Graduate School of Informatics

Updated on 2025/02/27
博士(理学) ( 1996.10 早稲田大学 )
Life Science / Biophysics / Theoretical biology, Bioinformatics
Informatics / Life, health and medical informatics / Bioinformatics
東京工業大学 学術国際情報センター 助教授
2002.4 - 2008.3
国立遺伝学研究所 DDBJ・生命情報研究センター 助手
1996.8 - 2002.3
日本学術振興会 特別研究員(DC2)
1996.4 - 1996.7
蛋白工学研究所 研究員
1994.4 - 1995.3
東燃(株)総合研究所 研究員
1990.4 - 1994.3
Waseda University
1994.4 - 1996.10
Country: Japan
Dual-wield NTPases: a novel protein family mined from AlphaFold protein structure database Reviewed International journal
K. Sakuma, R, Koike, M. Ota
Prot. Sci. Vol. in press 2024
Elastic network model reveals distinct flexibilities of capping proteins bound to CARMIL and twinfilin-tail Reviewed International journal
Koike, R; Ota, M
A Semantic Design for the Biological Processes Associated with Intrinsically Disordered Proteins
Yamaguchi A., Kado Y., Sakamoto S., Fukuchi S., Ota M.
CEUR Workshop Proceedings Vol. 3890 page: 202 - 203 2024
Prediction of chaperonin GroE substrates using small structural patterns of proteins Reviewed International journal
Minami Shintaro, Niwa Tatsuya, Uemura Eri, Koike Ryotaro, Taguchi Hideki, Ota Motonori
FEBS OPEN BIO Vol. 13 ( 4 ) page: 779 - 794 2023.4
How AlphaFold2 predicts conditionally folding regions annotated in an intrinsically disordered protein database Reviewed International journal
H. Anbo, K. Sakuma, S. Fukuchi, M. Ota
Biology Vol. 12 page: 182 2023.1
Classification of proteins inducing liquid-liquid phase separation: sequential, structural and functional characterization Invited Reviewed International journal
Ozawa Yuhei, Anbo Hiroto, Ota Motonori, Fukuchi Satoshi
Structures and mechanisms of actin ATP hydrolysis Reviewed International journal
Kanematsu Y., Narita A., Oda T., Koike R., Ota M., Takano Y., Moritsugu K., Fujiwara I., Tanaka K., Komatsu H., Nagae T., Watanabe N., Iwasa M., Maéda Y., Takeda S.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America Vol. 119 ( 43 ) page: e2122641119 2022.10
Evaluating cepharanthine analogues as natural drugs against SARS-CoV-2 Reviewed
FEBS OPEN BIO Vol. 12 ( 1 ) page: 285 - 294 2021.11
Current status of structure-based drug repurposing against COVID-19 by targeting SARS-CoV-2 proteins Invited Reviewed
Hijikata Atsushi, Shionyu Clara, Nakae Setsu, Shionyu Masafumi, Ota Motonori, Kanaya Shigehiko, Shirai Tsuyoshi
Biophys. Physicobiol. Vol. 18 ( 0 ) page: 226 - 240 2021.10
Structural Insights into the Regulation of Actin Capping Protein by Twinfilin C-terminal Tail Reviewed
Takeda Shuichi, Koike Ryotaro, Fujiwara Ikuko, Narita Akihiro, Miyata Makoto, Ota Motonori, Maeda Yuichiro
J. Mol. Biol. Vol. 433 ( 9 ) page: 166891 2021.4
Crystal structure of human V-1 in the apo form Reviewed
S. Takeda, R. Koike, T. Nagae, I. Fujiwara, A. Narita, Y. Maéda, M. Ota
Acta. Cryst. F Vol. 77 ( Pt 1 ) page: 13 - 21 2021.1
Knowledge-based Modeling of SARS-CoV-2 Proteins and Predicting its Potential Drugs Invited Reviewed
HIJIKATA Atsushi, SHIONYU-MITSUYAMA Clara, NAKAE Setsu, SHIONYU Masafumi, OTA Motonori, KANAYA Shigehiko, SHIRAI Tsuyoshi
Seibutsu Butsuri Vol. 61 ( 2 ) page: 102 - 106 2021
Knowledge-based strutural models of SARS-CoV-2 proteins and their complexes with potential drugs Reviewed
A. Hijikata, C. Shionyu-Mitsuyama, S. Nakae, M. Shionyu, M. Ota, S. Kanaya, T. Shirai
FEBS Lett. Vol. 594 page: 1960 - 1973 2020.5
All Atom Motion Tree detects side chain-related motions and their coupling with domain motion in proteins Reviewed
R. Koike, M. Ota
Biophys. Physicobiol. ( 16 ) page: 280-286 2019.11
Protein kinases phosphorylate long disordered regions in intrinsically disordered proteins Reviewed
R. Koike, M. Amano, K. Kaibuchi, M. Ota
Protein Sci. Vol. 29 page: 564-571 2019.11
MICAN-SQ: a sequential protein structure alignment program that is applicable to monomers and all types of oligomers Reviewed
S. Minami, K. Sawada, M. Ota, G. Chikenji
Bioinformatics Vol. 34 page: 3324-3331 2018.10
Using 1HN amide temperature coefficients to define intrinsically disordered regions: An alternative NMR method Reviewed
H. Okazaki, N. Matsuo, T. Tenno, N. Goda, Y. Shigemitsu, M. Ota, H. Hiroaki
Protein Sci. Vol. 27 page: 1821-1830 2018.8
Discovery of Cryoprotective Activity in Human Genome-Derived Intrinsically Disordered Proteins Reviewed
N. Matsuo, N. Goda, K. Shimizu, S. Fukuchi, M. Ota, H. Hiroaki
Int. J. Mol. Sci. Vol. 19 page: 401 2018.1
Large-scale aggregation analysis of eukaryotic proteins reveals an involvement of intrinsically disordered regions in protein folding Reviewed
E. Uemura, T. Niwa, S. Minami, K. Takemoto, S. Fukuchi, K. Machida, H. Imataka, T. Ueda, M. Ota, H. Taguchi
Sci. Rep. Vol. 8 page: 678 2018.1
Structural changes of homodimers in the PDB Reviewed
R. Koike, T. Amemiya, T. Horii, M. Ota
J. Str. Biol. page: in press 2018
Rules for connectivity of secondary structure elements of proteins: Two-layer αβ sandwiches Reviewed
S. Minami, G. Chikenji, M. Ota
Prot. Sci. Vol. 26 page: 2257-2267 2017.11
Itinerary profiling to analyze a large number of protein-folding trajectories Reviewed
M. Ota, M. Ikeguchi, A. Kidera
Biophys. Physicobiol. Vol. 13 page: 295-304 2016.11
Interface property responsible for effective interactions of protean segments: Intrinsically disordered regions that undergo disorder-to-order transitions upon binding Reviewed
D. Shaji, T. Amemiya, R. Koike R, M. Ota
BBRC Vol. 478 page: 123-127 2016.9
Profile comparison revealed deviation from structural constraint at the positively selected sites Reviewed
H. Oda , M. Ota, H. Toh
Biosystems Vol. 147 page: 67-77 2016.7
Multiple-localization and hub proteins Reviewed
M. Ota, H. Gonja, R. Koike, S. Fukuchi
PLoS ONE Vol. 11 page: e0156455 2016.6
Comprehensive analysis of motions in molecular dynamics trajectories of the actin capping protein and its inhibitor complexes Reviewed
R. Koike, S. Takeda, Y. Maéda, M. Ota
Proteins Vol. 84 page: 948-956 2016.4
Investigation of the fatty acid transporter-encoding genes SLC27A3 and SLC27A4 in autism Reviewed
M. Maekawa, Y. Iwayama, T. Ohnishi, M. Toyoshima, C. Shimamoto, Y. Hisano, T. Toyota, S. Balan, H. Matsuzaki, Y. Iwata, S. Takagai, K. Yamada, M. Ota, S. Fukuchi, Y. Okada, W. Akamatsu, M. Tsujii, N. Kojima, Y. Owada, H. Okano, N. Mori, T. Yoshikawa
Sci. Rep. Vol. 5 page: 16239 2015.11
Domain-motion enhanced (DoME) model for efficient conformational sampling of multi-domain proteins Reviewed
C. Kobayashi, Y. Matsunaga, R. Koike, M. Ota, Y. Sugita
J. Phys. Chem. B Vol. 119 page: 14584-14593 2015.11
A method for systematic assessment of intrinsically disordered protein regions by NMR Reviewed
N. Goda, K. Shimizu, Y. Kuwahara, T. Noguchi, T. Ikegami, M. Ota, H. Hiroaki
Int. J. Mol. Sci. Vol. 16 page: 15743-15760 2015.7
Hierarchical domain-motion analysis of conformational changes in Sarcoplasmic Reticulum Ca2+-ATPase Reviewed
C. Kobayashi, R. Koike, M. Ota, Y. Sugita
Proteins Vol. 83 page: 746-756 2015.4
An optimized Npro-based method for the expression and purification of intrinsically disordered proteins for an NMR study Reviewed
N. Goda, N. Matsuo, T. Tenno, S. Ishino, Y. Ishino, S. Fukuchi, M. Ota, H. Hiroaki
IDP Vol. 3 page: 1-6 2015.2
Hierarchical description and extensive classification of protein structural changes by Motion Tree Reviewed
R. Koike, M. Ota, A. Kidera
J. Mol. Biol. Vol. 426 page: 752-762 2014.2
IDEAL in 2014 illustrates interaction networks composed of intrinsically disordered proteins and their binding partners Reviewed
S. Fukuchi, T. Amemiya, S. Sakamoto, Y. Nobe, K. Hosoda, Y. Kado, SD. Murakami, R. Koike, H. Hiroaki, M. Ota
Nucleic Acids Res. Vol. 42 page: D320-D325 2014.1
Exon resequencing of H3K9 methyltransferase complex genes, EHMT1, EHMT2 and WIZ, in Japanese autism subjects Reviewed
S. Balan, Y. Iwayama, M. Maekawa, T. Toyota, T. Ohnishi, M. Toyoshima, C. Shimamoto, K. Esaki, K. Yamada, Y. Iwata, K. Suzuki, M. Ide, M. Ota, S. Fukuchi, M. Tsujii, N. Mori, Y. Shinkai, T. Yoshikawa
Molecular Autism page: in the press 2014
Accidental interaction between PDZ domains and diclofenac revealed by NMR-assisted virtual screening Reviewed
T. Tenno, N. Goda, Y. Umetsu, M. Ota, K. Kinoshita, H. Hiroaki
Molecules Vol. 18 page: 9567-9581 2013.8
Substrate-shielding and hydrolytic reaction in hydrolases Reviewed
Y. Kanematsu, R. Koike, T. Amemiya, M. Ota
Vol. 81 page: 926-932 2013.2
An assignment of intrinsically disordered regions of proteins based on NMR structures Reviewed
M. Ota, R. Koike, T. Amemiya, T. Tenno, P. R. Romero, H. Hiroaki, A. K. Dunker, S. Fukuchi
J. Str. Biol. Vol. 181 page: 29-36 2013.1
Influence of structural symmetry on protein dynamics Reviewed
Y. Matsunaga, R. Koike, M. Ota, J. Tame, A. Kidera
PLos One Vol. 7 page: e50011 2012.11
A nobel biclustering approach with iterative optimization to analyze gene expression data Reviewed
S. Sutheworapong, M. Ota, H. Ohta, K. Kinoshita
Adv. Appl. Bioinform. Chem. Vol. 5 page: 23-59 2012.9
SCPC: A method to structurally compare protein complexes
R. Koike, M. Ota
Bioinformatics page: in press 2012.2
PSCDB: a database for protein structural change upon ligand binding
T. Amemiya, R. Koike, A. Kidera, M. Ota
Nucleic Acids Res. page: in press 2012
IDEAL: intrinsically disordered proteins with extensive annotations and literature
S. Fukuchi, S. Sakamoto, Y. Nobe, SD. Murakami, T. Amemiya, K. Hosoda, R. Koike, H. Hiroaki, M. Ota
Nucleic Acids Res. page: in press 2012
SAHG, a comprehensive database of predicted structures of all human proteins Reviewed
C. Motono, J. Nakata, R. Koike, K. Shimizu, M. Shirota, T. Amemiya, K. Tomii, N. Nagano, N. Sakaya, K. Misoo, M, Sato, A. Kidera, H. Hiroaki, T. Shirai, K. Kinoshita, T. Noguchi, M. Ota
Nucleic Acids Res. Vol. 39 page: D487 2011
Cover and spacer insertions: small non-hydrophobic accessories that assist protein oligomerization
H. Nishi, R. Koike, M. Ota
Proteins Vol. 79 page: 2372-2379 2011
Actin capping protein and its inhibitor CARMIL: how intrinsically disordered regions function Reviewed
S. Takeda, R. Koike, Y. Nitanai, S. Minakata, Y. Maéda, M. Ota
Phys. Biol. Vol. 8 page: 035005 2011
Remarkable improvement in the heat stability of CutA1 from Escherichia coli by rational protein design Reviewed
Y. Matsuura, M. Ota, T. Tanaka, M. Takehira, K. Ogasahara, B. Bagautdinov, N. Kunishima, K. Yutani
J. Biochem. Vol. 148 page: 449-458 2010
Amino acid substitutions at protein-protein interfaces that modulate the oligomeric state Reviewed
H. Nishi, M. Ota
Proteins Vol. 78 page: 1563-1574 2010
Two distinct mechanisms for actin capping proteinregulationTwo distinct mechanisms for actin capping proteinregulation- steric and allosteric inhibitionsteric and allosteric inhibition Reviewed
S. Takeda, S. Minakata, R. Koike, I. Kawahata, A. Narita, M. Kitazawa, M. Ota, T.Yamakuni, Y. Maéda, Y. Nitanai
PLos Biol. Vol. 8 page: e1000416 2010
Alteration of oligomeric state and domain architecture is essential for functional transformation between transferase and hydrolase with the same scaffold Reviewed
R. Koike, A. Kidera, M. Ota
Protein Sci. Vol. 18 page: 2060-2066 2009
An evaluation of minimal cellular functions to sustain a bacterial cell Reviewed
Y. Azuma, M. Ota
BMC Syst. Biol. Vol. 3 page: 111 2009
An enhanced partial order curve comparison algorithm and its application to analyzing protein folding trajectories Reviewed
H. Sun, H. Ferhatosmanoglu, M. Ota, Y. Wang
BMC Bioinformatics Vol. 9 page: 344 2008
Protein structural change upon ligand binding correlates with enzymatic reaction mechanism Reviewed
R. Koike, T. Amemiya, M. Ota, A. Kidera
J. Mol. Biol. Vol. 379 page: 397-401 2008
Unfolding pathways of goat α-lactalbumin as revealed in multiple alignment of molecular dynamics trajectories Reviewed
T. Oroguchi, M. Ikeguchi, M. Ota, K. Kuwajima and A. Kidera
J. Mol. Biol. Vol. 371 page: 1354-64 2007
Enhanced partial order curve comparison over multiple protein folding trajectories Reviewed
H. Sun, H. Ferhatosmanoglu, M. Ota, Y. Wang
Comput. Syst. Bioinformatics. Conf. Vol. 6 page: 299-310 2007
A hyperthermophilic protein acquires function at the cost of stability Reviewed
A. Mukaiyama, M. Haruki, M. Ota, Y. Koga, K. Takano and S. Kanaya
Biochemistry Vol. 24 page: 12673-12679 2006
Stabilization of E. coli ribonuclease HI by the 'stability profile of mutant protein' (SPMP)-inspired random and non-random mutagenesis Reviewed
M. Haruki, Y. Saito, M. Ota, K. Nishikawa, S. Kanaya
J. Biotech. Vol. 25 page: 512-522 2006
Design of λ Cro fold: solution structure of a monomeric variant of the de novo protein Reviewed
Y. Isogai, Y. Ito, T. Ikeya, Y. Shiro, M. Ota
J. Mol. Biol. Vol. 354 page: 801-814 2005
P-cats: Prediction of catalytic residues in proteins from the tertiary structures Reviewed
K. Kinoshita and M. Ota
Bioinformatics Vol. 21 page: 3570-3571 2005
Stabilization mechanism of the tryptophan synthase alpha-subunit from Thermus thermophilus HB8: X-ray crystallographic analysis and calorimetry Reviewed
Y. Asada, M. Sawano, K. Ogasahara, J. Nakamura, M. Ota, C. Kuroishi, M. Sugahara, K. Yutani, N. Kunishima
J Biochem (Tokyo) Vol. 138 page: 343-353 2005
Phylogeny of protein-folding trajectories reveals a unique pathway to native structure Reviewed
M. Ota, M. Ikeguchi and A. Kidera
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 101 page: 17658-17663 2004
Integrative annotation of 21,037 human genes validated by full-length cDNA clones Reviewed
T. Imanishi et al.
PLoS. Biol. Vol. 2 page: E162 2004
The crystal structure of the tryptophan synthase beta subunit from the hyperthermophile Pyrococcus furiosus Reviewed
Y. Hioki, K. Ogasahara K, S. Lee, J. Ma, M. Ishida, Y. Yamagata, Y. Matsuura, M. Ota, M. Ikeguchi, S. Kuramitsu, K. Yutani
Eur. J. Biochem. Vol. 271 page: 2624-2635 2004
Sakuma K., Chikenji G., Ota M.
Methods in Molecular Biology 2025
Computational Methods to Predict Intrinsically Disordered Regions and Functional Regions in Them
Anbo H., Ota M., Fukuchi S.
Methods in Molecular Biology 2023
Protein Structural Changes Based on Structural Comparison
Koike R., Ota M.
Practical Guide to Life Science Databases 2022.1 ( ISBN:9789811658112 )
ドロプレット形成のデータベースと予測(相分離生物学の全貌 白木賢太郎編)
太田元規,福地佐斗志( Role: Contributor)
東京化学同人 2020.11
verification of the back-door model for actin phasphate release
Grant number:22K06172 2022.4 - 2025.3
Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C)
Large-scale Complex Systems Computation 2
Introduction to Biophysics Ib
First Year Seminar A
Nature as Information System 1:Life
Bioinformatics 1
Physical and Life Science Informatics 3
Informatics 4
Bioinformatics 2
Complex Systems Sciences 1
Complex Systems Exercise 4
Physical and Life Science Informatics 10
Simulation Science 2
First Year Seminar A
Introduction to Biophysics Ib
Complex Systems Exercise 4
Physical and Life Science Informatics 10
Physical and Life Science Informatics 3
Simulation Science 2
Informatics 4
Nature as Information System 1:Life