首部の疲労き裂の進展性状に関する研究



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    Event date: 2016.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  111. Fatigue strength of load-carrying cruciform welded joints with Laser-arc hybrid welding International conference

    Naoya Honda, Kazuo Tateishi, Takeshi Hanji, Masaru Shimizu, Daisuke Uchida, Koichi Asano

    11th German-Japanese Bridge Symposium 

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    Event date: 2016.8

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  112. Low cycle fatigue verification of connection part in the shear panel in multiple steel columns International conference

    Hiroshi Noda, Kazuo Tateishi, Takeshi Hanji, Masaru Shimizu, Riku Adachi, Hiroki Sugiyama

    11th German-Japanese Bridge Symposium 

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    Event date: 2016.8

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  113. Fatigue strength improvement for welded joints simulating longitudinal-to-transverse rib connection in orthotropic steel deck International conference

    Ayumi Ito, Takeshi Hanji, Kazuo Tateishi, Masaru Shimizu

    11th German-Japanese Bridge Symposium 

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    Event date: 2016.8

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  114. Effect of static strength of steel on fatigue strength improvement by introducing compressive residual stress International conference

    Hiroki Takamatsu, Takeshi Hanji, Kazuo Tateishi, Masaru Shimizu

    11th German-Japanese Bridge Symposium 

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    Event date: 2016.8

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  115. Fatigue life extension for a crack in welded joints by CFRP repair International conference

    Yuko Kanayama, Takeshi Hanji, Kazuo Tateishi, Masaru Shimizu, Mamiko Hattori, Kenyu Ushida

    11th German-Japanese Bridge Symposium 

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    Event date: 2016.8

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  116. Characteristics of fatigue crack propagation in I-beam end of railway steel bridges International conference

    Masaki Iwai, Takeshi Hanji, Kazuo Tateishi, Masaru Shimizu, Shunsuke Kase, Yuichiro Niwa, Ken Ikegashira

    11th German-Japanese Bridge Symposium 

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    Event date: 2016.8

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  117. 付加板が近接する溶接継手の疲労強度とICR処理による延命効果



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    Event date: 2016.4

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  118. Displacement based fatigue strength evaluation for root failure in fillet weld joints

    Kazuo Tateishi, Naohiro Soda, Takeshi Hanji, Masaru Shimizu


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    Event date: 2015.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Country:Korea, Republic of  

  119. Fatigue strength of welded joint with adjacent attachments

    Shunsuke Kase, Kazuo Tateishi, Takeshi Hanji, Masaru Shimizu


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    Event date: 2015.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Country:Korea, Republic of  

  120. Analytical study on low cycle fatigue of shear panel in multiple steel columns

    Masaru Shimizu, Kazuo Tateishi, Takeshi Hanji, Riku Adachi


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    Event date: 2015.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Country:Korea, Republic of  

  121. Fatigue life prediction for cracked steel plates repaired with CFRP

    Mamiko Hattori, Takeshi Hanji, Kazuo Tateishi, Masaru Shimizu


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    Event date: 2015.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Country:Korea, Republic of  

  122. Redistribution behavior of residual stress due to weld toe grinding

    Satoshi Maeda, Kazuo Tateishi, Takeshi Hanji, Masaru Shimizu


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    Event date: 2015.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Country:Korea, Republic of  

  123. A prediction method for extremely low cycle fatigue crack propagation of structural steels International conference

    Nao Terao, Takeshi Hanji, Kazuo Tateishi, Masaru Shimizu


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    Event date: 2015.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  124. An estimation method for weld crack initiation in weld repair under cyclic loading

    Takeshi Hanji, Yoshio Hasegawa, Kazuo Tateishi, Masaru Shimizu


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    Event date: 2015.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Country:Korea, Republic of  

  125. Remedies for Fatigue Damage Caused in Bridge Expansion Joints International conference

    Kiso S, Masashi Iwasaki , Masahiro Kozuka , Kazuo Tateishi

    The 25th World Road Congress 

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    Event date: 2015.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Country:Korea, Republic of  

  126. グラインダー処理による溶接残留応力の再分配挙動に関する研究



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    Event date: 2015.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  127. 桁試験体に生じた疲労き裂に対するICR処理による延命効果



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    Event date: 2015.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  128. 鋼床版縦リブと横リブスリットの溶接部の疲労強度とき裂補修法



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    Event date: 2015.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  129. ICR処理を施した表面き裂の応力拡大係数の評価法



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    Event date: 2015.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  130. ルート破壊を対象とした未溶着部の変位による疲労強度評価法



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    Event date: 2015.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  131. レーザ・アークハイブリッド溶接を用いた荷重伝達型十字継手の疲労強度



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    Event date: 2015.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  132. 付加板が近接する溶接継手の疲労強度



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    Event date: 2015.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  133. 圧縮残留応力導入による疲労強度改善効果の鋼材強度依存性



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    Event date: 2015.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  134. 繰返し荷重下での溶接補修における割れ発生評価法に関する研究



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    Event date: 2015.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  135. Crack propagation behaviour of structural steel in extremely low cycle fatigue region International conference

    Nao Terao,Takeshi Hanji ,Kazuo Tateishi

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    Event date: 2015.5

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  136. Fatigue strength evaluation method of connection between longitudinal closed ribs and cross-beam web cutouts in orthotropic steel bridge decks International conference

    Takeshi Hanji ,Kazuo Tateishi,Keito Kato

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    Event date: 2015.5

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  137. Simple repair method for fatigue cracks in welded joints by resin injection International conference

    Mamiko Hattori,Takeshi Hanji ,Kazuo Tateishi

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    Event date: 2015.5

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  138. Extremely low cycle fatigue assessment of corner crack in cincrete-filled steel piers based on effective notch strain approach

    Jin-Eun Park, Takeshi Hanji, Kazuo Tateishi

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    Event date: 2015.4

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  139. 引張または曲げ荷重を受ける溶接継手に対するICR処理の効果

    舘石和雄,判治剛,石川 敏之,清水 優


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    Event date: 2015.4

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  140. 局部ひずみを基準とした異形鉄筋の低サイクル疲労強度評価法

    判治剛,舘石和雄,永松 直樹


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    Event date: 2015.4

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  141. 溶接継手の残留応力提言による疲労寿命改善効果に関する一考察



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    Event date: 2014.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  142. 鋼床版縦リブと横リブスリットの溶接部の疲労強度評価法



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    Event date: 2014.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  143. 低温変態溶材の新設橋への適用性に関する検討

    館石 和雄,細見 直史,糟谷正,西尾大,一宮充,戸塚康仁,米山徹,冨永知徳


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    Event date: 2014.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  144. 低温変態溶材の新設橋への適用性に関する検討(第2報)

    館石 和雄,細見 直史,糟谷正,安藤隆一,一宮充,戸塚康仁,米山徹,冨永知徳


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    Event date: 2014.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  145. モノレール鋼製軌道桁の疲労耐久性に関する検討



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    Event date: 2014.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  146. Evaluation of low cycle fatigue strength of corner welded joints based on effective notch strain


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    Event date: 2014.9

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  147. グラインダー処理による溶接残留応力の再分配挙動に関する研究



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    Event date: 2014.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  148. 垂直補剛材と水平補剛材交差部の応力分布に関する研究



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    Event date: 2014.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  149. 極低サイクル疲労領域における鋼材のき裂進展挙動



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    Event date: 2014.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  150. 樹脂注入による溶接継手の疲労き裂補修法に関する研究



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    Event date: 2014.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  151. 繰返し荷重下における溶接施工性に関する研究



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    Event date: 2014.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  152. 橋梁用高降伏点鋼板(SHBS)を用いた溶接継手の疲労特性



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    Event date: 2014.4

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  153. 鋼橋の疲労強度を向上させるための補修・補強設計について Invited


    第25回鋼構造基礎講座  2013.12.18  土木学会鋼構造委員会

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    Event date: 2013.12



  154. コンクリートを充填した矩形断面鋼製橋脚の低サイクル疲労挙動

    朴 鎭垠,判治剛,舘石和雄


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    Event date: 2013.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  155. Low cycle fatigue characteristics of steel deformed bars

    Takeshi Hanji, Kazuo Tateishi, Kenyuu Ushida, Naoki Nagamatsu, Sung-Min Choi

    10th Pacific Structural Steel Conference 

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    Event date: 2013.10

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  156. Low cycle fatigue assessment of steel bridge piers subjected to long duration ground motions

    Takeshi Hanji, Kazuo Tateishi, Shun Ukai, Sung-Min Choi

    10th Pacific Structural Steel Conference 

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    Event date: 2013.10

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  157. Fatigue life extension of cracked welded joints by ICR treatment under tensile loading

    Kazuo Tateishi, Takeshi Hanji, Yoshitaka Tsuruta, Sho Sasada, Sung-Min Choi

    10th Pacific Structural Steel Conference 

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    Event date: 2013.10

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  158. Low cycle fatigue behavior of concrete-filled steel piers



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    Event date: 2013.9

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  159. 長時間継続地震動下での鋼製橋脚の低サイクル疲労性能



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    Event date: 2013.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  160. 繰返し荷重下における鋼橋の溶接補修に関する基礎的研究



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    Event date: 2013.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  161. 引張荷重を受ける溶接継手に対するICR処理の効果



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    Event date: 2013.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  162. 低温変態溶接材料を用いた溶接継手の残留応力に関する研究



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    Event date: 2013.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  163. 異形鉄筋の低サイクル疲労強度とその評価法



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    Event date: 2013.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  164. Fatigue strength of welded joints using steels for bridge high performance structures (SBHS)

    Takeshi Hanji, Kazuo Tateishi, Shuichi Ono, Yoshinori Danshita, Sung-Min Choi

    13th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction 

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    Event date: 2013.9

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  165. Local stress behavior at closed rib to crossbeam connections in orthotropic steel bridge decks

    Keito Kato, Takeshi Hanji, Kazuo Tateishi, Sung-Min Choi, Shigeyuki Hirayama

    13th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction 

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    Event date: 2013.9

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  166. A study on weld repair of steel members under cyclic loading

    Yoshio Hasegawa,Takeshi Hanji ,Kazuo Tateishi,Sung-Min Choi

    12th Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Steel Bridges 

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    Event date: 2013.8

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  167. Residual stress distribution in welded joints by applying low-temperature transformation welding material

    Naohiro Soda,Takeshi Hanji ,Kazuo Tateishi,Sung-Min Choi

    12th Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Steel Bridges 

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    Event date: 2013.8

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  168. Local stress characteristics at cross-beam web cutout in closed rib orthotropic deck International conference

    Takeshi Hanji ,Keito Kato,Kazuo Tateishi,Sung-Min Choi,Shigeyuki Hirayama

    3rd Orthotropic Bridge Conference 

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    Event date: 2013.6

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Country:United States  

  169. 開断面リブを有する鋼床の横リブスリット部の局部応力特性



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    Event date: 2013.4

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  170. Crack propagation at Rib-to-Deck welded joints in orthotropic steel decks

    Xiaochen Ju,Kazuo Tateishi, Sung-Min Choi

    9th German-Japanese Bridge Symposium  

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    Event date: 2012.9

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  171. 面外曲げを受ける溶接継手への溶接補修の適用性に関する検討



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    Event date: 2012.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  172. 鋼床版縦リブ・横リブ交差部の局部応力挙動に関する検討



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    Event date: 2012.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  173. 鋼橋ブラケットと主桁溶接部の局部応力と疲労強度



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    Event date: 2012.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  174. 橋梁用高降伏点鋼板(SBHS)溶接継手の疲労強度とICR補修



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    Event date: 2012.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  175. 橋梁用高降伏点鋼板(SBHS)を用いた溶接継手の疲労特性



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    Event date: 2012.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  176. Experimental study on Low cycle fatigue behavior of concrete-filled steel bridge piers

    Jin-Eun Park,Takeshi Hanji ,Kazuo Tateishi,Sung-Min Choi

    9th German-Japanese Bridge Symposium  

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    Event date: 2012.9

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  177. 溶接継手止端部に生じる局部応力の簡易推定法の提案とそれによる疲労強度評価



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    Event date: 2012.4

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  178. Low cycle fatigue design curves for base joints of steel bridge piers

    Takeshi Hanji ,Kazuo Tateishi

    Workshop on Advances in Seismic Experiments and Computations 

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    Event date: 2012.3

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  179. Retardation of fatigue crack propagation in welded joints under plate bending by hardening material injection International conference

    Kazuo Tateishi,Ryuichi Tsuboi,Takeshi Hanji ,

    6th International Symposium on Steel Structures 

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    Event date: 2011.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Country:Korea, Republic of  

  180. 破壊力学による溶接継手の疲労寿命のばらつきの評価



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    Event date: 2011.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  181. 溶接止端処理による鋼製橋脚基部の極低サイクル疲労強度向上法



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    Event date: 2011.11 - 2011

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  182. グラインダー処理による鋼製橋脚基部の極低サイクル疲労強度向上効果に関する研究



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    Event date: 2011.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  183. 鋼橋ブラケット基部の疲労に関する研究



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    Event date: 2011.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  184. Stress Analysis on steel-concrete composite slab using angle shape shear connector

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    Event date: 2011.9

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  185. Fatigue strength evaluation method for welded joints by new local stress concept

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    Event date: 2011.9 - 2011

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  186. Improvement in extremely low cycle fatigue strength of steel bridge piers by weld toe grinding

    Naoki Nagamatsu,Takeshi Hanji ,Kazuo Tateishi

    11th Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Steel Bridges 

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    Event date: 2011.8

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Country:Korea, Republic of  

  187. Fatigue strength of base joints of outrigger bracket in steel bridges

    Shun Ukai,Kazuo Tateishi,Takeshi Hanji,Kenshi Yoshimine

    11th Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Steel Bridges 

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    Event date: 2011.8

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Country:Korea, Republic of  

  188. Local stress based fatigue assessment for out-of-plane gusset welded joints

    Sho Sasada,Kazuo Tateishi,Takeshi Hanji

    11th Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Steel Bridges 

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    Event date: 2011.8

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Country:Korea, Republic of  

  189. Evaluation of scatter in fatigue life of welded joints by fracture mechanics

    Kazuo Tateishi,Moritaka Yoshida,Takeshi Hanji

    11th Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Steel Bridges 

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    Event date: 2011.8

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Country:Korea, Republic of  

  190. グラインダー処理形状が面外ガセット溶接継手の疲労強度に与える影響



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    Event date: 2010.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  191. 鋼トラス橋のリダンダンシー解析における衝撃係数に関する研究



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    Event date: 2010.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  192. L形鋼をずれ止めとして用いた合成床版の曲げ載荷試験



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    Event date: 2010.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  193. 溶接継手の極低サイクル疲労強度に対する板厚の影響



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    Event date: 2010.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  194. 面外曲げ下の疲労き裂進展挙動に関する一考察



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    Event date: 2010.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  195. Revise of JSSC fatigue design recommendations for steel structures International conference

    Kazuo Tateishi, Takeshi Mori

    Korea-Japan Joint Workshop on Steel Bridge Design Specification 

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    Event date: 2009.10

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    The outline of the revision of 'Fatigue Design Recommendations for Steel Structures' issued by Japan Society of Steel Construction was introduced.

  196. 鋼製橋脚の低サイクル疲労



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    Event date: 2009.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  197. 溶接止端処理による縦リブ溶接継手の極低サイクル疲労強度向上効果



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    Event date: 2009.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  198. 止端処理を施した溶接継手の極低サイクル疲労強度推定手法に関する研究



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    Event date: 2009.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  



  199. 鋼製橋脚基部に対する公称ひずみ基準の低サイクル疲労強度曲線の提案



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    Event date: 2009.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  



  200. 孔あき鋼板をずれ止めに用いた鋼・コンクリート合成梁の疲労強度



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    Event date: 2009.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  



  201. 鋼トラス橋格点部の局部応力に関する研究



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    Event date: 2009.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  



  202. 拡大孔を有するトルシア形高力ボルト摩擦接合継手のすべり耐力試験



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    Event date: 2009.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  



  203. ずれ止めとして用いたL形鋼ジベル溶接部の局部応力挙動とその疲労設計法に関する研究



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    Event date: 2009.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  



  204. 止端処理を施した溶接継手の極低サイクル疲労強度推定手法に関する研究



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    Event date: 2009.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  205. A simulation on fatigue crack propagation in welded joints

    Takeshi Hanji,Kazuo Tateishi,Keisuke Tsuchiya

    10th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability 

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    Event date: 2009.9

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Country:Korea, Republic of  

  206. Local stress behavior around welded joint of angle shape shear connector used in steel-concrete composite slab

    Sun-Min Choi, Kazuo Tateishi , Daisuke Uchida, Koichi Asano, Kiyoshi Kobayashi

    10th Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Steel Bridges 

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    Event date: 2009.8

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  207. Extremely low cycle fatigue strength of finished welded joint

    Kazuo Tateishi,Takeshi Hanji ,Shuji Hanibuchi

    10th Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Steel Bridges 

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    Event date: 2009.8

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  208. Fatigue crack propagation path in T-shape welded joints subjected to plate bending

    Kazuo Tateishi,Keisuke Tsuchiya,Takeshi Hanji

    10th Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Steel Bridges 

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    Event date: 2009.8

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  209. A case study of performance based design on low cycle fatigue improvement International conference

    Kazuo Tateishi,Takeshi Hanji ,Shuji Hanibuchi

    5th International Symposium on Steel Structures 

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    Event date: 2009.3

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Country:Korea, Republic of  

  210. 鋼橋の疲労対策技術



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    Event date: 2009.2

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  211. 鋼プレートガーダー橋の疲労き裂進展シミュレーション



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    Event date: 2008.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  212. 計測者の違いによる溶接止端形状計測結果のばらつきについて



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    Event date: 2008.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    第63回土木学会年次学術講演会講演概要 部門Ⅰ 973-974

  213. T字溶接継手に生じる疲労き裂の進展経路に関する検討



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    Event date: 2008.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  214. ずれ止めとしてL字鋼を用いた鋼・コンクリート合成梁の疲労強度



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    Event date: 2008.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    第63回土木学会年次学術講演会講演概要 部門Ⅰ 871-872

  215. 止端処理による溶接継手の極低サイクル疲労強度向上効果



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    Event date: 2008.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    第63回土木学会年次学術講演会講演概要 部門Ⅰ 489-490

  216. 縦リブ溶接継手の極低サイクル疲労試験と疲労強度予測のための簡易解析法



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    Event date: 2008.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    第63回土木学会年次学術講演会講演概要 部門Ⅰ 491-492

  217. L字鋼をずれ止めに用いた合成床版の局部応力発生メカニズム



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    Event date: 2008.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    第63回土木学会年次学術講演会講演概要 部門Ⅰ 435

  218. Extremely low cycle fatigue assessment method for un-stiffened steel pier with box section International conference

    Kazuo Tateishi,Tao Chen,Takeshi Hanji

    11th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction 

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    Event date: 2008.9

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Country:Taiwan, Province of China  

  219. A study on fatigue crack propagation path in T shape welded joint International conference

    Keisuke Tsuchiya,Kazuo Tateishi,Takeshi Hanji

    11th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction 

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    Event date: 2008.9

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Country:Taiwan, Province of China  

  220. Improvement of extremely low cycle fatigue strength of welded joints International conference

    Shuji Hanibuchi,Kazuo Tateishi,Takeshi Hanji

    11th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction 

     More details

    Event date: 2008.9

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Country:Taiwan, Province of China  

  221. Fatigue of Steel Bridge Members International conference

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    Event date: 2008.8

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  

  222. Review of recent bridge asset management systems

    Takeshi Hanji,Kazuo Tateishi

    International Symposium on EcoTopia Science 2007 

     More details

    Event date: 2007.11

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  223. 溶接継手に生じた疲労き裂の進展経路に関する解析的検討



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    Event date: 2007.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  224. L型鋼をずれ止めに用いた合成床版の実応力挙動



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    Event date: 2007.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    第62回土木学会年次学術講演会講演概要集 部門Ⅰ 429-430

  225. L形鋼をずれ止めに用いた鋼・コンクリート合成床版の疲労強度



     More details

    Event date: 2007.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    第62回土木学会年次学術講演会講演概要集 部門Ⅰ 431-432

  226. A simple low cycle fatigue assessment of welded joint by local strain approach and test verification

    Kazuo Tateishi,Tao Chen,Takeshi Hanji

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    Event date: 2007.9

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  227. ステレオグラフィーを用いた腐食鋼板の三次元形状計測とその精度の検証



     More details

    Event date: 2007.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    第62回土木学会年次学術講演会講演概要 部門Ⅰ 749-750

  228. 溶接継手部に発生した疲労き裂への硬化剤注入によるき裂進展遅延効果



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    Event date: 2007.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


    第62回土木学会年次学術講演会講演概要集 部門Ⅰ 431-432

  229. Local strain approach to extremely low cycle fatigue assessment for thick-walled steel pier with box section

    Tao Chen,Kazuo Tateishi,Takeshi Hanji

    9th Korea- Japan Joint Seminar on Steel Bridges 

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    Event date: 2007.8

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Country:Korea, Republic of  

  230. Extremely low cycle fatigue test on un-stiffened steel pier with thick-walled box section

    Takeshi Hanji,Kazuo Tateishi,Tao Chen

    9th Korea- Japan Joint Seminar on Steel Bridges 

     More details

    Event date: 2007.8

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Country:Korea, Republic of  

  231. Fatigue Strength of steel-concrete composite slab using angle shape shear connector

    Kazuo Tateishi ,Sung-Min Choi,Daisuke Uchida,Koichi Asano,Kiyoshi Kobayashi

    9th Korea- Japan Joint Seminar on Steel Bridges 

     More details

    Event date: 2007.8

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Country:Korea, Republic of  

  232. Simple Method to Measure Surface Configuration of Corroded Steel Plate by Digital Stereography

    Sayo Kuroda,Kazuo Tateishi

    9th Korea- Japan Joint Seminar on Steel Bridges 

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    Event date: 2007.8

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Country:Korea, Republic of  

  233. An Analytical Study on Low Cycle Fatigue Assessment for Thick Walled Steel Pier

    Tao Chen, Kazuo Tateishi

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    Event date: 2007.3

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  234. 疲労設計指針の改訂に関する方針/解説



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    Event date: 2006.11

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  235. アスファルト舗装が鋼床版に発生する局部応力に及ぼす影響



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    Event date: 2006.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  236. 鋼板の面外変形を伴って発生する疲労き裂の進展挙動



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    Event date: 2006.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  237. 両振り載荷時の鋼材の極低サイクル疲労強度



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    Event date: 2006.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  238. 鋼橋における点検・診断技術



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    Event date: 2006.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  239. Fatigue Design for Steel Bridges International conference

    Kazuo Tateishi

    Vietnam-Japan Joint Seminar on Steel Bridges 

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    Event date: 2006.9

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  240. Experimental Study on Extremely Low Cycle Fatigue of T Shaped Welded Joint Subjected to Random Loading

    Tao Chen,Kazuo Tateishi

    The Eighth International Summer Symposium, JSCE 

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    Event date: 2006.8

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  241. 鋼構造物におけるき裂検査の現状と課題



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    Event date: 2006

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  242. TIG処理による極低サイクル疲労強度の向上効果



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    Event date: 2005.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  243. 硬化材注入による鋼材の疲労き裂進展遅延効果



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    Event date: 2005.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  244. 局部ひずみによる溶接継手の極低サイクル疲労強度評価



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    Event date: 2005.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  245. A prediction model for extremely low cycle fatigue life under variable strain amplitude

    Kazuo Tateishi,Takeshi Hanji

    8th Japan-Korea Joint Seminar on Steel Bridges 

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    Event date: 2005.8

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  246. Extremely low cycle fatigue assessment method for welded joint by peak strain approach International conference

    Takeshi Hanji ,Kazuo Tateishi,Kazuya Kitoh

    6th Japanese-German Bridge Symposium  

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    Event date: 2005.8

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  247. Improvement of extremely low cycle fatigue strength of welded joints by TIG dressing International conference

    Kazuo Tateishi,Takeshi Hanji ,Kazuya Kitoh

    6th Japanese-German Bridge Symposium  

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    Event date: 2005.8

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  248. 溶接部を対象とした極低サイクル疲労強度予測モデル



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    Event date: 2005.4

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  249. 変動ひずみ振幅下の極低サイクル疲労寿命予測手法



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    Event date: 2004.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  250. 面外変形により発生した溶接部の疲労き裂進展挙動



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    Event date: 2004.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  251. 動的載荷時の接着剤注入による鋼材の疲労き裂進展遅延に関する研究



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    Event date: 2004.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  252. 大ひずみ領域における溶接部の低サイクル疲労強度



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    Event date: 2004.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  253. Low cycle fatigue strength of steel in extreme large strain field

    Kazuo Tateishi,Takeshi Hanji

    3rd International Conference on Earthquake Engineering 

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    Event date: 2004.9

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  254. Low cycle fatigue strength of welded joints in extreme large strain field International conference

    Kazuo Tateishi,Takeshi Hanji

    2nd International Conference on Bridge Maintenance ,Safety,Management and Cost  

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    Event date: 2004.9

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  255. Low cycle fatigue testing system by means of image technique and application to steel welded joints International conference

    Takeshi Hanji,Kazuo Tateishi

    1st International Conference on Advances in Experimental Structural Engineering 

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    Event date: 2004.9

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  256. Application of image analysis steel structural engineering International conference

    Kazuo Tateishi,Takeshi Hanji

    North American Euro-Pacific Workshop 

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    Event date: 2004

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Country:United States  

  257. 突合わせ溶接継手の低サイクル疲労強度



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    Event date: 2003.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  258. 画像計測によるひずみ制御低サイクル疲労試験



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    Event date: 2003.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  259. Delay Effect on Fatigue Crack Propagation in Steel Menbers by Resin Injection International conference

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    Event date: 2003.8

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Country:Korea, Republic of  

  260. Low Cycle Fatigue Testing System by means of Image Analysis Technique International conference

    Kazuo Tateishi,Takeshi Hanji

    Proc.of the 7th Korea-Japan Joint Seminar on Steel Bridges 

     More details

    Event date: 2003.8

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

    Country:Korea, Republic of  

  261. 突合わせ溶接継手の低サイクル疲労強度に関する基礎的研究



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    Event date: 2003.3

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  262. 3-D shape measurement of corroded surface by using digital stereography

    Takeshi Hanji,Kazuo Tateishi,Kazuki Kitagawa

    1st International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring and Intelligent Infrastructure 

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    Event date: 2003

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  263. A study on low cycle fatigue strength of butt welded joint by means of image analysis technique

    Kazuo Tateishi,Takeshi Hanji

    5th Japanese-German Joint Symposium on Steel and Composite Bridges 

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    Event date: 2003

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  264. 横打ち溶接されたスタッドの施工品質と溶接補修の適用拡大に関する基礎的研究



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    Event date: 2002.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  265. 樹脂注入による疲労き裂進展抑制に関する解析的研究



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    Event date: 2002.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  266. ステレオグラフィーによる腐食形状の3次元計測に関する研究



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    Event date: 2002.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  267. スタッド溶接が鋼板の硬化特性およびじん性に与える影響



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    Event date: 2002.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  268. 樹脂注入による鋼材の疲労き裂進展抑制に関する実験的研究



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    Event date: 2002.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  269. Performance Based Design of Steel Structures

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    Event date: 2001.12

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (invited, special)  


  270. 画像計測による疲労き裂進展速度の推定手法



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    Event date: 2001.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  271. スポット溶接により製作された溶接鉄筋網の疲労に関する研究



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    Event date: 2001.9

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  272. Estimation Method for Crack Propagatin Behavior in Welded Joint International conference

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    Event date: 2001.8

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  273. 画像計測による疲労き裂進展速度の推定手法



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    Event date: 2001.3

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  274. スポット溶接により製作された溶接鉄金網の疲労試験



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    Event date: 2001.3

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  275. 溶接鉄筋網の疲労強度に関する一考察



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    Event date: 2000

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  276. サーモグラフィーを用いたき裂検知に関する基礎的研究



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    Event date: 2000

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  277. サーモグラフィーによる疲労き裂進展の検出限界に関する一考察



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    Event date: 1999

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  278. 内部欠陥のある鉄筋ガス圧接継手の強度特性評価



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    Event date: 1999

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  279. サーモグラフィーによる疲労き裂進展挙動の観察



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    Event date: 1999

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  280. 異形鉄筋ガス圧接継手の正負交番繰り返し強度に関する実験研究



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    Event date: 1999

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  281. Simple Method for Estimating Stress Intensity Factor by Image Analysis International conference

    Kazuo Tateishi,Hiroshi Oyamada,Ichiro Uomoto

     More details

    Event date: 1999

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  282. 内部欠陥が鉄筋ガス圧接継手部の低サイクル疲労強度に及ぼす影響



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    Event date: 1999

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  283. コンクリート充填鋼管部材のひずみ挙動



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    Event date: 1999

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  284. ホットスポット応力基準疲労照査手法の橋梁部材への適用



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    Event date: 1998

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  285. 骨材界面組織が物質拡散に及ぼす影響



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    Event date: 1998

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  286. 異形鉄筋の疲労強度に関する研究



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    Event date: 1998

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  287. 写真測量を用いた鋼材座屈部のひずみ計測



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    Event date: 1998

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  288. 鋼材の構成則が鋼製橋脚の地震時挙動に与える影響



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    Event date: 1997

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  289. 段落しを有する円形断面鉄筋コンクリート橋脚の破壊機構とアラミド繊維補強効果

    舘石和雄、山田真幸、三木千寿、瀬間 優


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    Event date: 1997

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  290. 軸力と曲げを受けるコンクリート充填鋼管柱の耐荷機構に関する研究



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    Event date: 1997

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  291. 鋼製橋脚の直下型地震時のひずみ挙動



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    Event date: 1997

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  292. I型断面現場溶接継手の疲労強度



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    Event date: 1996

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  293. A Study on Seismic Resistance of Steel Bridge Piers Mode of Two Differential Sections International conference

    Kazuo Tateishi,Muller.F,Chitoshi Miki,Tetsuya Sasaki

    The 4th Japan Kores joint Seminar on Steel Bridges 

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    Event date: 1996

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  294. Analytical Investigation on Strain Behavior of Steel Bridge Piers under Cyclic Loading International conference

    Kazuo Tateishi,Tomoyo Arai

    The 4th Japan Kores joint Seminar on Steel Bridges 

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    Event date: 1996

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  295. アラミド繊維による鉄筋コンクリート柱のせん断補強



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    Event date: 1996

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  296. 超音波による各種欠陥表面状態の評価



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    Event date: 1995

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  297. 吊橋ハンガーロープ定着部におけるピン結合部の接触圧



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    Event date: 1995

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  298. 縦リブ溶接継手部の疲労強度の寸法効果について



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    Event date: 1995

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  299. 溶接継手部の疲労強度の溶接材料依存性



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    Event date: 1994

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  300. Local Deformation Induced Fatigue in Steel Bridge Members International conference

    Kazuo Tateishi, Chitoshi Miki, Sasaki K,Hiroyuki Takenouchi

    Proc.of the 3rd Korea-Japan Joint Seminar on Steel Bridges 

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    Event date: 1994

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  301. Dependence of Electrodes on Fatigue Strength of Welded Details International conference

    Kazuo Tateishi,Kyung K.S,Chitoshi Miki,Fumitaka Machida

    Proc.of the 3rd Korea-Japan Joint Seminar on Steel Bridges 

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    Event date: 1994

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  302. 端部エコー法による疲労亀裂開閉口の観察



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    Event date: 1994

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  303. 冷間加工を受けた構造用鋼材の破壊じん性の関する研究



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    Event date: 1994

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  304. 箱断面補剛桁のダイアフラム-縦リブ交差部の疲労強度



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    Event date: 1994

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  305. 疲労強度向上のためのスカラップディテールの改良方法



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    Event date: 1994

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  306. 面内力を受けるスカラップ構造の疲労強度



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    Event date: 1993

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  307. 多軸応力場における疲労き裂の発生・進展挙動



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    Event date: 1993

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  308. 面外力を受けるスカラップ構造の疲労強度



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    Event date: 1993

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  309. 軟質溶接による縦軸方向溶接部の疲労強度



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    Event date: 1993

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  310. ホットスポット応力の考え方を利用した実橋におけるゲージ位置



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    Event date: 1992

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  311. プレートガーターソールプレート部の局部応力と疲労



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    Event date: 1992

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  312. 鋼床版縦リブ・横リブ交差部の変形挙動と疲労損傷モード



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    Event date: 1992

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  313. Simulation Study on Fatigue Crack Growth Life of Longitudinal Welded Joints International conference

    Kazuo Tateishi, Chitoshi Miki, Kyung.K.S

    Proc.of the 2nd Japan-Korea Joint Seminar on Steel Bridges 

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    Event date: 1992

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  314. Fatigue Strength of the Joint between Transverse and Longitudinal Rids in Orthotropic Steel Deck Plate International conference

    Kazuo Tateishi, Chitoshi Miki, Matumoto,T

    Proc.of the 2nd Japan-Korea Joint Seminar on Steel Bridges 

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    Event date: 1992

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

  315. 鋼材のひずみ時効効果の破壊力学的評価



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    Event date: 1992

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  316. 鋼床版の変位誘起疲労の発生メカニズム



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    Event date: 1991

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  317. 鋼床版三次元モデル疲労試験



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    Event date: 1991

    Language:Japanese   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  


  318. A live load for fatigue design of steel highway bridges International conference

    Chitoshi Miki, Kazuo Tateishi, Ichiro Sugimoto,Atsushi Okugawa

    Proc.of the 1st Japan-Korea Joint Seminar on Steel Bridges 

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    Event date: 1990.8

    Language:English   Presentation type:Oral presentation (general)  

▼display all

Works 1

  1. Fatigue Characteristics of Weld Joints Employing SBHS


Research Project for Joint Research, Competitive Funding, etc. 48

  1. 令和4年度垂直補剛材とデッキプレートの溶接部に発した疲労き裂への対策に関する研究

    2022.10 - 2023.3


      More details

    Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount:\1996500 ( Direct Cost: \1535769 、 Indirect Cost:\460731 )

  2. 鋼橋の疲労き裂対策およびき裂進展性状に関する研究

    2022.6 - 2023.3


      More details

    Grant amount:\4385600 ( Direct Cost: \4150000 、 Indirect Cost:\235600 )

  3. 鉄鋼材料の高機能化と高度利用技術開発

    2022.4 - 2023.3


      More details

    Grant amount:\1700000 ( Direct Cost: \1200000 、 Indirect Cost:\500000 )

  4. 令和3年度垂直補剛材とデッキプレートの溶接部に発した疲労き裂への対策に関する研究

    2021.10 - 2022.3


      More details

    Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount:\1999800 ( Direct Cost: \1538308 、 Indirect Cost:\461492 )

  5. 鋼橋の疲労き裂対策およびき裂進展性状に関する研究

    2021.6 - 2022.3


      More details

    Grant amount:\4390000 ( Direct Cost: \3377000 、 Indirect Cost:\1013000 )

  6. 構造工学および地震工学関連分野に関する学術研究動向

    2021.4 - 2022.3


      More details

    Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount:\1560000 ( Direct Cost: \1200000 、 Indirect Cost:\360000 )

  7. 鋼箱桁コーナープレート先端部付近のピーニング処理に関する研究

    2020.11 - 2021.3


      More details

    Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount:\1243200 ( Direct Cost: \1200000 、 Indirect Cost:\43200 )

  8. 令和2年度垂直補剛材とデッキプレートの溶接部に発した疲労き裂への対策に関する研究開発

    2020.10 - 2021.3


      More details

    Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount:\1591933 ( Direct Cost: \1536615 、 Indirect Cost:\55318 )

  9. 低サイクル疲労を考慮したせん断パネルダンパーの設計法に関する共同研究

    2020.7 - 2021.6


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    Grant amount:\14525600 ( Direct Cost: \13400000 、 Indirect Cost:\1125600 )

  10. 構造工学および地震工学関連分野に関する学術研究動向

    2020.4 - 2021.3


      More details

    Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount:\2400000 ( Direct Cost: \1200000 、 Indirect Cost:\1200000 )

  11. 鋼箱桁コーナープレート先端部付近のピーニング処理に関する研究

    2020.3 - 2020.6


      More details

    Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount:\1864800 ( Direct Cost: \1800000 、 Indirect Cost:\64800 )

  12. 令和元年度垂直補剛材とデッキプレートの溶接部に発した疲労き裂への対策に関する研究開発

    2019.10 - 2020.3


      More details

    Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount:\1589303 ( Direct Cost: \1534077 、 Indirect Cost:\55226 )

  13. 構造工学および地震工学関連分野に関する学術研究動向

    2019.4 - 2020.3


      More details

    Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount:\2400000 ( Direct Cost: \1200000 、 Indirect Cost:\1200000 )

  14. 低サイクル疲労を考慮したせん断パネルダンパーの設計法に関する共同研究

    2019.2 - 2019.10


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    Grant amount:\3662960 ( Direct Cost: \3617960 、 Indirect Cost:\45000 )

  15. 低ライフサイクルコストを実現するインフラ向けCFRP引抜部材の設計・成形・施工法の開発および光ファイバを用いたモニタリング技術の開発

    2018.6 - 2019.3


      More details

    Grant amount:\7077320 ( Direct Cost: \7010000 、 Indirect Cost:\67320 )

  16. 構造工学および地震工学関連分野に関する学術研究動向

    2018.4 - 2019.3


      More details

    Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount:\2400000 ( Direct Cost: \1200000 、 Indirect Cost:\1200000 )

  17. 磁石走行式ロボット等を活用した橋梁点検システムの開発

    2017.11 - 2018.3


      More details

    Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount:\1639440 ( Direct Cost: \1620000 、 Indirect Cost:\19440 )

  18. 低ライフサイクルコストを実現するインフラ向けCFRP引抜部材の設計・成形・施工法の開発および光ファイバを用いたモニタリング技術の開発

    2017.8 - 2018.3


      More details

    Grant amount:\8523600 ( Direct Cost: \8520000 、 Indirect Cost:\3600 )

  19. Iビーム桁支点首部の疲労損傷に関する研究

    2016.8 - 2017.3


      More details

    Grant amount:\3970230 ( Direct Cost: \3927000 、 Indirect Cost:\43230 )

  20. 磁石走行式ロボット等を活用した橋梁点検システムの開発

    2016.7 - 2017.3


      More details

    Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount:\3276000 ( Direct Cost: \3240000 、 Indirect Cost:\36000 )

  21. 炭素繊維を活用した橋梁補強技術開発業務

    2016.6 - 2017.3


      More details

    Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount:\5832000 ( Direct Cost: \5832000 )

  22. せん断パネルダンパーの低サイクル疲労性能評価に関する共同研究

    2015.11 - 2016.10


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    Grant amount:\1799820 ( Direct Cost: \1782000 、 Indirect Cost:\17820 )

  23. 炭素繊維を活用した橋梁補強技術開発業務

    2015.8 - 2016.3


      More details

    Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount:\6048000 ( Direct Cost: \6048000 )

  24. 疲労き裂の補修技術に関する研究開発

    2015.8 - 2016.3


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    Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount:\1581320 ( Direct Cost: \1535262 、 Indirect Cost:\46058 )

  25. フェイズドアレイ超音波探を用いた鋼床版の点検手法に関する研究

    2015.7 - 2016.7


      More details

    Grant amount:\6060000 ( Direct Cost: \6000000 、 Indirect Cost:\60000 )

  26. Iビーム桁支点首部の疲労損傷に関する研究

    2015.5 - 2016.3


      More details

    Grant amount:\3966300 ( Direct Cost: \3927000 、 Indirect Cost:\39300 )

  27. レーザ・アークハイブリッドの疲労耐久性に関する研究

    2015.4 - 2016.3


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    Grant amount:\919000 ( Direct Cost: \910000 、 Indirect Cost:\9000 )

  28. 鉄道橋溶接部の疲労強度評価と補強方法の検討

    2014.11 - 2016.10


      More details

    Grant amount:\1483230 ( Direct Cost: \1470000 、 Indirect Cost:\13230 )

  29. Iビーム桁支点首部の疲労損傷に関する研究

    2014.11 - 2015.3


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    Grant amount:\4457780 ( Direct Cost: \4418000 、 Indirect Cost:\39780 )

  30. 音カメラを活用した橋梁点検ロボットの研究開発

    2014.9 - 2018.3


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    Grant type:Competitive

  31. 巨大地震時の鋼構造物の低サイクル疲労破壊予測と制御に関する研究

    2014.8 - 2016.3


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    Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount:\10326220 ( Direct Cost: \10234080 、 Indirect Cost:\92140 )

  32. 疲労き裂の補修技術に関する研究開発

    2014.8 - 2015.3


      More details

    Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount:\1572448 ( Direct Cost: \1531108 、 Indirect Cost:\41340 )

  33. せん断パネルダンパーの低サイクル疲労性能評価に関する共同研究

    2014.8 - 2015.2


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    Grant amount:\1798038 ( Direct Cost: \1782000 、 Indirect Cost:\16038 )

  34. インフラ維持管理・更新等の社会課題対応システム開発プロジェクト/インフラ維持管理用ロボット技術・非破壊検査装置開発/音カメラを活用した橋梁点検ロボットの研究開発

    2014.7 - 2016.3


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    Grant amount:\11460460 ( Direct Cost: \11304000 、 Indirect Cost:\156460 )

  35. レーザ・アークハイブリッドの疲労耐久性に関する研究

    2014.6 - 2015.3


      More details

    Grant amount:\918100 ( Direct Cost: \910000 、 Indirect Cost:\8100 )

  36. 疲労き裂の補修技術に関する研究開発

    2014.6 - 2015.3


      More details

    Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount:\5800794 ( Direct Cost: \5781092 、 Indirect Cost:\19702 )

  37. 疲労き裂の補修技術に関する研究開発

    2013.8 - 2014.3


      More details

    Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount:\6100000 ( Direct Cost: \5545455 、 Indirect Cost:\554545 )

  38. 疲労き裂の補修技術に関する研究開発

    2013.7 - 2014.3


      More details

    Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount:\1564437 ( Direct Cost: \1523308 、 Indirect Cost:\41129 )

  39. レーザ・アークハイブリッドの疲労耐久性に関する研究

    2013.5 - 2014.3


      More details

    Grant amount:\918100 ( Direct Cost: \910000 、 Indirect Cost:\8100 )

  40. エアー式ニードルピーニング装置による鋼橋スカラップの疲労強度向上効果に関する検証

    2013.1 - 2013.12


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    Grant amount:\700000 ( Direct Cost: \700000 )

  41. 疲労き裂の補修技術に関する研究開発

    2012.9 - 2013.3


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    Grant type:Competitive

    Grant amount:\16700000 ( Direct Cost: \15181819 、 Indirect Cost:\1518181 )

  42. 複合構造の改良および新構造ー合成床版ハンチプレート溶接部の疲労強度に関する研究

    2011.6 - 2012.3


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    Grant amount:\1500000

  43. 部分溶け込み溶接により製作された荷重伝達型十字溶接継手の圧縮応力振幅下での疲労強度

    2011.4 - 2012.3


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    Grant amount:\1000000 ( Direct Cost: \1000000 )

  44. 鋼トラス橋のリダンダンシー評価手法の開発と合理的維持管理への適用

    2008.4 - 2010.3


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    Grant type:Competitive


  45. 鋼橋の疲労き裂進展シミュレーションに関する研究

    2007.4 - 2008.3


  46. 鋼橋の疲労限界状態に関する研究

    2006.4 - 2007.3

    日本鉄鋼連盟 鋼構造研究・教育助成事業 

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    Grant type:Competitive

  47. A Study on Fatigue Behavior of Composite Bridge Deck for Steel Bridges

    2005.8 - 2006.3

    Cooperative Research within Japan 

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    Grant amount:\600000

  48. 鋼構造物の疲労亀裂対策に関する研究

    2004.4 - 2005.3


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    Grant amount:\2500000


▼display all

KAKENHI (Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research) 9

  1. ノッチ応力に着目したすみ肉溶接継手ルートき裂に対する疲労寿命推定法の確立

    Grant number:23H01491  2023.4 - 2026.3

    科学研究費助成事業  基盤研究(B)

    舘石 和雄, 清水 優, 判治 剛

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    Authorship:Principal investigator 

    Grant amount:\18330000 ( Direct Cost: \14100000 、 Indirect Cost:\4230000 )


  2. Fatigue strength evaluation of welded joints failed by root cracks

    2013.4 - 2016.3

    Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research  Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)

      More details

    Authorship:Principal investigator 

  3. 疲労き裂が発生した鋼橋部材の残存寿命評価技術の開発

    2010.4 - 2013.3

    科学研究費補助金  基盤研究(B)

    舘石 和雄

      More details

    Authorship:Principal investigator 

  4. 土木鋼構造部材の溶接継手部を対象とした低サイクル疲労設計手法の開発

    2006.4 - 2008.3

    科学研究費補助金  基盤研究(B)

      More details

    Authorship:Principal investigator 

  5. 溶接鋼構造部材の低サイクル疲労強度予測手法に関する研究

    2004.4 - 2006.3

    科学研究費補助金  基盤研究(B)

    舘石 和雄

      More details

    Authorship:Principal investigator 

  6. 画像計測による疲労き裂進展性の定量的評価手法に関する研究

    2000.4 - 2002.3

    科学研究費補助金  基盤研究(C)(2)

      More details

    Authorship:Principal investigator 

  7. 大型構造部材を対象とした低サイクル疲労パラメータ計測システムの開発

    1999.4 - 2001.3

    科学研究費補助金  基盤研究(B)(2)

      More details

    Authorship:Principal investigator 

  8. AE法による低サイクル疲労破壊特性の解明

    1998.4 - 2000.3

    科学研究費補助金  基盤研究(C)(2)

      More details

    Authorship:Principal investigator 

  9. 土木構造部材に生じる低サイクル疲労現象に関する基礎的研究

    1996.4 - 1997.3

    科学研究費補助金  基盤研究(C)(2)

      More details

    Authorship:Principal investigator 

▼display all


Teaching Experience (On-campus) 23

  1. Laboratory in Physics


  2. 構造解析の基礎


  3. 鋼構造工学


  4. 鋼構造工学特論


  5. 社会基盤施設のライフサイクル設計特論


  6. Laboratory in Physics


  7. 構造解析の基礎


  8. 鋼構造工学


  9. 社会基盤維持管理学特論


  10. Laboratory in Physics


  11. 構造解析の基礎


  12. 鋼構造工学


  13. 社会基盤維持管理学特論


  14. 構造解析の基礎


  15. 鋼構造工学


  16. 社会基盤維持管理学特論


  17. Laboratory in Physics


  18. 社会基盤維持管理学特論


  19. 地域・都市マネジメントセミナー


  20. 社会基盤保全工学実習


  21. 社会基盤保全工学


  22. 鋼構造工学


  23. 数学1および演習


▼display all

Teaching Experience (Off-campus) 8

  1. 鋼構造学

    2023.9 - 2024.1 Meijo University)

     More details

    Level:Undergraduate (specialized) 

  2. 鋼構造学

    2022.9 - 2023.1 Meijo University)

     More details

    Level:Undergraduate (specialized) 

  3. 鋼構造学

    2021.9 - 2022.1 Meijo University)

  4. 鋼構造設計論

    2020.4 - 2021.3 Meijo University)

  5. 鋼構造設計論

    2019.4 - 2020.3 Meijo University)

  6. 鋼構造設計論

    2018.4 - 2019.3 Meijo University)

  7. 鋼構造設計論

    2017.4 - 2018.3 Meijo University)

  8. 土木基礎数学

    1999.4 - 2000.3 Hosei University)

▼display all


Social Contribution 49

  1. 名古屋市立桜台高等学校出前講義


    名古屋市立桜台高等学校  2023.12

  2. 溶接管理技術者(1級)研修会


    日本溶接協会  2023.9

  3. 溶接管理技術者(2級)研修会


    日本溶接協会  2023.9

  4. 名古屋大学オープンキャンパス模擬講義



  5. 名大MIRAI GSC 第1ステージ講義


    名古屋大学高等研究院  2023.6

  6. 溶接管理技術者(1級)研修会


    日本溶接協会  2023.4

  7. 溶接管理技術者(2級)研修会


    日本溶接協会  2022.9

  8. 溶接管理技術者(1級)研修会


    日本溶接協会  2022.4

  9. 溶接管理技術者(2級)研修会


    日本溶接協会  2022.4

  10. 溶接管理技術者(1級)研修会


    日本溶接協会  2021.9

  11. 溶接管理技術者(2級)研修会


    日本溶接協会  2021.9

  12. 溶接管理技術者(1級)研修会


    日本溶接協会  2021.4

  13. 溶接管理技術者(2級)研修会


    日本溶接協会  2021.4

  14. 溶接管理技術者(2級)研修会


    日本溶接協会  2020.9

  15. 溶接管理技術者(1級)研修会


    日本溶接協会  2020.9

  16. 溶接管理技術者(1級)研修会


    日本溶接協会  2019.4

  17. 溶接管理技術者(2級)研修会


    日本溶接協会  2019.4

  18. 溶接管理技術者(1級)研修会


    日本溶接協会  2018.9

  19. 溶接管理技術者(2級)研修会


    日本溶接協会  2018.9

  20. 模擬講義


    名古屋大学オープンキャンパス  2018.8

     More details

    Audience: High school students

  21. 溶接管理技術者(1級)研修会


    日本溶接協会  2018.4

  22. 溶接管理技術者(2級)研修会


    日本溶接協会  2018.4

  23. 溶接管理技術者(1級)研修会


    日本溶接協会  2017.4

  24. 溶接管理技術者(1級)研修会


    日本溶接協会  2016.4

  25. 溶接管理技術者(2級)研修会


    日本溶接協会  2015.4

  26. 溶接管理技術者(1級)研修会


    日本溶接協会  2015.4

  27. 愛知県立瑞陵高等学校出前授業


  28. 玉野業務研究発表会


  29. 溶接管理技術者(2級)研修会(日本溶接協会)


  30. 溶接管理技術者(2級)研修会(日本溶接協会)


  31. 溶接管理技術者(1級)研修会(日本溶接協会)


  32. 土木学会関西支部FCMに着目した橋梁の維持管理に関する調査検討委員会講演


  33. 溶接管理技術者(2級)研修会(日本溶接協会)


  34. 溶接管理技術者(1級)研修会(日本溶接協会)


  35. 国土交通省中部地方整備局橋梁保全研修


  36. 第18回初心者のための疲労設計講習会(日本材料学会)


  37. 溶接管理技術者(2級)研修会


    日本溶接協会  2012.9

  38. 溶接管理技術者(1級)研修会(日本溶接協会)


  39. 溶接管理技術者(2級)研修会(日本溶接協会)


  40. 三菱重工エンジニアリング㈱講演会


     More details


  41. 橋梁技術発表会及び講演会(中部地区)(日本橋梁建設協会)


  42. 国土交通省中部地方整備局橋梁保全研修


  43. 溶接管理技術者(1級)研修会(日本溶接協会)


  44. 第12回初心者のための疲労設計講習会(日本材料学会)


  45. 国土交通省中部地方整備局橋梁保全研修


  46. 溶接管理技術者(1級)研修会(日本溶接協会)


  47. 構造技術研究部会講演会(高速道路技術センター)


  48. 韓国土木学会釜山・慶南・蔚山支部講演会


  49. 中部電力㈱企業研修「構造力学」


▼display all

Academic Activities 1

  1. これからの橋梁保全を支える人・技・制度

    Role(s):Panel moderator, session chair, etc.

    名古屋大学橋梁長寿命化推進室  2022.11

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    Type:Competition, symposium, etc.